Counseling Chapter 5 Homework How Congruent This Work Major With Their

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 403
subject Authors Richard S. Sharf

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To demonstrate Holland's six types, write each letter on a separate piece of paper. Put the six Holland
letters in six different places in the classroom. Ask the class members to select their most significant
Holland type. Then have them go to the letter of that type. Discuss with the other people the interests
and abilities that they have in common with each other. After a few minutes, ask them to move to the
Discuss the current work or the current major of class members. Have them label the Holland
environment of the work or major. How congruent is this work or major with their own Holland
personality type? Discuss the concept of differentiation by having students describe the differing
strengths of their interests, abilities, achievements, and values in their various Holland categories.
Are your codes consistent? Why is the concept of consistency important to you—or if it isn’t, why not?
Demonstrate conceptualization using Holland's theory by having a student role play a "client" with a
Have student’s role-play with each other. Ask the "counselor" to conceptualize achievement, interests,
personality, and values in terms of the six Holland types.
Do you believe that Holland's theory discriminates against women because more women score higher on
Social and Artistic categories than do men?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Holland's theory? Is the theory oversimplified?

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