SOC 67412

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 3032
subject Authors Clark Spencer Larsen

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Polyandrous residence patterns represent:
a. a social grouping that includes multiple adult males and females.
b. common observations in prosimians and Old World monkeys.
c. a social grouping in which males cooperate in parenting activities.
d. a social grouping that includes one male and multiple females.
Meiosis results in the production of:
a. two gametes.
b. four gametes.
c. a single gamete.
d. none of the above
Allen's and Bergmann's rules are perfect examples of natural selection working to bring
about anatomical adaptations to environments in mammals. These include:
a. the limb and trunk proportions of Neandertals.
b. the limb and trunk proportions of modern human populations.
c. the limb and trunk proportions of most mammals.
d. all of the above
Although Allen's and Bergmann's rules most often explain body shape and morphology,
we occasionally see variations from the correct patterns. This indicates that:
a. the long-term association between body shape and climate is an example of
b. body shape and morphology do not reflect both evolutionary and developmental
c. the association between body shape and morphology does respond to environmental
d. the association between body shape, morphology, and the environment is not a result
of natural selection.
Humans use their molars for:
a. biting.
b. crushing.
c. shearing.
d. mashing.
The first hominid to migrate out of Africa was:
a. Australopithecus.
b. Homo habilis.
c. Homo erectus.
d. Homo neanderthalensis.
While conducting research with a small population in South America you note that an
overwhelming majority of individuals exhibit signs of a specific genetic abnormality.
This is most likely the result of:
a. natural selection.
b. founder effect.
c. extinction.
d. gene flow.
Preadaptation is:
a. the series of small adaptations that precedes the more observable adaptation.
b. the use of an anatomical feature in a way unrelated to the feature's original function.
c. the use of an anatomical feature in the way it was originally intended.
d. a phenomenon that occurs before natural selection can occur.
Population increase creates many new hosts for infectious diseases, and _________
translates to _________.
a. more organisms; more hosts
b. more viruses; more victims
c. more hosts; more organisms
d. more victims; more death
Euprimates represent the:
a. first true anthropoids.
b. first true primates.
c. first true mammals.
d. first true catarrhini.
For women with very low body weight, high amounts of exercise can result in:
a. increased female fertility.
b. increased ovarian function.
c. reduced ability to conceive relative to women who do not exercise.
d. higher rates of conception than in women who do not exercise.
Archaeology is:
a. the study of human evolution.
b. largely devoted to recovering artifacts and building museum collections.
c. the study of the behavior and material culture of past human societies.
d. the study of the evolution of language.
Greater body size and facial gracility documented in Homo erectus are likely related to:
a. changes in tool technology and increasing access to meat and other proteins.
b. the natural continuation of previous trends documented in hominid fossils, similar to
great brain size.
c. the global climate, as these trends are characteristic of a cooler climate.
d. none of the above
Which of the following is a derived trait of Sahelanthropus tchandensis?
a. big toe opposability
b. larger body size
c. length of the calcaneus
d. nonhoning chewing complex
The Neandertals' disappearance after 30,000 yBP likely resulted from:
a. their assimilation.
b. their isolation.
c. their extinction.
d. their migration out of Africa.
Darwin drew on information from five scientific disciplines:
a. geology, physical anthropology, taxonomy and systematics, demography, and
evolutionary biology.
b. geology, paleontology, taxonomy and systematics, geography, and evolutionary
c. geology, paleontology, taxonomy and systematics, demography, and biology.
d. geology, paleontology, taxonomy and systematics, demography, and evolutionary
a. occurs at the individual level throughout an individual's lifetime.
b. occurs at the individual level during childhood.
c. involves using material culture to make living possible in certain settings.
d. occurs at the population level via natural selection.
The reintroduction project of lemurs on St. Catherines Island provided more evidence
a. the fact that lemurs should never be reintroduced to the island of Madagascar.
