SOC 849 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 765
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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Adolescents who immigrate with their family to the United States from cultures that value
interdependent qualities demonstrate __________ the longer their family has been in the
United States.
A)increased discrimination toward other ethnic minorities
B)increased commitment to fulfilling family obligations and learning about their heritage
C)decreased ability to fit in with mainstream U.S. culture
D)decreased commitment to obeying their parents and fulfilling family obligations
Early sexual activity is more common among young people from __________ homes.
B)economically disadvantaged
Four-year-old Maria uses shorter, simpler expressions when interacting with her 2-year-old
brother. This example suggests that Piaget may have
A)overestimated preschoolers' animistic thinking.
B)overestimated preschoolers' egocentrism.
C)underestimated preschoolers' animistic thinking.
D)underestimated preschoolers' egocentrism.
Dr. Langley is dedicated to uncovering the neurological bases of autism-the disrupted brain
structures and networks that lead to the impaired social skills, language delays, and
repetitive motor behavior of this disorder. Which of the following areas is Dr. Langley
conducting research in?
A)developmental cognitive neuroscience
B)information processing
C)developmental social neuroscience
D)cognitive-developmental theory
Most natural, or prepared, childbirth programs draw on methods developed by Grantly
Dick-Read and Fernand Lamaze, who recognized that
A)new labor medications could be used to reduce the pain of childbirth.
B)hospital costs could be saved if women used prepared childbirth methods.
C)cultural attitudes had taught women to fear the birth experience.
D)the mother's home was the safest and least painful place to give birth.
Research on childbearing reveals that
A)fertility problems do not increase for men between ages 25 and 45.
B)fertility problems among women do not show any increase until age 40.
C)reproductive technologies are equally successful among younger and older parents.
D)a 40-year-old man is less fertile than a 25-year-old man.
A major limitation of naturalistic observation is that
A)the findings cannot be generalized beyond the participants and settings in which the
research was originally conducted.
B)researchers cannot control the conditions under which participants are observed.
C)the research may not yield observations typical of participants€ behavior in everyday
D)participants may not accurately report their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
In a procedure called __________, participants are measured before the experiment on the
factor in question.
A)random assignment
In middle childhood, children's attitude toward language undergoes a fundamental shift as
they develop
A)metalinguistic awareness.
B)linguistic reasoning.
C)a theory of language.
D)systemic linguistics.
Compared with cognitive theories, mental tests
A)focus on cognitive products rather than on the process of development.
B)focus on how children's thinking changes rather than on cognitive products.
C)are more accurate indicators of what infants and toddlers understand.
D)focus on environmental influences on intelligence.
According to Piaget, infants' very first schemes are
A)disorganized bits of information.
B)based on internal representations of experience.
C)sensorimotor action patterns.
D)deliberate and creative.
An experimenter hides a poker chip in her hand and asks children to indicate whether the
following statement is true, false, or uncertain: "Either the chip in my hand is green or it is
not green." A concrete operational child will
A)express uncertainty.
B)say it is true.
C)say it is false.
D)express disinterest.
Barbara Rogoff suggests the term __________ to encompass children's diverse
opportunities to learn through involvement with others, applying it as a broader concept
than __________.
A)cooperative learning; peer collaboration
B)intersubjectivity; cooperative learning
C)guided participation; scaffolding
D)scaffolding; a zone of proximal development
Which of the following statements about prenatal sensitive periods with respect to
teratogens is true?
A)The fetal period is the time when serious defects are most likely to occur.
B)During the embryonic period, teratogens usually affect the growth of sensory organs,
such as the eyes and ears.
C)In the germinal period, before implantation, teratogens rarely have any impact.
D)During the fetal period, teratogens have no impact on the developing organism.

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