SSCI 34166

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1534
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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When you draw upon your prior experiences at restaurants to guide your behavior at a
new restaurant, you are using your
a. knowledge base.
b. social context base.
c. social knowledge.
d. implicit memory
The HAROLD model indicates that older brains recruit additional neural units to
increase attentional resources, processing speed, or
a. inhibitory control.
b. long-term memory capacity.
c. facial recognition.
d. intelligence.
Insomnia, diffuse pain, changes in appetite, headaches, and fatigue are common
physical symptoms that can accompany
a. delirium.
b. clinical depression.
c. excessive worry.
d. substance abuse problems.
Thinking theoretically or philosophically, with little emphasis on economic values, is
most characteristic of people who score high on Costa and McCrae's dimension of
a. neuroticism.
b. extroversion.
c. openness to experience.
d. agreeableness.
Individuals with which personality characteristic at midlife tended to experience fewer
declines in intellectual competence?
a. egocentricism
b. personal control
c. flexible attitude
d. introversion
Which of the following psychological constructs refers to the belief that one's
performance in a situation depends
on something that one personally does?
a. personal control
b. locus of control
c. personal locus of control
d. external locus of control
The greatest concentrations of touch receptors in the human body are in the
a. head and face.
b. lips, tongue, and fingertips.
c. legs and feet.
d. chest and back.
Knowing all the names of each president and vice president of the United States of
America draws on which intelligence?
a. fluid intelligence
b. crystallized intelligence
c. primary intelligence
d. tertiary intelligence
Which of the following statements is false?
a. Caregivers experience considerable stress.
b. Sons are more likely to be caregivers than daughters.
c. Caregivers' perceptions of problems are more important than stage of the disease.
d. Female caregivers become more emotionally involved than male caregivers.
The National Geographic Society conducted a large-scale survey and found
that_____were not able to detect certain odors, such as natural gas, as well as_____.
a. older people; younger people
b. younger people; older people
c. older men; older women
d. older women; older men
Viewing stress as the interaction between a person and an event is known as the
a. psychoanalytical theory.
b. person-event paradigm.
c. interactional stress theory.
d. stress and coping paradigm.
According to developmental theory, it is important that clinicians
a. are sensitive to developmental issues facing people of different ages.
b. identify psychotherapy methods that work with all ages.
c. only work with one age group.
d. examine each individual with life review therapy.
John frequently feels the urge to urinate and sometimes does not make it to the restroom
in time. Because of this, he does not like to be far from a restroom. As a result, John has
stopped playing golf and is spending more time at home. John probably has
a. incontinence.
b. impotence.
c. a small bladder.
d. endoprostate.
Complicated or prolonged grief disorder is distinguished from depression in terms of
a. severity and duration of symptoms.
b. separation and traumatic distress.
c. increased substance abuse.
d. difficulty with family members.
In Kahana and Kahana's model (2006), helpful factors, such as having friends and
having a positive outlook on life, are called
a. Component B.
b. life factors.
c. Component F.
d. buffers.
To be eligible for Medicare a person must (a) be over age 65, (b) must have permanent
kidney failure, or (c)_____________.
Research has determined that there is a biological explanation for why women live
longer than men. Which of these is true?
a. Women have two X chromosomes whereas men have only one.
b. Women have a higher brain-to-body weight ratio.
c. Women have less testosterone.
d. None of these have enough scientific support to explain why women, on average and
in industrialized countries, outlive men.
The process by which the body attacks itself is called
a. the autoantibodic process.
b. autolymphomosis.
c. the reverse immunity syndrome.
d. autoimmunity.
Which of the following is not a specific factor identified by Baltes and Staudinger
(2000) to help a person become wise?
a. intraindividual variability
b. general personal conditions
c. specific expertise conditions
d. facilitating life contexts
Multidirectionality refers to
a. development and aging involving both decline and growth.
b. the ability to change and improve abilities over time and with development.
c. the fact that each of us is affected by a variety of factors, both positive and negative.
d. our differing cultural backgrounds.
According to large-scale studies done on subjects ages 16 to the 80s in the United States
and Great Britain, one personality trait disappears or is much less apparent in later life.
Which is it?
a. openness
b. conscientiousness
c. neuroticism
d. extraversion
Older adults are more likely to engage in________, the taking of multiple medications,
than younger adults.
a. multiple pharmacy
b. polypharmacy
c. self-medication
d. medication abuse
Younger adults, compared with older adults, are more likely to have
a. more possible selves but to be less likely to believe they can attain them.
b. more possible selves and to be more likely to believe they can attain them.
c. fewer possible selves and be less likely to believe they can attain them.
d. fewer possible selves and be more likely to believe they can attain them.
In terms of the main pathway in Verbrugge and Jette's (1994) model,________ occurs
between pathology and impairments.
a. primary prevention
b. secondary prevention
c. tertiary prevention
d. quaternary prevention
Which of the following statements is an example of unconstrained thought?
a. "There is only one answer to this problem."
b. "Let's assume the United States disarms unilaterally."
c. "If A > B, and B > C, then A > C."
d. "If you do not agree that standing on your head is silly, then you are wrong."
If the ratio of workers to retirees falls from 3:1 to 2:1 as is expected, then to maintain
the level of benefits in programs such as Social Security, workers will have
to______than workers do now.
a. pay less taxes
b. work longer hours
c. pay significantly higher taxes
d. work further into old age
Your friend Janelle is interested in calculating her maximum heart rate before she
begins her aerobics class. You tell her she can do this by
a. multiplying her age by 2 and adding 100.
b. adding her age to 220 and dividing by 2.
c. adding her age to 220.
d. subtracting her age from 220.
Some research suggests that the midlife crisis might be better conceptualized as
a. a time of fragmented identity.
b. a time of increased cognitive complexity.
c. a period of emotional reorganization.
d. a period of physical decline and depression.
In the theory of personal control developed by Heckhausen, Wrosch, and Schulz,
control is viewed as
a. a motivational system that regulates human behavior.
b. the give and take of mechanisms that regulate human behavior.
c. minimizing the impact of failures in performance.
d. none of these.
Some have suggested that______pose an existential threat because they remind us death
is inescapable and the body is fallible.
a. people in hospitals
b. those with terminal illnesses
c. older adults
d. newborns
If a study concludes that increases in aerobic exercise are correlated with increases in
brain functioning in older adults, what can we assume to be true?
a. The increased exercise caused an increase in brain functioning.
b. The two variables are unrelated.
c. The variables are positively related or correlate
d. The two variables are inversely or negatively correlate
Most neuroscience research has focused on the
a. right axon.
b. brain stem.
c. cerebral cortex.
d. focal area.
Which theory addresses the issue of why people engage in certain behaviors to achieve
certain psychological states based on their deeply rooted concerns about mortality?
a. thanatology
b. Terror Management Theory
c. Death Anxiety Theory
d. Behavioral Death Theory

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