SOC 43617

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1826
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Shelby accepts her family's religious beliefs without question. She is characterized by
A) foreclosure.
B) diffusion.
C) moratorium.
D) achievement.
Low-SES older adults are __________ likely than higher-SES older adults to seek
medical care because __________.
A) less; they are more likely to rely on holistic medicine
B) less; they are less optimistic that treatment will work
C) more; their medical care is paid for by the government
D) more; they are more trusting of the medical profession in general
Kremlin, age 15, firmly asserts he has control over his clothing and hairstyle choices.
Which of the following will Kremlin also argue is not subject to control by authority
A) friendships
B) curfew
C) cultural values
D) attending school
__________ are so well-learned that they require no space in working memory and,
therefore, permit us to focus on other information while performing them.
A) Executive functions
B) Sensory processes
C) Permanent functions
D) Automatic processes
A __________ is a prediction about behavior drawn from a __________.
A) theory; research question
B) hypothesis; theory
C) theory; hypothesis
D) hypothesis; research question
Cross-linking can be reduced by
A) regular exercise and a healthy diet.
B) decreasing the heart rate.
C) increasing body fat.
D) hormone therapy.
Dr. Ramorey wants 90-year-old Mr. Higgins to participate in a research study that
involves moderate risks. Mr. Higgins is incapable of consenting. Which of the
following would best state your advice regarding Mr. Higgins's participation in the
A) He should not be allowed to participate in the study under any circumstances.
B) He should be allowed to participate in the study regardless of the benefit.
C) He should only be allowed to participate in the study if his participation will benefit
D) He should only be allowed to participate in the study if it is likely to benefit him
According to social learning theory, __________ come(s) before __________ in the
development of gender identity.
A) behavior; self-perceptions
B) gender constancy; gender identity
C) self-perceptions; behavior
D) gender constancy; gender awareness
When __________, preschoolers' pictures become more comprehensible and detailed.
A) they are able to represent depth in their drawings
B) adults draw with children and point out the resemblances between drawings and
C) they gesture rather than label their scribbles
D) they trace adult drawings
With regard to verbal abilities, girls have a biological advantage in earlier development
A) the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.
B) the auditory and visual areas of the brain.
C) sensory brain regions.
D) spatial reasoning.
Charlie has frequent angry outbursts. He is rude, disagreeable, critical, and
condescending. Charlie exhibits
A) expressed hostility.
B) suppressed anger.
C) passive-aggressiveness.
D) a socially dominant style.
In Momence, Illinois,
A) a high percentage of older people report feeling useless most or all of the time.
B) a status hierarchy makes the oldest man and his wife the town leaders.
C) seniors hold positions of authority because of their length of residence and intimate
knowledge of the community.
D) children are sent to live in the homes of frail community members to provide care.
Which of the following statements about emerging adulthood is true?
A) Emerging adulthood often interferes with identity development.
B) Emerging adulthood is limited to low-SES populations.
C) Emerging adulthood is primarily characterized by confusion and excessive
D) Many emerging adults can engage in activities of the widest possible scope.
Grief-stricken teenagers are
A) usually more willing than school-age children to confide in parents.
B) less likely than school-age children to escape from grief through acting-out behavior.
C) more likely than school-age children to become depressed.
D) more likely to adjust favorably if they are protected from the details of the death.
Two-year-old Carmen is trying to fit pieces into a wooden puzzle form. Her father helps
Carmen turn the pieces so they fit snuggly in place. As Carmen's skill improves, her
father steps back, letting her try on her own. This example best illustrates the concept of
A) novelty preference.
B) accommodation.
C) sustained attention.
D) scaffolding.
Compared to Canadian agemates, Chinese schoolchildren are more likely to rate lying
favorably when
A) it is used to cover up antisocial acts.
B) it supports the individual at the expense of the group.
C) the intention is modesty.
D) the intention is self-protection.
The influence of situational factors on moral judgments indicates that like Piaget's
cognitive stages, Kohlberg's moral stages are
A) highly organized and sequential.
B) loosely organized and overlapping.
