Management Chapter 7 Homework Help The Leader Good Leader 2015 Cengage

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 7379
subject Authors Richard I. Daft

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Chapter Outline
The Art of Followership
What Your Leader Wants from You
Styles of Followership
Strategies for Managing Up
The Power and Courage to Manage Up
What Followers Want from Leaders
In the Lead
Summary and Interpretation
The important role of followership in organizations is increasingly recognized. Leaders and
followers are interdependent, and people are followers more often than leaders. People who
effectively manage both up and down the hierarchy are more successful, but managing up can be
difficult for new leaders. Strategies for managing up include being a resource, helping the leader
independent and active in the organization. Being an effective follower depends on not becoming
alienated, conforming, passive, or a pragmatic survivor. Effective followership is not always
easy. Effective followers display the courage to assume responsibility, to challenge their leaders,
to participate in transformation, to serve others, and to leave the organization when necessary.
Your Leadership Challenge
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
Effectively manage both up and down the hierarchy.
Recognize your followership style and take steps to become a more effective follower.
Understand the leader’s role in developing effective followers.
Key Terms and Concepts
Managing up: consciously and deliberately developing a meaningful, task related, mutually-
respectful relationship with your direct superiors.
Critical thinking: thinking independently and being mindful of the effects of one’s own and
other people’s behavior on achieving the organization’s vision.
Uncritical thinking: failing to consider possibilities beyond what one is told; accepting the
leader’s ideas without thinking.
Alienated follower: a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the
Irving Christopher and Angela Navarro are standing on a cliff looking out over the ocean. It’s
been a great two days, learning about how to be a better leader in today’s multicultural, social
media-crazy workplace. Now the seminar is over and the two middle managers are taking a stroll
along the cliff before driving home and returning to their regular work after the weekend. “You
Annotated Lecture/Outline
Leadership Challenge #1: Effectively manage both up and down the hierarchy.
I. The Art of Followership
Leadership and followership are closely intertwined. Considering leadership the sole basis for
success of the organization is a flawed assumption, and it limits the opportunity for people
throughout the organization to accept responsibility and make active, valuable contributions. For
Exhibit 7.1: Good Leaders Manage Both Up and Down the Hierarchy
A. Learn to Manage Up as Well as Down
Managing up means consciously and deliberately developing a meaningful, task-related,
mutually-respectful relationship with one’s direct superiors; offering insight, information,
guidance, and initiative; and challenging your superiors when necessary in order to enable all
members to do their best work for the organization.
B. Managing Up Presents Unique Challenges
Many new leaders are uncomfortable with the idea of managing their boss. Their overriding
concern is pleasing the boss and keeping him or her happy. Therefore, they hesitate to pass
along any information that might not be welcome, and they avoid questioning any of their
well as subordinates.
In the Lead: Irvin D. Yalom and Marcia Reynolds
Psychology professor Irvin D. Yalom has some interesting stories from his counseling
experience with clients in individual and group therapy. One woman ranted at length in a group
therapy session about her boss, who never listened and refused to pay her any respect. There’s
nothing funny about a bad boss, but the interesting thing about this client was that as her work
To effectively manage up requires understanding what leaders want and need.
Leadership Challenge #6: Know what followers want from leaders and what leaders expect
from followers.
II. What Your Leader Wants From You
Leaders and organizational situations vary, but there are some qualities and behaviors that every
good leader wants from his or her followers. The following are ones that have been shown to
contribute to productive and rewarding leader-follower relationships:
A Make-It-Happen Attitude. Leaders don’t want excuses. They want results.
A Willingness to Collaborate. Each follower is a part of the leader’s larger system and
should realize that his or her actions affect the whole.
Discussion Question #1: Discuss the role of a follower. Why do you think so little emphasis is
given to followership compared to leadership in organizations?
Leadership Challenge #2: Recognize your followership style and take steps to become a more
effective follower.
III. Styles of Followership
One theory of followership was proposed by Robert E. Kelley, who conducted extensive
interviews with leaders and followers and came up with five styles of followership. These
followership styles are categorized according to two dimensions:
The first dimension is quality of independent, critical thinking versus dependent,
uncritical thinking. Critical thinking means approaching subjects, situations, and
problems with thoughtful questions and in an unbiased way, gathering and assessing ideas
and information objectively, and mentally penetrating into underlying implications of
various alternatives.
o Independent critical thinkers are mindful of the effects of their and other people’s
The second dimension of followership style is active versus passive behavior.
o An active individual participates fully in the organization, engages in behavior that is
beyond the limits of the job, demonstrates a sense of ownership, and initiates
Exhibit 7.2: Followership Styles
The alienated follower is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.
