SSCI 18830

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 1935
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Age is the best predictor of recidivism.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Remove an offender's capacity to commit crime
b. Min/max range of incarceration
c. Punishment as an example to the public
d. Restoring the offender to society
e. Control over the amount of time a prisoner serves
f. Deserved punishment
g. Incarcerated for the betterment of society
h. Goal of punishment seeking to repair damage caused
i. Fixed time of incarceration
j.Punishment for the individual
Selective incapacitation
From 1920 to 1973, all states and the federal government used sentencing and release
procedures involving:
a. determinate sentencing.
b. mandatory minimums.
c. indeterminate sentences.
d. mandatory release.
During the sentencing phase of a revocation hearing, the judge decides whether to
impose a term of incarceration and if so, for how long.
a. True
b. False
The public must be constantly reminded about punishment for deterrence to work.
a. True
b. False
__________ conditions provide constraints on probationers including reporting to the
probation office, change of address, employment, and not leaving a jurisdiction.
a. Standard
b. Technical
c. Treatment
d. Punitive
According to the text, certain types of legal sanctions, in the form we are familiar with
today, emerged during the:
a. 1700s.
b. 1200s.
c. 1500s.
d. 1800s.
One of the most troubling trends in jails is the rate of incarceration for:
a. Latinos.
b. blacks.
c. blacks
d. children.
Which important sociological scholar argued that criminals and their punishment are
functional in society, and actually help to define norms and expectations for
a. Emile Durkheim
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Travis Hirshchi
d. Cesare Lombroso
The warden's job security rests on her or his ability to:
a. employ a certain number of minorities.
b. define duties for top management.
c. keep autonomy of their managers.
d. run the institution efficiently.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Failure to abide by rules and conditions of probation
b. Fines, community service, restitution
c. Reporting to the probation office a change of address
d. Establishes goals for supervision and evaluates
e. Constraints to deal with a significant problem/need
f. The first to provide bail for defendants
g. Formal obligation to perform an act within the community
h. Judge can suspend a sentence for good behavior
i. Method for increasing the effectiveness of correctional treatment
j. Approach crime from a problem-solving perspective
Punitive conditions
Which of the following is not a union for correctional officers today?
a. American Federation of Correctional Employees
b. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
c. California Correctional Peace Officers Association
d. none of these
Those with a felony conviction are not allowed to vote. This is referred to as:
a. criminal disability.
b. civil death.
c. pervasive disability.
d. disenfranchisement.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Individuals are asked to report on their own criminal behavior
b. Inequality of treatment
c. A difference explained by legitimate factors
d. Complex concept with changing definitions
e. Cultural characteristics
f. White fear of blacks will be greatest in areas where the proportion of blacks
approaches that of whites
g. Punished 100 times more severely than powdered
h.ommitted a crime in their lifetime
Self-report studies
The dominant social institution during the Middle Ages in England and Europe was:
a. the king.
b. the sheriff.
c. the penitentiary.
d. the church.
Who is less likely to be released on their recognizance?
a. African Americans
b. European nationals
c. Latinos
d. Whites
Characteristics of inmate populations of many prisons began to change in the:
a. mid-1990s.
b. early 1950s.
c. mid-1960s.
d. mid-1940s.
Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony believed the child was:
a. sweet and basically good.
b. incorrigible.
c. rude and crude.
d. evil and in need of discipline.
Regardless of how the media portrays juvenile offenders, the everyday juvenile
offender remains unsophisticated and susceptible to change through appropriate
a. True
b. False
The U.S. corrections system has become much harsher than other systems of a free
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT one of the commonly identified characteristics of
victims of prison sexual assault?
a. physically weak
b. first-time nonviolent offenders
c. offenders affiliated with a gang
d. offenders convicted of crimes against children
Prison-based programs designed for women often include which of the following?
a. construction
b. maintenance
c. food service
d. firefighting
___________________ refers to any behavior that is sexual in nature and that is
directed toward an inmate, employee, official visitor, or agency representative.
a. Sexual misconduct
b. Sexual assault
c. Sexual compliance
d. Sexual coercion
Judges sometimes complain that their sentencing choices are:
a. indeterminate.
b. too lenient.
c. limited.
d. lacking consistency.