C) only applicable to boys and men.
D) predictable and universal.
Quality of the marital relationship
A) has a greater impact on women's psychological well-being.
B) has a greater impact on men's psychological well-being.
C) predicts mental health similarly for both men and women.
D) has no influence on the mental health of men and women.
Yao is 45 years old. How has the maximum vital capacity of his lungs changed from
when he was 25?
A) It has decreased by about 5 percent.
B) It has decreased by about 20 percent.
C) It has remained constant.
D) It has increased by about 10 percent.
An ovum bursts from one of a woman's two __________ and is drawn into one of two
A) ovaries; testes
B) fallopian tubes; ovaries
C) corpus luteum; fallopian tubes
D) ovaries; fallopian tubes
Which of the following statements about middle-aged children and their aging parents
is true?
A) Men are typically more involved with their aging parents than women are.
B) Conflict-ridden parent"child ties typically become more positive.
C) The tradition of Asian family coresidence is declining in the United States.
D) The more positive the history of the parent"child tie, the less help is given and
Breastfeeding for just a few weeks
A) is a reliable method of birth control.
B) can lead to later obesity.
C) is not helpful because, in the beginning, breastfeeding causes constipation.
D) offers some protection against respiratory and intestinal infections.
Animal evidence suggests that one reason for an inconsistency in results from studies
regarding the risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in individuals
who are homozygous for a chromosome-5 gene (DD) may be that
A) there are no environmental influences associated with ADHD.
B) environmental influences associated with ADHD modify the gene's activity.
C) the gene has no role in the occurrence of ADHD symptoms.
D) the DD genotype is only present in about 10 percent of the population.
According to Vygotsky, __________ is a range of tasks that a child cannot yet handle
alone but can do with the help of more skilled partners.
A) transitive inference
B) the dynamic systems approach
C) the zone of proximal development
D) scaffolding
Which of the following individuals most likely provides the most direct care and
financial support to their aging parents?
A) Beth, a wealthy Caucasian American
B) Bob, a middle-income Caucasian American
C) Johnna, a middle-income African American
D) Jeffrey, a low-income Caucasian American
Taking tests and answering questionnaires are examples of
A) research designs.
B) theories.
C) hypotheses.
D) research methods.
The sex of a new organism is determined by whether
A) the X and Y chromosomes separate into sperm cells or ovum.
B) an X-bearing sperm or a Y-bearing sperm fertilizes the ovum.
C) the sperm fertilizes an X-bearing egg or a Y-bearing egg.
D) the ovum is carrying an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.
Mr. Willet had a sudden heart attack. He died in a hospital emergency room. The staff
was very busy and had little time for contact with his family. Mr. Willet's family
members may need
A) medication to help them with anxiety.
B) hospice services.
C) to enter a comprehensive treatment program.
D) some type of crisis intervention services.
According to Bowlby, during the attachment-in-the-making phase, babies
A) respond in the same way to all gentle, caring adults.
B) become upset when the familiar caregiver leaves.
C) begin to develop a sense of trust with their caregiver.
D) prefer female caregivers to male caregivers.
Three-year old Abah refuses to leave his stuffed elephant at home. He explains, "She
feels scared because she is alone." Abah is using
A) conservation.
B) egocentrism.
C) animistic thinking.
D) dual representation.
When Yolanda thought about the future, she planned to get her first job at 22, be
married by 24, and have her first child at 27, just like her older brother did. According
to research by Bernice Neugarten, Yolanda has a well-defined
A) split dream.
B) social clock.
C) "feminine" dream.
D) life structure.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
A) is more culturally biased than the Stanford-Binet.
B) fails to account for a child's behavior during the administration of the test.
C) was the first test designed to measure intelligence from infancy through late
D) was the first test to be standardized on children representing the total population of
the United States.
Women who quit work in order to take care of aging parents
A) tend to fare better physically than those who try to juggle both tasks.
B) report feeling less stressed and more upbeat than those who are employed.
C) generally fare poorly due to social isolation and financial strain.
D) report a strengthening of the parent"child bond.

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