Alienated followers are effective followers who have experienced setbacks, obstacles, and
New Leader Action Memo: Complete the questionnaire in Leader’s Self-Insight 7.1 to evaluate
how well you carry out a followership role.
The conformist participates actively in the organization but does not utilize critical thinking
skills in his or her task behavior. A conformist typically carries out any and all orders regardless
The pragmatic survivor has qualities of all four extremesdepending on which style fits with
the prevalent situation. This type of follower uses whatever style best benefits his or her own
The passive follower exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation.
Being passive and uncritical, these followers display neither initiative nor a sense of
responsibility. Passive followers leave the thinking to their leaders. Passive followers are often
Characterized by both mindfulness and a willingness to act, effective followers are essential for
an organization to be effective. They are capable of self-management, discern strengths and
weaknesses in themselves and in the organization, are committed to something bigger than
themselves, and work toward competency, solutions, and a positive impact.
In the Lead: Dawn Marshall, Pathmark
Dawn Marshall specializes in giving people a little bit of luxury in the mundane chore of grocery
shopping. She’s a good cashier, but her forte is bagging. Marshall knows how to pack the flimsy
plastic bags so that eggs don’t get broken, bread doesn’t get squashed, and ground beef doesn’t
leak all over the cereal boxes. She even won a National Grocers Association contest as the best
Effective followers act as leaders by setting an example and using a positive attitude to inspire
and uplift other people. They do not despair in their positions, nor do they resent or manipulate
New Leader Action Memo: As a leader, you can also be an effective follower. You can think
independently and critically instead of blindly accepting what your superiors tell you. Rather
Discussion Question #3: Compare the alienated follower with the passive follower. Can you
give an example of each? Have you ever been either one? How would you respond to each if you
were a leader?
Leadership Challenge #5: Implement the strategies for effective followership at school or work.
IV. Strategies for Managing Up
There is growing recognition that how followers manage their leaders is just as important as how
their leaders manage them. Two aspects of managing up are:
Understanding the leader
Using specific tactics to improve the leaderfollower relationship.
A. Understand the Leader
We all spend time and energy trying to understand people who are important to us, so it only
makes sense that we do the same with our boss if we want to have a productive working
Consider This: Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God.
Effective followers study their leader’s preferred work style. Effective followers learn their
leader’s preferences and adapt to them. People can pay close attention to the leader’s behavior
in the following areas to know how to be a more effective follower:
Does the leader like to know all the details of your plans, projects, and problems, or
does she just want the big picture?
Is the leader controlling or empowering? Does he want to closely supervise and be in
control of people’s behavior or delegate freely and look for opportunities to help
individuals grow and develop to their highest potential?
Does the leader like to carefully analyze information and alternatives before making a
decision, or is she more inclined to make quick decisions and take action?
Is the leader a reader or a listener? Does he like to have materials presented in written
form so he has time to study and analyze them by himself first, or does he prefer an oral
presentation where he can ask questions on the spot?
Is she a numbers person or a word person? Does she want statistics and figures to back
up your report or request?
Is the leader an extrovert or an introvert? Do interactions with large groups of people
energize or tire him? Does he like to be involved with people all day or need time alone
to think and recharge?
B. Tactics for Managing Up
Most followers at some point complain about the leader’s deficiencies, such as a failure to
listen, to encourage, or to recognize followers’ efforts. However, to be effective, followers
need to develop a meaningful, task-related relationship with their bosses that enable them to
add value to the organization even when their ideas disagree with those of the leader.
New Leader Action Memo: Leader’s Self-Insight 7.2 gives you a chance to see if you’re guilty
of being an annoying follower.
Followers should also be aware of behaviors that can annoy leaders and interfere with
Exhibit 7.3: Ways to Influence Your Leader
Exhibit 7.3 illustrates four tactics that enable followers to overcome the authority-based
relationship and develop an effective, respectful relationship with their leaders.
