STM 16377

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 302
subject Authors Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, Richard Campbell

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Although Hollywood movies may show actual consumer products, such as Pepsi-Cola
or BMW automobiles, for the effect of realism, the studios may not receive any money
or other compensation for showing those products.
A) True
B) False
Disney now owns the rights to theStar Wars movies.
A) True
B) False
Which of the following is the publication most closely associated with the rise of
modern journalism?
A) Time
B) USA Today
C) TheVillage Voice
D) The New York World
E) The New York Times
CATV stands for "cable access television."
A) True
B) False
For each number under General Questions, fill in a letter.
A. Kinetoscope
B. Iconoscope
C. Electronic television
D. The Jazz Singer
E. CBS news anchor
F. Twenty-One
G. Birth of a Nation
H. Shaft
I. Oldboy
J. Lost in Translation
Al Jolson
When a media business relies on indirect payments for most of its revenue, consumers
tend to ______.
A) become commodities to be 'sold" to advertisers, who are the real clients
B) become completely unimportant
C) have the ability to communicate their preferences immediately
D) have the power to determine the type of advertising used
E) None of the above options is correct.
RCA delayed the deployment of FM radio for many decades because it was more
concerned with the development of television.
A) True
B) False
Ads featuring hyperbole and exaggeration are called ______.
A) irritation ads
B) disassociation corollaries
C) earned media
D) puffery
E) click-throughs

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