STM 22436

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1538
subject Authors Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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Claiming over 15.8 million unique monthly visitors, _____ is currently the leading
online magazine.
A) Salon
B) Slate
C) Wonderwall
E) Elle Girl
Which of the following is not a legitimate technique for gathering quality research data?
A) Surveys
B) Content analysis
C) Textual analysis
D) Online question of the day polls
E) Laboratory experiments
Content communities on the Web include which of the following?
B) YouTube
C) Flickr
D) Vimeo
E) All of the options are correct.
The Paramount decision ended the dominance of the major studios over the
commercial film industry.
A) True
B) False
Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion is considered by many academics to be "the
founding book in American media studies."
A) True
B) False
Amazon is the world's largest e-commerce store.
A) True
B) False
President Theodore Roosevelt criticized magazine journalists who exposed corruption
in government and business by calling them muckrakers.
A) True
B) False
Sugarhill Gang's 1979 hit "Rapper's Delight" ______.
A) became the first No. 1 hip-hop album on the popular charts
B) infused hip-hop with a political take on ghetto life
C) sampled part of another song, a practice common to hip-hop
D) was part of the subgenre known as gangster rap
E) was covered more successfully by white artists
Thomas Edison initially expected his new phonograph to be used as a kind of telephone
answering machine.
A) True
B) False
Which of the following companies owns YouTube?
A) Viacom
B) General Electric
C) Google
D) Disney
Which of the following was William F. Cody's top publicity agent?
A) "Poison Ivy" Lee
B) P. T. Barnum
C) Edward Bernays
D) Pierre Salinger
E) None of the above options is correct.
By presenting both sides of a controversy, reporters always ensure that the news story is
fair and balanced.
A) True
B) False
Hollywood was the international center of cinema from the very beginning.
A) True
B) False
Film noir movies are notable for their bright lighting, lush sets, and upbeat story lines.
A) True
B) False
Which statement best reflects a current trend in movie viewing?
A) Americans are flocking to drive-in theaters.
B) Consumers have all but stopped going to regular movie theaters.
C) Americans are going to video stores more and more to rent films.
D) Consumers are increasingly streaming movies via the Internet instead of renting
E) American audiences are watching foreign movies at a record rate.
Which of the following is a way cable channels have achieved success?
A) Creating programs that target the largest possible mass audience
B) Avoiding being "bundled" with other channels as part of a package deal
C) Finding and catering to the needs of a niche audience with specific interests
D) Emulating broadcast network programming
E) None of the above options is correct.
Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, cable operators are allowed to offer
telephone services.
A) True
B) False
In 1972, the FCC required cable systems to provide and fund a tier of ______ dedicated
to local education, government, and the public.
A) DBS services
B) must-carry rules
C) access channels
D) pay-per-view channels
E) superstations
A. Identify central characters, conflicts, topics, and themes
B. Make an informed judgment
C. Answer the question "So what?"
D. Look for patterns
E. Take action as a citizen
1) Description
2) Analysis
3) Interpretation
4) Evaluation
5) Engagement
James Joyce's Finnegans Wake challenges readers to decode its complex narrative.
A) True
B) False
Under the studio system ______.
A) actors were independent contractors who could work for any studio
B) movies were made using an assembly-line process
C) the studios had no control over the private lives of their creative talent
D) producers were hired to direct the pictures
E) All of the options are correct.
In the advertising industry, there are about fourteen thousand mega-agencies in the
United States.
A) True
B) False
If the first half of the twentieth century was part of the Industrial Age, the shift away
from manufacturing jobs starting in the 1950s led to a period often known as the
A) Monopolistic Age
B) Information Age
C) Cultural Imperialism Age
D) MTV Age
E) New Ice Age
In the publishing industry, advance money is an early payment to the author that is then
deducted from the author's royalties on book sales.
A) True
B) False
Journalism critics say the quest for balance presents some problems, including ______.
A) leading to stories that misrepresent complex issues as two-sided dramas
B) disguising quotes that may be selected for the purpose of drama instead of fairness
C) serving business interests rather than journalistic interests
D) failing to represent those who hold a middle position
E) All of the options are correct.
The album that broke grunge music into the American mainstream was ______.
A) Nevermind by Nirvana
B) Thug Life by Tupac Shakur
C) Raising Hell by Run-DMC
D) Silence Yourself by The Savages
E) Dookie by Green Day
______ is a game franchise produced by independent game publisher Blizzard
A) Guitar Hero
B) Call of Duty
C) World of Warcraft
D) Legend of Zelda
E) All of the options are correct.
Journalism is a scientific and objective method of communication.
A) True
B) False
Some of the most influential magazines of the nineteenth century were targeted at
A) True
B) False
In the 1970s, suburban multiplex theaters were a failed attempt to increase movie ticket
A) True
B) False
In advertising, ____________________ executives are client liaisons responsible for
bringing in new business and managing the accounts of established clients.
Video games created for purely promotional purposes are called
____________________ refers to images, texts, and sounds that are converted into
electronic signals that are later reassembled as a precise reproduction of the original
image, text, or sound.
The ______________________ was an early movie camera developed by Thomas
Edison's assistant in the 1890s.
______________________ is a technology introduced in the nineteenth century that
enabled printers to set type mechanically using a typewriter-style keyboard.
Between 1930 and 1970, "Who says what to whom with what
________________________?" became the key question "defining the scope and
problems of American communications research."
______________________ are sold from racks in drugstores, supermarkets, and
airports as well as in bookstores.
For journalists, the word ________________________ has come to mean a PR person
who inserts him- or herself between a client and members of the press.
______________________, satellite-based services that for a monthly fee downlink
hundreds of television channels, began distributing video programming directly to
households in 1994.
In television, ___________________ is the process whereby a TV production company
leases its programs to a network for a license fee that is actually less than the cost of
The Nintendo Wii takes the sedentary nature out of video games because it uses a(n)
Apple's voice-recognition software, Siri, is an example of the
_________________________ is a style of rap music that depicts the hardships of
urban life and sometimes glorifies the violent style of street gangs.
The final step in the critical process, ____________________ occurs when citizens
actively work to create a media world that helps serves democracy.
Music talent scouts, or _________________________, discover, develop, and
sometimes manage performers.
Bing Crosby established himself as one of the first _________________________, or
singers of pop standards.

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