Be a Resource for the Leader
Effective followers align themselves to the purpose and the vision of the organization. By
understanding the vision and goals, followers can be a resource of strength and support for
Help the Leader be a Good Leader
Good followers seek the leader’s counsel and look for ways the leader can improve their
skills, abilities, and value to the organization. They help their leaders be good leaders by
simply saying what they need in order to be good followers. If a leader believes a follower
values his or her advice, the leader is more likely to give constructive guidance rather than
unsympathetic criticism.
New Leader Action Memo: As a leader, you can use strategies for managing up to create an
equitable and respectful relationship with your superiors. You can help your supervisor be the
best he or she can be by getting beyond submissive feelings and behaviors, recognizing that
leaders are fallible, and being a resource for the leader.
A leader can also become a better leader when followers compliment the leader for
behavior that followers appreciate, such as listening, rewarding followers’ contributions,
Build a Relationship with the Leader
Effective followers work toward an authentic relationship with their leaders, which
In the Lead: John Stroup, Belden Inc.
John Stroup, CEO of Belden Inc., a maker of electrical cables, says he is much more likely to
promote followers who disagree with and challenge him occasionally. In his previous job at
Danaher Corporation, Stroup saw some newly recruited senior managers get fired or transferred
because they pushed for changes or urged their bosses to adopt ideas before they had built
credibility with their superiors.
Leaders have learned that building a positive, respectful relationship with the leader is the
best way to get important changes implemented. Followers can generate respect by asking
questions about the leader’s experiences in the follower’s position, actively seeking
feedback, and clarifying the basis for specific feedback and criticism from the leader.
View the Leader Realistically
Unrealistic follower expectations present one of the biggest barriers to effective leader
follower relationships. When we accept that leaders are fallible and will make many
Discussion Question #4: Why is managing up important in organizations? Describe the strategy
for managing up that you most prefer. Explain.
Leadership Challenge #4: Apply the principles of effective followership, including
responsibility, service, challenging authority, participating in change, and knowing when to
V. The Power and Courage to Manage Up
Standing up to the boss isn’t easy. Finding the courage to effectively manage up comes easier
when people realize how much leaders depend on followers.
A. Sources of Power for Managing Up
Exhibit 7.4: Sources of Power for Managing Up
Exhibit 7.4 outlines several sources of power that can be used by followers to manage up.
Personal Sources
One personal source of upward influence is the follower’s knowledge and skills that are
valuable to the organization. A subordinate with useful knowledge is of real benefit to the
leader, and his or her departure would be a loss. In addition, someone who has a
Position Sources
A follower’s formal position also provides sources of power. For example, certain jobs or
physical locations can render the follower visible to numerous individuals. A position that
B. Necessary Courage to Manage Up
The Courage to Assume Responsibility
The effective follower feels a sense of personal responsibility and ownership in the
organization and its mission. Thus, the follower assumes responsibility for his or her own
The Courage to Challenge
Effective followers do not sacrifice their personal integrity or the good of the organization
The Courage to Participate in Transformation
Effective followers view the struggle of corporate change and transformation as a mutual
The Courage to Serve
An effective follower discerns the needs of the organization and actively seeks to serve
those needs. A follower can provide strength to the leader by supporting the leader and by
In the Lead: Laurie Stein, Clorox
One expert estimates that managers have a 30 percent to 40 percent chance of being fired after a
company hires an outside CEO. The best strategy for managers in these circumstances is to make
it their job to serve the new leader and help him or her succeed.
The Courage to Leave
Sometimes organizational or personal changes create a situation in which a follower must
Discussion Question #5: The chapter describes five ways in which followers need to use
courage. Which do you feel is most important? Least important? How might a follower derive
the courage to behave in new ways to be more effective? Discuss.
Discussion Question #7: Which type of follower courage is easiest for you to use? Hardest for
you to use? Can you think of ways to expand your power for influencing up?
Leadership Challenge # 6: Know what followers want from leaders and what leaders expect
from followers.
VI. What Followers Want from Leaders
Good followers are created partly by leaders who understand their requirements and obligations
for developing people. Research indicates that followers have expectations about what
constitutes a desirable leader.
Exhibit 7.5: Rank Order of Desirable Characteristics
Followers want their leaders to be honest, forward-thinking, inspiring, and competent. A leader
must be worthy of trust, envision the future of the organization, inspire others to contribute, and be
capable and effective in matters that will affect the organization.
New Leader Action Memo: As a leader, you can learn to give and receive feedback that
contributes to growth and improvement rather than fear and hard feelings.
