Marketing Chapter 3 Homework Americans Place The Environment And Their Materialistic

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4045
subject Authors David L Mothersbaugh Associate Professor of Marketing, Delbert I Hawkins Dr

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LO1: Understand core American cultural values
LO2: Summarize changes in self, environment, and other-oriented values
LO3: Discuss values as they relate to green marketing
LO4: Discuss values as they relate to cause-related marketing
LO5: Discuss values as they relate to marketing to gay and lesbian consumers
LO6: Discuss values as they relate to gender-based marketing
LO1: Understand core American cultural values
Cultural values are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. Three categories of values that affect
LO2: Summarize changes in self, environment, and other-oriented values
In terms of self-oriented values, we place somewhat less emphasis on hard work as an end in itself
although we continue to work some of the longest hours among industrialized nations. We are trending
toward greater emphasis on sensual gratification. And, while the recent recession may have tempered
LO3: Discuss values as they relate to green marketing
Americans have shifted their view from one of overcoming nature to more of admiring nature. This
LO4: Discuss values as they relate to cause-related marketing
Americans are high on the value of problem solving. This makes us prone to want to put efforts toward
causes that are important to us in an attempt to fix or improve the situation. Cause-related marketing is
LO5: Discuss values as they relate to marketing to gay and lesbian consumers
The value placed on diversity continues to increase, with more openness to alternative lifestyles and
LO6: Discuss values as they relate to gender-based marketing
The ongoing shift from a traditionally masculine view toward a balanced masculine-feminine view has
1) Figure 3-1 provides a nice vehicle for discussion of changing values in our society. Students will
disagree with some of the authors' estimates and should be encouraged to voice these comments. This
is an excellent way to again make the point that one of the problems with marketing management is
that it is an art to the degree that we have no absolute proof that indicates exactly what is true with
respect to any given value. Managers must make “best estimates," and those estimates will vary by
age, background, and so forth, of the marketers involved.
3) An excellent starting point for discussing the depth of value changes in general, and gender-role
changes in particular, can be initiated by asking if the results of the 25 year-old study described below
would be obtained today.
Two thousand 3rd through 12th grade children were asked to react as if they woke up to find
themselves members of the opposite sex. Girls wrote repeatedly how much better off they would be
5) This question can also produce a good discussion:
Who is to blame for the “Big 3” auto manufacturers and their economic difficulties?
Some students will argue that it is the auto manufacturers who have built large, fuel inefficient
automobiles at the expense of investing in “greener” more fuel efficient alternatives.
Others may point out that consumers have some responsibility here as well. For example,
historically, the F-150 has been the (or a) top selling auto across most age groups.
1) What is a cultural value? Do all members of a culture share cultural values?
Cultural values are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. They impact our daily activities.
2) Describe the current American culture in terms of each of the 18 values discussed in this chapter.
a. Individual/collective: More collective than in the past but still strongly individualistic.
b. Performance/status: Moving back toward a strong performance emphasis.
m. Diversity/uniformity: The orientation has shifted from uniformity toward diversity.
n. Postponed gratification/immediate gratification: Many Americans who postponed gratification
during the recent recession are less willing to do so now even if their financial situation would
suggest otherwise.
o. Sensual gratification/abstinence: Increased tolerance and acceptance of sensual gratification
seems to be continuing.
3) How is voluntary simplicity related to the materialism value? What are the marketing implications of
voluntary simplicity? Do these implications vary by product class?
The U.S. continues to possess the characteristics of a consumption society. However, there is some
evidence that the strong value on material possessions is moderating with some consumers due to role
4) What is green marketing?
Green marketing generally involves one or more strategies: (1) developing products whose
5) What values underlie green marketing?
6) How is enviropreneurial marketing related to new product success and market share? Link this to the
value of green marketing in creating a competitive advantage.
Enviropreneurial marketing is environmentally-friendly marketing practices, strategies, and tactics
7) Describe the basic conflict between the environmental movement and many businesses.
The basic thrust of environmentalism is the “three Rs” - reduce, reuse, recycle. Two of the three core
8) What is cause-related marketing? Why is it often successful?
Cause-related marketing (CRM) is marketing that ties a company and its products to an issue or cause
with the goal to improve sales and corporate image while providing benefits to the cause. Companies
9) What are the major decisions a firm faces with respect to the gay market?
There are a number of decisions a firms faces with respect to any diverse group of consumers. The
10) What is meant by gender?
11) What is gender identity?
Gender identity refers to the traits of femininity (expressive traits such as tenderness and compassion)
12) What is a gender role?
13) How does an ascribed role differ from an achievement role?
A role is a prescribed pattern of behavior expected of a person in a given situation by virtue of the
14) What is happening to male and female gender roles in America?
15) What are the differences between a traditional and a modern gender role orientation?
Traditional = a marriage with the husband assuming the responsibility for providing for the family,
16) Describe a segmentation system for the female market based on employment status and gender role
Traditional housewife: not employed outside the home and has a tradition gender role orientation and
is generally content.
17) What are some of the major marketing implications of the changing role of women?
Many products are losing their traditional sex typing. There is an increased importance on
Discussion Questions
18) Describe additional values you feel could, or should, be added to Figure 3-1. Describe the marketing
implications of each.
a. Involvement/Noninvolvement: Are individuals deeply concerned or indifferent about
occurrences that don't affect them directly?
19) Pick the three values you feel the authors of this book were most inaccurate in the chapter in
describing the current American values. Justify your answers.
Postponed gratification may come up, possibly due to the fact that many students see college as
20) Pick the three values you feel the authors were most inaccurate about in describing the emerging
American values. Justify your answers.
Students are likely to pick as inaccurate Youth/Age, feeling that the shift is one of numbers not spirit
21) Respond to the questions in Consumer Insight 3-1.
Q1 answers will vary and may depend on the underlying value set of each student. As the text
notes, different consumers have different views of CRM efforts.
22) Which values are most relevant to the purchase or use of the following? Are they currently favorable
or unfavorable for ownership/use? Are they shifting at all? If so, is the shift in a favorable or
unfavorable direction?
a) Dietary supplements
d) Home theater systems
23) Do you believe Americans’ concern for the environment is a stronger value than their materialism?
24) What ethical issues do you see relating to green marketing?
The basic thrust of environmentalism is the “three Rs” - reduce, reuse, recycle. Two of the three core
25) Explain greenwashing and its possible role in the FTC’s revision of the Green Guides.
Greenwashing refers to situations whereby a firm promotes environmental benefits that are
process and its validity, particularly as it relates to third-party certification and seals.
26) Cause-related marketing is done to enhance the firm’s sales or image. Some critics consider such
marketing to be unethical. What is your position?
27) In which of the four categories of responders to cause-related marketing are you? Why?
This is a good question to follow the discussion of ethics in question #24. Getting students to discuss
28) Suppose AT&T showed a gay couple using its long distance service or P&G showed a gay couple
using one of its laundry products in ads on network television. Is a backlash by those who do not
accept the gay community a likely response? How are such consumers likely to respond? Why?
This may be a sensitive issue to discuss in an unstructured manner. The focus of the discussion
29) Do you think housewives may be defensive or sensitive about not having employment outside of the
home? If so, what implications will this have for marketing practice?
Undoubtedly advertisers will have to be very careful not to present the “just a housewife” image.
30) Develop an advertisement for the following for each of the four female market segments described in
the chapter (see pages 97 and 98).
a) Bicycles
b) iPad
c) Exercise equipment
d) Breakfast cereal
e) Vacation cruises
f) Cosmetics
To develop effective advertisements for these products and female segments, students have to first

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