SOC 45504

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2030
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic models that account for prison
designs of most U.S. prisons?
a. campus style
b. telephone-pole
c. military style
d. radial
By the mid-1800s, reformers became disillusioned with the _____________ since
rehabilitation or deterrence was not being realized.
a. parole system
b. contract-lease system
c. penitentiary
d. mark system
The right of habeas corpus for alleged terrorist detainees has been an important issue
since 9/11.
a. True
b. False
More than __________ adult felons leave state and federal prisons each year.
a. 125,000
b. 275,000
c. 300,000
d. 600,000
During the Progressive Reform Era, two main correctional strategies were
implemented. They included improving conditions in social environments and:
a. feeding inmates a more nutritious diet.
b. ensuring prisoners were not in solitude.
c. reintegrating inmates into society.
d. rehabilitating individual offenders.
Studies of community service and restitution programs have generally found them
vulnerable to:
a. political attacks by conservative politicians.
b. budget cuts, since most are perceived as "extras."
c. he problem of net widening.
d. all of these.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Apply objective criteria to all prisoners
b. IQs of less than 70
c. Person who sees criminality as their life
d. Mental patient returns to the community
e. Julie Schenecker is one
f. Confined for life or until cured
g. Classification based on possible future criminal conduct
h. Classification based on appropriate correctional treatment
i. Classification based on seriousness of crime
j. Person who spends more than 10 years incarcerated
Long-term prisoner
Judicial reprieve in the United States:
a. found widespread use in the late 1800s.
b. was the source of widespread judicial corruption during the early 1900s.
c. was never fully enacted.
d. was declared unconstitutional in 1916.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Objective standard for defense counsel
b. Circumstances that increase seriousness of crime
c. Deserves a punishment equal to the victim's fate
d. The three-drug protocol is constitutional
e. Developed in the late 1970s
f. Separate hearings for guilt and sentencing
g. Execution of the insane
h. Circumstances that invite mercy
i. Reinstituted death penalty
j.Death penalty unconstitutional
Furman v. Georgia
According to the Supreme Court, the term "totality of conditions" may be legally
interpreted as:
a. cruel and unusual punishment.
b. unfair.
c. unreasonable.
d. irrational.
Traditionally, women have received __________treatment from judges.
a. chivalrous
b. discriminatory
c. equal
d. neglectful
The invention of the penitentiary occurred due in large part because of:
a. the influence of the Enlightenment thinkers and activists.
b. a response to negative social conditions and their influence on the rise of crime.
c. he growth of the surplus labor due to the Industrial Revolution.
d. all of these.
Which of the following has not been legally recognized by the Supreme Court as
justifying abridgements of an inmate's constitutional rights?
a. the maintenance of stable prison populations
b. the maintenance of institutional order
c. the maintenance of institutional security
d. the rehabilitation of inmates
a.Staff has direct contact with offenders
b. Prosecutor makes a deal with defendant to steer clear of incapacitation
c. Protection to the community by incarcerating an offender
d. Supervision under home confinement
e. Holding tanks for up to 48 hours
f. Person who provides bail money for a fee
g. Rehabilitative jail experience
h. Pretrial and probation violators report daily
i. Funded per prisoner per day
j. Feespecified by a judge as a condition for pretrial release
One strategy used by prison administration to weaken gang influence includes
conducting strip searches.
a. True
b. False
In 1844, the__________ was created with the goal of improving the treatment of female
prisoners and separating them from male prisoners.
a. Women's Improvement Organization
b. Women's Benevolence Association
c. Women's Prison Association
d. Women's Prisoner Improvement Society
Until 1870, most women inmates in the United States were housed in the same prisons
and treated essentially the same as their male counterparts.
a. True
b. False
Which statement is NOT an argument made in favor of pretrial diversion?
a. Many offenders cannot be effectively dealt with by the formal criminal justice
b. It is much more humane than traditional criminal justice services.
c. It does not promote a long-term "label" on offenders like most criminal justice
d. It is much cheaper than criminal justice processing.
Community service requires the offender to provide hours of free labor in a public
a. True
b. False
Implementing intermediate sanctions has had three consequences. They include wider
nets, stronger nets, and:
a. flatter nets.
b. taller nets.
c. weaker nets.
d. different nets.
