SSCI 13964

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1580
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Compared with earlier generations, today more young people
A) have helped with care of a dying family member.
B) reach adulthood without having experienced the death of someone they know well.
C) were present at the moment of death of someone they know well.
D) know someone close to them, their own age or even younger, who has died.
Randy is viewed by both adults and peers as relaxed, independent, and self-confident.
Maria is viewed by both groups as physically attractive, lively, and sociable. Which of
the following is likely to be true?
A) Randy and Maria are both early-maturing teens.
B) Randy and Maria are both late-maturing teens.
C) Randy is an early-maturing boy, and Maria is a late-maturing girl.
D) Randy is a late-maturing boy, and Maria is an early-maturing girl.
When baby Jon's dad talks to him, Jon focuses on his dad's voice and face. Jon is
A) amodal sensory properties.
B) kinetic depth cues.
C) contrast sensitivity.
D) differentiation properties.
Compared with American Caucasian infants, Chinese and Japanese babies tend to be
A) more fearful.
B) more active.
C) less inhibited.
D) less easily soothed when upset.
Carriers of the sickle cell gene
A) often do not display symptoms until after they have passed the gene on to their
B) can be treated during infancy if placed on a diet that is low in phenylalanine.
C) are more resistant to malaria than are individuals with two alleles for normal red
blood cells.
D) develop sickle-shaped red blood cells that cause degeneration of the nervous
The effects of stress on the developing organism can be greatly reduced if the mother
A) has access to social support during stressful periods.
B) takes a low dose of antianxiety medication during pregnancy.
C) takes a folic acid supplement.
D) is placed on bed rest during the last trimester.
Which of the following pictures is newborn Alex most likely to prefer to look at?
A) a pastel pink square
B) a black-and-white checkerboard with a few large squares
C) a multicolored checkerboard with hundreds of squares
D) a black oval
According to Erikson, if the psychological conflict of adolescence is resolved
negatively, a young person experiences
A) mistrust.
B) role confusion.
C) inferiority.
D) isolation.
Which of the following children is the most likely to become a target of child abuse?
A) Jonathan, a small boy
B) Sabrina, an androgynous girl
C) Marcus, a shy preschooler
D) Cole, a premature baby
According to Erikson, one of the major functions of play is to allow children to
A) escape from the demands of their lives into a fantasy world.
B) try out new skills with little risk of criticism or failure.
C) show their caregivers the things that are important to them.
D) represent their unconscious wishes and desires symbolically.
Ethical standards permit deception in research studies if
A) the participants are young enough that they would not understand the deception.
B) the benefits to society justify the risks to the participants.
C) researchers can observe participants from behind one-way mirrors.
D) the participants give informed consent and the researchers never reveal the real
purpose of the study.
When 10-month-old Delia's mother greets her, Delia is likely to display a __________
A) brief, fleeting
B) broad, "cheek-raised"
C) "mouth-open"
D) reserved, muted
Low-level radiation, resulting from industrial leakage or medical X-rays,
A) is only harmful when combined with other teratogens.
B) can increase the risk of childhood cancer.
C) rarely causes lasting damage.
D) is safe during the last trimester.
About 10 percent of cases of cerebral palsy are the result of __________ during labor
and delivery.
A) an inadequate oxygen supply
B) anesthetics
C) epidural analgesia
D) medical interventions
Core knowledge theorists assume that
A) an inherited foundation of linguistic knowledge enables swift language acquisition
in early childhood.
B) experience helps young infants refine their sensorimotor schemes.
C) infants start out life as "blank slates" with minimal understanding of the outside
D) experience is unnecessary for the development of linguistic and psychological
In the transformation of romantic involvements from passionate to companionate,
__________ may be the aspect of love that determines whether a relationship survives.
A) passion
B) commitment
C) monogamy
D) intimacy
Max, age 65, learned to play the piano at a local senior center. Max demonstrates that
A) aging is an eventual "shipwreck."
B) learning follows a predictable timetable.
C) development is plastic at all ages.
D) musical talent peaks in late adulthood.
Which of the following parent"child relationships is the most common among anorexic
A) overprotective and controlling mothers and emotionally distant fathers
B) permissive mothers and highly competitive fathers
C) permissive mothers and uninvolved fathers
D) divorced parents where the mother is overwhelmed and the father is largely absent
A __________ is a complex blend of genetic information that determines the species
and influences unique characteristics.
A) chromosome
B) genotype
C) phenotype
D) karyotype
Which of the following countries has a higher childhood poverty rate?
A) Czech Republic
B) Norway
C) Canada
D) Sweden
Denyse is calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy. She
is low on which of the following "big five" personality traits?
A) neuroticism
B) extroversion
C) openness to experience
D) agreeableness
Civic engagement involves
A) moral development at Kohlberg's Stage 4 or higher and regular religious
B) knowledge of political issues, commitment to making a difference in the community,
and skills for achieving civic goals.
C) a desire to make changes in the community and a belief that individual factors cause
community problems.
D) political ambition, a secure identity, and a high level of empathy toward others'
Approximately _____ percent of U.S. children have no health insurance.
A) 2
B) 5
C) 7
D) 10
In an experiment examining whether phonics instruction in preschool increases a child's
reading level in third grade, the dependent variable would be the
A) type of phonics instruction.
B) number of children in the experiment.
C) child's reading level in third grade.
D) frequency of phonics instruction.
Which of the following statements about the "wear-and-tear" theory of aging is true?
A) Evidence suggests a moderate relationship between physical activity and early
B) Cross-cultural research supports the idea that the body eventually wears out from
C) Despite its benefits, exercise in adulthood is linked to frequent injuries, such as bone
breaks and
muscle tears.
D) Regular, moderate-to-vigorous exercise predicts a longer life, which is contrary to
the theory.
Yellowing of the lens and increasing density of the vitreous causes __________ and
A) reduced sensitivity to bright lights; heightens color discrimination
B) difficulty adjusting to different distances; heightens color discrimination
C) increased sensitivity to lights; limits color discrimination
D) serious eye disorders; blindness
Before the late 1800s, childbirth usually took place
A) at home and was a family-centered event.
B) at home, but away from other family members.
C) in a hospital with trained midwives.
D) in the home of a medical professional or in a hospital.
Which of the following statements about falls in late adulthood is true?
A) Declines in vision, hearing, and mobility increase the risk of falling.
B) Because of weakened bones, serious injury results about 40 percent of the time.
C) The risk of serious injury due to falling far outweighs the health benefits of activity.
D) Nearly all older adults who have fallen admit that they purposefully avoid activities
because they are afraid of falling again.
Which of the following high school students is most likely to show accelerated
academic progress?
A) Linda, who is assigned to a general education track
B) Betty, who is assigned to a vocational track
C) Juan, who is assigned to a college preparatory track
D) Danny, who is assigned to a low track of basic courses
Typical parents give their sons toys that emphasize
A) cooperation.
B) competition.
C) nurturance.
D) physical attractiveness.
Identity-diffused individuals
A) have committed to values, beliefs, and goals following a period of exploration.
B) are apathetic, lacking both exploration and commitment.
C) have accepted a ready-made identity chosen for them by authority figures.
D) have explored, but not yet committed, to values and goals.

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