b. the fact that the reintroduction programs are quite simple and can likely be carried
out in any circumstance.
c. the fact that primates exhibit remarkable levels of adaptability under many
d. the fact that primates are not able to survive outside their natural geographic habitats.
While at the zoo you see an exhibit with a small group of primates and notice they have
wet, snout-like noses. This indicates:
a. a species of prosimian, because they retain the rhinarium not found in other mammal
b. a species of anthropoid primate, because they retain the rhinarium commonly found
in other mammal species.
c. a species of platyrrhine primate, because their nostrils do not point downward.
d. A species of strepsirhini that retain a rhinarium found only in prosimian primates.
The last 10,000 years is called the:
a. Cenozoic.
b. Quaternary.
c. Solutren.
d. Holocene.
Taphonomy is the study of:
a. human cultural remains.
b. human genetics.
c. the processes that affect an organism after death.
d. the processes that affect a living organism through life.
In mammals, the male parent's gametes determine the sex of his offspring because:
a. the X chromosome originates only from females.
b. sperm are more powerful than eggs.
c. the Y chromosome is present in males only.
d. the X chromosome determines sex.
The similarity of the foot bones between _________ and the living anthropoids makes it
the likely first true primate.
a. Proconsul
b. Micropithecus
c. Dryopithecus
d. Eosimias
Obesity is associated with a number of health problems, including:
a. cardiovascular disease.
b. Tay-Sachs disease.
c. diabetes.
d. both a. and c.
Arboreal adaptation is:
a. adaptation to life in the trees.
b. the ability to brachiate.
c. adaptation to life in the savannah.
d. the ability to move on four limbs.
Which two fossil species lived at the same time around 2.5"1 mya?
a. Australopithecus and Homo erectus
b. Homo erectus and Homo rudolfensis
c. Homo habilis and Homo erectus
d. Pithecathropus and Homo rudolfensis
Beginning more than 3 mya, at least two lineages of hominin evolution emerged, one
that led to the genus Homo and one that:
a. included the now extinct descendents of Au afarensis.
b. gave rise to the genus Ardipithecus.
c. was an evolution of other australopithecine lineages.
d. ended with Au africanus.
Which genus is considered the ancestor to adapids and omomyids?
a. Notharctus
b. Proconsul
c. Carpolestes
d. Eosimias
Which Eocene organisms had clear primate characteristics like a postorbital bar,
opposable thumbs, nails, and a large brain?
a. proprimates and euprimates
b. adapids and omomyids
c. basal anthropoids
d. plesiadapiforms
The most likely contender for the common ancestor of all later catarrhines is:
a. Oligopithecus.
b. Aegyptopithecus.
c. Parapithecus.
d. Apidium.
The scientist whose work provided the foundation for later understandings of genetics
a. John Ray.
b. Gregor Mendel.
c. Charles Darwin.
d. Robert Hooke.
Discuss the diversity of the dentition among primates. Pay particular attention to how
form follows function with regard to dental morphology and diet.
What two models discuss how innovations spread? By what mechanism did wheat
spread from the Levant into Europe?
Discuss the evidence from the skeletons and teeth of early agriculturalists. Then
describe the negative consequences of a shift from food foraging to the domestication
of food in terms of pathologic evidence.
Discuss the anatomical differences between prosimians and anthropoids. How do these
anatomical differences influence behavior and socialization among the respective
primate groups?
What form of subsistence pattern is found in the Neolithic period? Name three
geographic regions where Neolithic lifeways appeared independently.
Why is punctuated equilibrium an important addition to natural selection?
Why is the peppered moth an excellent example of directional selection?
Evaluate and explain the evidence for the phylogenetic relationship between humans
and other primates.
Discuss the two models of modern human originsout-of-Africa and multiregional
continuity. Briefly describe their main tenets and discuss how the more recent
assimilation model differs from each.
Describe some examples of learned behavior and cultural traditions among primates.
Why is the Fayum depression in Egypt such an important site for understanding the
origin and diversification of anthropoid primates?
Discuss the steps of the scientific method.
Discuss the primate parental investment in terms of success in natural selection. What
are the most important aspects of primate parenting and what is their value to

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