SESP 68985

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1887
subject Authors Lynn R Marotz

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Learning objectives:
a. determine instructional methods
b. identify desirable and measurable changes in learner behavior
c. are useful only for evaluating a teacher's success/failure
d. are not necessary for all planned learning activities
________results may be obtained when information about a child's health is based on a
single observation or assessment outcome.
The snack that would provide the most vitamin A is:
a. pumpkin bread, milk
b. oatmeal muffins, orange juice
c. cinnamon toast, grapefruit juice
d. graham crackers, milk
Television plays a limited role in shaping young children's food preferences and eating
a. True
b. False
Foods high in sugar and/or fat should be reserved for special classroom celebrations
such as on holidays and birthdays.
a. True
b. False
Foods that would contribute the most dietary cholesterol include:
a. breads, cereals, and vegetable oils
b. dried beans and starchy vegetables
c. poultry, cheese, and milk
d. fresh fruits and breads
Children who have special medical conditions or developmental disabilities may be at
greater risk for:
a. nutrient deficiencies
b. obesity
c. choking
d. all answers are correct
Fruit juice is an acceptable substitute for meeting a child's water need.
a. True
b. False
Plant proteins, such as nuts, dry peas, and beans can be substituted for meat in a child's
a. True
b. False
Snacks should be discouraged because they add extra calories and interfere with a
child's appetite.
a. True
b. False
Infants' teeth usually begin to erupt around ____months of age.
a. 3-4
b. 6-7
c. 8-9
d. 10-12
Health is primarily a state of physical well-being.
a. True
b. False
The odd-day-cycle meal plan eliminates the problem of serving the same food on the
same day each week.
a. True
b. False
Young children, pregnant women, and the elderly are among those at greatest risk for
food-borne illness.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following behaviors would not suggest a potential vision disorder?
a. squinting
b. stumbling
c. poor hand-eye coordination
d. using gestures in place of words
Toddlers need to be fed on a consistent schedule of three meals and two or three snacks
each day.
a. True
b. False
Signs of a serious head injury:
a. may not appear for several hours
b. can be observed within minutes of the injury
c. are generally nothing to worry about if the child is able to get up and walk away
d. only serious if the child is knocked unconscious
A teacher's knowledge of developmental norms plays an important role in the
prevention of children's unintentional injuries.
a. True
b. False
Rashes associated with communicable illnesses are more likely to be observed:
a. on the face
b. on the tops of hands and feet
c. under the neck and arms
d. over warmer areas of the body, such as back and chest
The thermic energy of food represents the amount of energy required to food.
a. digest
b. absorb
c. metabolize
d. all answers are correct
If 50 percent of 1,800 calories is derived from carbohydrates, the diet contains of
a. 200 grams
b. 300 grams
c. 225 grams
d. 180 grams
It is not necessary for teachers to wash their hands between care routines (e.g., clothing
changes, feeding, diapering) as long as they change their disposable gloves.
a. True
b. False
An example of a measurable objective stated in behavioral terms is:
a. Children will understand
b. Children can learn
c. Children will know
d. Children can name
a. are an important energy source
b. aid in cell division and new cell growth
c. yield essential amino acids required for growth
d. reduce the incidence of tooth decay
Chronic illnesses can be difficult to recognize because:
a. most adults are unfamiliar with these conditions
b. children experience symptoms that are different from those that occur in adults
c. families may try to cover up children's symptoms
d. symptoms may develop slowly over a period of time and be less obvious to an
Malnutrition, lack of proper clothing, and inadequate adult supervision are examples of:
a. verbal abuse
b. physical neglect
c. emotional neglect
d. physical abuse
Food-borne illnesses are caused by all of the following except:
a. bacteria
b. molds and parasites
c. chemicals and insecticides
d. viruses
Some bacteria in foods are beneficial.
a. True
b. False
Simple art suppliessuch as crayons, markers, play dough, and blunt scissorswould make
a nice gift for a toddler.
a. True
b. False
Teachers who are ill should:
a. stay home whenever they are feeling "under the weather"
b. follow the same exclusion guidelines set for children
c. ignore minor illnesses and come to work
d. not come to work if they have been exposed to communicable illness; they should
wait to see if symptoms develop
Children who have type 1 diabetes must:
a. balance food intake with insulin injections
b. eliminate all sugars from their diet
c. drink additional fluids
d. increase their physical activity
Vitamins that can cause toxicity if ingested in excessive amounts are:
a. vitamins A, C, and D
b. vitamin C, thiamin, and riboflavin
c. vitamins A, D, and B6
d. niacin, folacin, and biotin
Giardiasis is a communicable illness that is transmitted:
a. through direct and indirect contact with infected fecal material
b. during coughs and sneezes
c. by drinking out of someone else's glass
d. through contact with the fur of infected dogs and cats
_______objectssuch as beads, batteries, and the tops from markersshould be kept out of
an infant's reach.
What benefits does the lactose in breast milk and formula offer for the young infant?
What steps should be followed when administering medications to young children?
Newly constructed early childhood and school facilities must comply with standards
established by the ____________.
Lifetime eating patterns are often established by age______ .
Why is it not advisable to let children eat raw fish or undercooked meats?
What are the four basic principles of safety risk management?
The incubation period for the common cold is
approximately___________to___________ hours.
Insulin is essential for the conversion and storage of________and _________
consumed in the diet.
Young children have difficulty understanding the implications of a disaster due to their
________ thinking.
Taking large-dose supplements of calcium will ______the rate of its absorption and
Why don"t all children who are exposed to a particular infectious illness become sick?
In the event of a disaster or serious emergency, teachers should be assigned
Children are confronted with a multitude of challenges as they grow up. Explain why
some children are able to overcome chronic adversity while others fall victims to its
effects. What skills appear to make some children more resilient and how can teachers
and families foster these qualities?
Child abuse and/or neglect are usually observed as a________rather than as a single
What risk factors increase the probability of an unintentional injury occurring in a
group or school setting?
What is otitis media?

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