SSCI 61285

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1738
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Mr. Zietz, a retired drama teacher, spends a lot of his time volunteering at a local
community theater. He also enjoys weekend trips to see plays with his former
colleagues. Mr. Zietz's activities are consistent with __________ theory.
A) disengagement
B) activity
C) continuity
D) socioemotional selectivity
Ryan is a long-distance swimmer. Ryan can expect his speed to drop off at an
accelerating pace when he reaches about age
A) 40.
B) 50.
C) 60.
D) 70.
__________ individuals are usually more distressed during the dying process.
A) Religious
B) Nonreligious
C) Poorly adjusted
D) Older
Kipsigi and West Indian infants walk considerably earlier than North American infants
A) the babies are smaller at birth, requiring less leg-muscle strength for standing.
B) they have a genetic tendency toward early motor development.
C) North American babies are mentally overstimulated, resulting in less motivation to
D) their parents emphasize early motor maturity, practicing formal exercises to
stimulate particular skills.
Two-year-old Aidan says, "We saw two deers." Aidan is demonstrating
A) overextension.
B) underextension.
C) overregularization.
D) underregularization.
Which intellectual factor of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition, is the
most likely to contain culturally biased problems?
A) visual"spatial processing
B) quantitative reasoning
C) working memory
D) basic information processing
School-age friends
A) disagree with each other less than nonfriends.
B) are usually opposite from each other in personality.
C) behave more prosocially with each other.
D) seldom remain friends for longer than a few months.
According to Sigmund Freud, the
A) ego develops through interactions with parents.
B) superego is the conscious, rational part of personality.
C) ego is the largest portion of the mind.
D) id is the source of basic biological needs and desires.
Postpartum depression
A) affects fewer than one percent of new mothers.
B) subsides as the new mother gains confidence in caring for her baby.
C) emerges or strengthens after childbirth, but fails to quickly subside.
D) in a parent has little or no impact on a child's development.
By the end of middle childhood, children display a strong desire for
A) group belonging.
B) online friends.
C) athletic competence.
D) other-sex friends.
Professor Martinez wants to know if children who receive one-on-one instruction at
school feel more self-confident than children who receive group instruction. To identify
a causal relationship between type of instruction and self-confidence, Professor
Martinez should
A) compare the number of hours teachers spend on group instruction with the number
of hours they spend on individualized instruction.
B) observe a teacher's one-on-one interactions with several children in a laboratory
C) select a group of children who score high on the self-confidence measure and a
second group who score low on the self-confidence measure and expose them to both
types of instruction.
D) randomly assign half of the participants to group instruction and the other half to
one-on-one instruction and compare measures of self-confidence for each group.
About _____ percent of children are bullies, while _____ percent are repeatedly
A) 5; 10
B) 10; 15
C) 15; 20
D) 20; 25
Grief is most intense during the __________ phase of the grieving process.
A) avoidance
B) confrontation
C) restoration
D) mourning
Adolescents need about _____ hours of sleep each night.
A) 5
B) 7
C) 9
D) 11
__________ and __________ are at the greatest risk for physical, emotional, and sexual
A) Infants; preschoolers
B) Adolescents; infants
C) Preschool; school-age children
D) School-age children; infants
When adults of any age are asked how many sexual partners they have had in the past
year, the usual reply is
A) one.
B) two.
C) three.
D) none.
Dr. George predicted that positive reinforcement would increase prosocial behavior in
preschoolers. Dr. George's prediction is an example of a
A) theory.
B) research question.
C) hypothesis.
D) research design.
Over spring vacation, Gerald goes to Disney World with his family. When he returns to
school, Gerald excitedly tells his teacher about the trip. Gerald's representation of this
personally meaningful, one-time event is known as
A) a script.
B) metacognition.
C) an autobiographical memory.
D) a false belief.
Rachel is concerned that she might accidentally suffocate her baby if she shares a bed
with him. What information can you share with Rachel about precautions taken in
cultures where cosleeping is widespread?
A) Parents and infants usually sleep on soft surfaces and use quilts and comforters.
B) Parents typically place their infants to sleep on their stomachs.
C) Parents and infants usually sleep on hard surfaces, such as firm mattresses, floor
mats, or wooden planks.
D) Parents usually assume a distinctive sleeping posture by turning their backs to the
According to a recent survey of all 50 U.S. state high school athletic associations,
______ percent of sports participants are boys.
A) 49
B) 59
C) 69
D) 79
Higher-SES parents tend to emphasize the importance of __________ for their children,
whereas lower-SES parents tend to emphasize __________.
A) external characteristics; intellectual abilities
B) intellectual abilities; psychological traits
C) external characteristics; psychological traits
D) psychological traits; external characteristics
When an adult suffers from atherosclerosis, it typically develops
A) during middle or late adulthood.
B) more rapidly in women than men.
C) very rapidly after age 35, leading to sudden heart failure.
D) early in life and progresses during middle adulthood.
Research on emotional understanding shows that preschoolers
A) have an impressive ability to interpret situations that offer conflicting cues about
how a person is feeling.
B) focus on the most obvious aspect of an emotional situation to the neglect of other
relevant information.
C) cannot predict what a playmate expressing a certain emotion might do next.
D) do not realize that thinking and feeling are interconnected.
According to Freud, children
A) listen to the id to avoid shame and doubt.
B) behave morally when adults point out the effects of their misbehavior on others.
C) obey the ego to avoid feelings of mistrust.
D) obey the superego to avoid guilt.
Developmental science is __________ because it has grown through the combined
efforts of people from many fields of study.
A) interdisciplinary
B) empirical
C) applied
D) theoretical
In the Strange Situation, Olivia seems unresponsive to her mother when she is present.
When her mother leaves, Olivia is not distressed. She reacts to the stranger in much the
same way. Olivia is demonstrating characteristics of __________ attachment.
A) secure
B) avoidant
C) resistant
D) disorganized/disoriented
Which of the following statements about osteoporosis is true?
A) A family history of osteoporosis increases the risk of the condition.
B) Overweight and obese women have an increased risk of the condition.
C) By the late 60s, the decline in bone mass is two to five times greater in men than in
D) Asian Americans are more susceptible to the condition that African Americans.
__________ elders are more vulnerable to maltreatment.
A) Independent
B) Divorced
C) Mentally or physically impaired
D) Widowed
According to ecological systems theory, interactions between Marina and her child
occur in the
A) microsystem.
B) mesosystem.
C) exosystem.
D) macrosystem.
Nearly _____ percent of adolescents in the United States and other Western countries
report having had sexual intercourse.
A) 25
B) 35
C) 50
D) 65

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