Followers want their fellow followers to be honest and competent but also dependable and
cooperative. Thus, desired qualities of colleagues share two qualities with leadershonesty and
Followers do not want to be subjected to leader behavior that denies them the opportunity to make
valued contributions. Leaders have a responsibility to enable followers to fully contribute their
ideas and abilities. Four specific ways leaders enhance the abilities and contributions of followers
are by:
Offering clarity of direction
A. Clarity of Direction
It is the leader’s job to communicate where the organization is going and why. Followers need
specific, unambiguous goals and objectives on both an individual and team level. Numerous
studies have shown that clear, specific, challenging goals enhance people’s motivation and
Discussion Question #2: As a leader, what would you want most from followers? As a follower,
what would you want most from your leader? How do these differ? Why?
Leadership Challenge # 7: Use feedback and leadership coaching to help followers grow and
achieve their potential.
B. Opportunities for Growth
Leadership coaching is a method of directing or facilitating a follower with the aim of
improving specific skills or achieving a specific development goal, such as developing time
Exhibit 7.6: Follower Benefits from Coaching
Exhibit 7.6 shows benefits that followers get from leadership coaching, including gaining a new
Discussion Question #9: What does leadership coaching mean to you? How should leaders
decide which followers they will provide with coaching?
C. Frequent, Specific, and Immediate Feedback
Candid feedback is one of the most important elements contributing to the growth and
New Leader Action Memo: As a leader, you can make feedback a regular habit and remember
to include positive comments and praise as well as critical feedback. As a follower, you can view
feedback as a chance to improve yourself. Reframe negative feedback in a way that helps you
take positive action toward what you want out of your work and life.
Feedback occurs when a leader uses evaluation and communication to help individuals learn
about themselves and improve. Effective leaders provide both positive and negative
constructive feedback on an ongoing basis.
Followers appreciate positive feedback, but they also want to know when they aren’t doing
what is expected of them, and they want the feedback to be specific enough to enable them to
do better. Leaders who avoid giving any critical feedback “achieve kindness in the short term
but heartlessness in the long run, dooming the problem employee to non-improvement.” Some
ways leaders can provide feedback that benefits followers and takes less of an emotional toll
on both leader and follower are as follows:
Make it timely. People shouldn’t have to wait for an annual review to know how to
improve. Leaders should give feedback as soon as possible after they observe a behavior
or action they want to correct or reinforce.
Focus on the performance, not the person. Feedback should not be used simply to
Make it specific. Effective feedback describes the precise behavior and its consequences
and explains why the leader either approves of the behavior or thinks there is a need for
Focus on the desired future, not the past. Good leaders don’t drag up the failures and
mistakes of the past. Effective feedback looks toward the future, minimizes fault-
finding, and describes the desired behaviors and outcomes.
New Leader Action Memo: Before reading on, answer the questions in Leader’s Self-Insight
7.3 to learn if you have the correct mindset to benefit from leadership coaching.
Discussion Question #6: Do you think you would respond better to feedback that is presented
using a traditional scheduled performance review format or feedback that is presented as a
routine part of everyday work activities? Discuss. How do you think leaders should frame
negative feedback to achieve the best results?
Discussion Question #8: One organizational observer suggested that bosses who won’t give
negative feedback to followers who need it cause even more damage in the long run than those
who fly off the handle when a follower makes a mistake. Do you agree? Discuss.
D. Protection from Organizational Intrusions
Good followers want to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. They don’t want to be
continually interrupted by managers offering questions or suggestions, and they don’t want to
Discussion Question #10: What does it mean for a leader to act as a human shield? Do you
believe this should be part of a leader’s responsibility to followers?
Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the role of the follower. Why do you think so little emphasis is given to
followership compared to leadership in organizations?
Student answers will vary. Leadership and followership are fundamental roles that
2. As a leader, what would you want most from followers? As a follower, what would you
want most from your leader? How do these differ? How are they the same?
Students’ answers may vary. However, every good leader expects the following from
A make-it-happen attitudeleaders don’t want excuses. They want results.
A willingness to collaborateeach follower is a part of the leader’s larger system
3. Compare the alienated follower with the passive follower. Can you give an example of
each? Have you been either one? How would you respond to each if you were a leader?
An alienated follower is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.
He or she is often an effective follower who has experienced setbacks and obstacles,
4. Why is managing up important in organizations? Describe the strategy for managing up

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