STM 70173

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1545
subject Authors Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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One of the biggest launches of any media product ever was the release of Call of Duty:
Modern Warfare 3, which made $775 million in its first five days.
A) True
B) False
In economic terms, the recording industry is best described as ______.
A) a monopoly
B) a big, friendly, family business
C) an oligopoly
D) alternative-music heaven
E) cluttered with indie record labels
The first sound movie, The Jazz Singer, was basically a silent film with a few spoken
words and musical numbers.
A) True
B) False
Who transmitted the first electronic TV picture?
A) John Grierson
B) Philo Farnsworth
C) Vladimir Zworykin
D) Thomas Edison
E) None of the above options is correct.
The minimal-effects model of mass media research holds that the media reinforce
existing behaviors and attitudes rather than change them.
A) True
B) False
In which way does the current trend toward public journalism differ from modern
A) It moves away from just telling the news to becoming involved in community life.
B) It insists that neutrality and objectivity are essential to any type of journalism.
C) It moves to increase editorial control in the newsroom and encourage the detached
watchdog mission of journalists.
D) It does not propose solutions to the political and social problems of the day.
E) All of the options are correct.
Libel is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.
A) True
B) False
The inverted-pyramid news story form is most commonly used with longer feature
A) True
B) False
What type of study looks at changes in a population over time?
A) Content analysis study
B) Longitudinal study
C) Agenda-setting study
D) Experiment study
E) Textual analysis study
The success of Star Wars had no effect on the business strategies of major studios going
A) True
B) False
Payola is the practice of record promoters paying deejays to play certain songs on the
A) True
B) False
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Income
B. Divides consumers into types
C. Propaganda Technique in the World War
D. "The real thing"
E. Investigative journalism pioneer
F. Public Opinion
G. Former president Richard Nixon
H. Ivy Ledbetter Lee
I. United Arab Emirates
K. Pseudo-event
L. Crystallizing Public Opinion
M. Galvanometers
John D. Rockefeller
Which of the following is true about the growing use of "talking head" pundits on cable
news networks?
A) Pundits have charisma and opinions, but are often weak on facts.
B) It makes an effort to target "niche" news audiences rather than a larger general
C) The return to partisan news could be seen as a return to journalistic practices of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
D) The use of pundits is a less expensive strategy for filling the twenty-four-hour news
E) All of the options are correct.
The successful launch of a game involves ______.
A) online promotions
B) banner ads
C) in-store displays
D) television ads
E) All of the options are correct.
Selecting from the following list, match items with the type of news with which they
are associated.
A. Print news
B. TV news
See It Now
Because of both high equipment and operating costs, digital technology is not expected
to benefit independent filmmakers for many years.
A) True
B) False
With the establishment of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 1967, nonprofit
radio and television stations no longer had to ask their audiences for financial support.
A) True
B) False
In the late 1950s, singer Little Richard stopped performing rock and roll because he
believed it was the "devil's music."
A) True
B) False
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Child Online Protection Act
B. Maxwell theorized existence of radio waves
C. Amos 'n' Andy started on Chicago radio
D. Developed the Audion, or triode, vacuum tube
E. Adolph Ochs bought the New York Times
F. The Life of an American Fireman
G. Frank Conrad's station became KDKA
H. Developed FM radio
I. Sued news organizations for libel
J. ABC, CBS, NBC broadcast evening lineups in color
K. Hollywood Ten
L. Saturday Evening Post folded
The word broadcasting derives from the steel industry, in part because KDKA in
Pittsburgh was one of the first stations to begin using radio as a mass medium.
A) True
B) False
Documentaries generally avoid controversial or unpopular subject matter.
A) True
B) False
The Edsel car is proof that effective advertising can sell anything.
A) True
B) False
The development of book superstores in the 1980s reinvigorated book sales.
A) True
B) False
There is no federal shield law for journalists in the United States.
A) True
B) False
The global spread of media software and electronic hardware has made it easier for
political leaders to secretly suppress dissident groups.
A) True
B) False
The aim of early radio networks such as CBS and NBC was to serve the public interest.
A) True
B) False
Historically, one controversial use of the association principlein advertising is ______.
A) large corporations trying to pretend they are smaller, friendlier companies
B) women being portrayed as stereotyped caricatures
C) the use of celebrities to sell products
D) commercials playing on the insecurities of consumers to make them think a product
can reduce that anxiety
E) the placement of brand-name products in television programs and movies
Gangster rap developed in the 1980s partly to tell the truth about gang violence in
American culture.
A) True
B) False
Gutenberg's invention of movable type allowed the book to become the first
mass-marketed communication product in history.
A) True
B) False
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Longer electromagnetic wavelengths
B. Satellites
C. Shorter electromagnetic wavelengths
D. Armstrong commits suicide
E. Real-time computer messages
F. War of the Worlds
H. Government-sanctioned monopoly
J. Algorithmic search engine
K. Online audio files
L. Web browser
M. Printing press
Some public relations firms have altered entries on sites like Wikipedia in order to
make their clients look good.
A) True
B) False
According to the textbook, which of the following is not characteristic of modern
A) It tends to rely on "expert" sources for information.
B) It provides little historical context in most front-page stories.
C) It provides detailed interpretation and analysis of news events.
D) It creates an appearance that the reporter is neutral or detached.
E) All of the options are not characteristic.
Which of the following statements about the Sedition Act of 1798 is not true?
A) It aimed to silence opposition to a possible war with France.
B) It led to a public backlash that ultimately supported greater protection of a free press.
C) A political party in power passed it to undermine efforts by an opposing political
D) It was supported and reinforced by President Thomas Jefferson when he later took
E) It was originally passed by Congress and signed into law by President John Adams.
Little Richard became the first African American artist to chart higher with his own
song than a white cover artist because ______.
A) he cleaned up the music and lyrics so white audiences wouldn't be offended
B) he pretended to be white
C) nobody cared about race anymore
D) he wrote and performed a song with lyrics and a style that white artists like Pat
Boone couldn't imitate
E) he made a deal with white cover artists so they would respect his creative efforts
The business arrangement in the newspaper industry in which two separately owned
papers in the same city are permitted to combine their business and production
operations is called a ______.
A) consensus operation (CO)
B) multiple-system operation (MSO)
C) duopoly
D) joint operating agreement (JOA)
E) oligopoly

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