The term__________ refers to the use of technology to monitor those on community
a. techno-corrections
b. techno-prison
c. techno-warden
d. techno-jails
Since the inception of the Prison Litigation Reform Act, it has become more difficult
for prisoners to file civil rights law suits.
a. True
b. False
When girls misbehave, the juvenile justice system often treats them as:
a. boys.
b. adults.
c. status offenders.
d. criminals.
Inmates who participate in educational programs while incarcerated are the least likely
to return to prison.
a. True
b. False
In recent years there has been a dramatic growth in what type of studies?
a. leadership effectiveness
b. program effectiveness
c. prison effectiveness
d. vision effectiveness
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Remove an offender's capacity to commit crime
b. Min/max range of incarceration
c. Punishment as an example to the public
d. Restoring the offender to society
e. Control over the amount of time a prisoner serves
f. Deserved punishment
g. Incarcerated for the betterment of society
h. Goal of punishment seeking to repair damage caused
i. Fixed time of incarceration
j.Punishment for the individual
Mandatory sentencing
The most extensively used form of correctional control in this country is:
a. probation.
b. parole.
c. prison.
d. jail.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Requires "essentials" of due process
b. Has no parent or guardian and does not receive proper care
c. Child who commits an act if committed by an adult is not a crime
d. Transfer to adult court
e. State as guardian
f. Parole
g. Specifies "essentials" of due process
h. Stop doing crime
i.Child not receiving proper care
j.Depends on social expectations
Kent v. United States
_________adults have committed a serious offense in their lifetime.
a. Few
b. Most
c. About half of
d. All
_______________ refers to obedience to an order or request.
a. Compliance
b. Power
c. Authority
d. Coercion
There seems to be little relationship between the crime rate and the incarceration rate.
a. True
b. False
Hispanics and whites are subjected to the criminal justice system at much higher rates
than blacks.
a. True
b. False
A management principle that holds that a supervisor can effectively oversee only a
limited number of subordinates is known as:
a. chain of command.
b. span of control.
c. circle of control.
d. unity of command.
References to "types" of offenders means they:
a. are easily stereotyped because their actions are so similar.
b. are fairly predictable for purposes of parole.
c. share important characteristics even though they vary in others.
d. behave very similarly for purposes of prediction.
In 1927, the first female federal prison opened in:
a. Elmira, NY.
b. Paducah, KY.
c. Brookville, PA.
d. Alderson, WV.
An institution intended to isolate offenders from society and one another so they could
reflect on their misdeeds, repent, and undergo reformation is called a .
Define and explain prisonization. Is this process normal in most prisons? Please
explain. What are both the positives and negatives of this process? How does this affect
inmates upon their release, and is this a factor in recidivism?
Answer:Answers will vary.
The ____________ movement advocated for separation for women prisoners from men,
differential care, and female staff.
The popularity of community justice derives in part from deep dissatisfaction with
contemporary justice _________.
The _________Amendment protects against cruel and unusual punishment.
The opening of Eastern State Penitentiary in 1829 marked the full development and
implementation of the _______________ system.
______________ is the idea that instead of imprisonment, the offender is allowed to
live in the community under supervision and must demonstrate a willingness to abide
by its laws.
__________________ officers act like police officers with regard to most prison rule
The__________ is not able to develop the role orientation of "doing time, gleaning, or
_______________ refers to an interest of the state that must take precedence over rights
guaranteed by the First Amendment.
The chief conflict for a probation officer's role, which include enforcing the law and
helping the offender, is authority and __________.
After having read all of the chapters by these authors and having acquired a great deal
of knowledge about the correctional system, decide if you see yourself working within
this field. Regardless of whether you were to choose not to have a career in this field,
what one or more contributions do you feel you could make toward corrections as a
Answer:will vary.
A system in which the contractor provided prisoners with food and clothing as well as
raw materials, and in some southern states prisoners were bonded to agricultural
producers to perform field labor is a_________ .
You have been selected as the commissioner for the department of corrections in your
state. Your first responsibility is to develop criteria for granting an inmate's release on
parole. Describe the criteria and explain why you selected these conditions. What
problems may the criteria present? Finally, discuss in detail the steps you would take as
commissioner to ensure the ease of an offender's reentry into their community.
Answer:Answers will vary.
__________assumes that society can remove an offender's capacity to commit further
crimes by detention in prison or by execution.
Retribution, incapacitation, and _________ are usually cited as the reasons for keeping
the death penalty.
Racial disparities become racial_________ if people who are otherwise similar in their
criminality are treated differently by the criminal justice system.

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