978-1506362311 Review Question Chapter 15

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 179
subject Authors Peter G. Northouse

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Northouse, Leadership 8e
SAGE Publications, 2019
Review Questions
Chapter 15: Gender and Leadership
1. How do popular press authors and academic researchers differ in their reporting of gender
issues and leadership for women?
2. Describe women’s current representation in political and corporate leadership positions.
3. Explain the organizational barriers that put women at a disadvantage for promotion,
including corporate culture and the pipeline theory.
4. Explain the results of meta-analyses on gender and leadership style.
5. Describe the research results of gender and transformational leadership and how these
might differ for women and men.
6. Explain research results on gender and leadership effectiveness.
7. What reasons are offered in the chapter for men’s advantages in leadership?
8. Explain the value of informal networks and mentoring relationships.
9. What reasons are given in the chapter for a likely future increase in the number of women
in higher leadership roles?
10. How might gender differences in leaders’ values affect their company’s philanthropy and
sense of social responsibility?
11. What is intersectionality?
12. What are strengths of research on gender dynamics in leadership?
13. What are criticisms of research on gender dynamics in leadership?

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