Communications Writing Handout Homework Internet Access 14 Cannot Send The Merchandise You

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 1075
subject Authors Dana Loewy, Mary Ellen Guffey

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Using Active and Passive
Voice Strategically Name ______________________
Verbs may be in the active or passive voice. When the verb expresses an action
directed by the subject toward the object of the verb, the verb is said to be in the active
voice (Jamie sends messages). Verbs in the active voice are direct and forceful; they
clearly identify the doer of the action. For these reasons, writing that frequently uses the
active voice is vigorous and effective. It is called the voice of business.
When the action in a verb is directed toward the subject, the verb is said to be in the
To decide whether a verb is active or passive, first identify the subject and verb in a
sentence. Is the subject doing the acting or being acted upon? Another clue in
identifying passive-voice verbs is that they generally include a to be helping verb, such
as is, are, was, were, being, or been.
Passive: A new movie was released. [The subject is movie; the passive-voice verb
is was released].
In the following sentences underline the sentence subjects once and verbs twice. Then
in the space provided, write Active or Passive to identify the voice.
1. Employees in many companies send careless e-mails. _____
2. Employees in some companies were fired for sending careless e-mails. _____
3. Communication and computer skills are required by hiring companies. _____
Convert the following passive-voice sentences to active voice. Normally you can change
a verb from passive to active voice by making the doer of the actionusually contained
in a by phrasethe subject of the sentence. If no by phrase is provided, make up a
logical subject. Be ready to discuss the strategy (pros and cons) of each version.
6. Funds for the new hospital were contributed by private individuals.
7. Intranets are being used as internal networks by many savvy companies.
Convert the following active-voice sentences to passive voice. Be ready to discuss the
strategy (pros and cons) of each version.
11. The driver's negligence caused a serious accident.
12. Board members consulted no one before making the decision to cut salaries.
Discussion Question: Why are politicians so fond of saying, "Mistakes were
1. Subject: Employees; Verb: send Active voice
2. Subject: Employees; Verb: were fired Passive voice
3. Subject: skills; Verb: are required Passive voice
4. Subject: program; Verb: was devised Passive voice
5. Subject: Erin; Verb: sent Active voice
Students are to convert the following passive-voice sentences to active-voice.
6. Passive: Funds for the new hospital were contributed by private individuals.
Active: Private individuals contributed funds for the new hospital. [The active voice emphasizes
individuals. The passive voice emphasizes funds.]
7. Passive: Intranets are being used as internal networks by many savvy companies.
Active: Many savvy companies use intranets as an internal network. [The active voice
emphasizes companies. The passive voice emphasizes intranets.]
Students are to convert the following active-voice sentences to passive voice.
11. Active: The driver's negligence caused a serious accident.
Passive: Negligence caused a serious accident. [The passive voice emphasizes the action and
avoids mentioning the doer. Writers can control how much they reveal by their word choice.]
12. Active: Board members consulted no one before deciding to reduce salaries.
Passive: No one was consulted before the decision to reduce salaries was made. [The passive
voice avoids revealing who did what. This strategy depends on the goal of the writer.]
13. Active: Managers recently drew up a new e-mail policy severely restricting Internet access.
Passive: A new e-mail policy severely restricting Internet access was recently drawn up.
[The passive voice emphasizes the action or event rather than the doer.]

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