The average federal inmate tends to be a white male who has committed a
______________ offense.
a. violent
b. drug
c. property
d. white collar
Beginning in the 1930s, reformers put forward the _____________ model of
corrections, which viewed criminal behavior as caused by psychological or biological
a. medical
b. due process
c. community
d. crime control
Although nearly one of ten arrestees for murder is a woman, judges and juries seem
very reluctant to sentence a woman to death.
a. True
b. False
Prior to the 1960s courts maintained a(n) __________with respect to corrections.
a. invasive policy
b. administrative policy
c. hands-off policy
d. inquisitive policy
________________ was an English prison reformer whose research and writing led to
the passage of the Penitentiary Act of 1779 by the House of Commons.
a. Franklin Shepard
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Michael Rourke
d. John Howard
Jails are administered by:
a. their state's governor.
b. the federal government.
c. locally elected officials.
d. the Department of Justice.
The young offender in adult facilities is a management problem because of large
numbers, not because of special needs.
a. True
b. False
Today, parole boards release approximately __________of all inmates up for parole.
a. 25 percent
b. 40 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 65 percent
__________is mutual trust among neighbors combined with a willingness to intervene
for the common good.
a. Collective efficacy
b. Community policing
c. Proactive policing
d. Spatial concentration
Discuss the differences between day reporting centers and electronic monitoring. What
types of offenders should be assigned to these facilities versus electronic monitoring,
and what are the positive/negative aspects of these types of monitoring?
Answer:Answers will vary.
In your own opinion, should the United States look to incorporate punishments that
they once used, but later outlawed to due to the cruel and harmful nature of such acts
(e.g., corporal punishment, transportation)? Be sure to fully explain and defend your
Answer:Answers will vary
List and discuss the negative consequences of boundary violations and job stress on
correctional officers and staff. What is being done to combat such issues? Do you feel
these tactics have been successful? Why or why not?
Answer:Answers will vary.
__________is when certain neighborhoods have very high numbers of arrests and of
people going to prison.
Discuss the distinct issues facing imprisoned mothers and their children. Why is this
issue of importance? Describe the types of programming that exist for incarcerated
mothers. Discuss problems and issues associated with the programs you have identified.
What do you think the system should do for incarcerated mothers and their children?
Answer:Answers will vary.
In recent years, women who were sexually harassed or assaulted have brought
____________ lawsuits against correctional institutions/officials.
Corrections has always struggled with conflicting goals. Identify several corrections
goals and explain how they conflict with one another. How can this conflict be
minimized? Is it possible that this goal conflict may actually be good for corrections?
Answer:Answers will vary.
__________is the solution sought under the problem-solving philosophy of community
In keeping with the goal of treatment,__________ sentencing gives correctional
officials and parole boards significant control over the amount of time an offender
serves through a lack of fixed time of incarceration.
A continuum of sanctions is a range of correctional management strategies based on the
degree of_______and over the _______offender.
With respect to race/ethnicity, _____________ and _____________ now make up a
significant percentage of inmates in U.S. correctional facilities.
The twin goals of corrections are and __________.
Jails in the United States descend directly from the country of ________________.
________ offenders have been convicted of violent crimes or drug offenses.
_________________ of minority juveniles often stems from disparity at the early stages
of case processing.
The________ Amendment focuses on the right to religious freedom.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Adds rewards and punishment, role modeling, and other teachings
b. Legal restrictions that prevent released felons from engaging in certain professions
c. Assigning types of custody and treatment
d. Emphasizes personal responsibility
e. Create environments that support prosocial behaviors
f. Focuses on changing patterns that accompany criminal behavior
g. Face to face with crime's consequences
h. Contract for prison-made goods at a set price
i. Treatment of the mind
j. No goods or services beyond those available to law-abiding people
Piece price system
The ________________ approach begins with an analysis of why crime tends to
concentrate in certain locations and certain times.
One of the greatest problems facing corrections today is __________________,
referring to when people who have been released from prison end up returning again for
a new offense.
Due to prison overcrowding, correctional officials believe that __________ offenders
are most appropriate for early release because these offenders typically pose little or no
threat to the public.

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