SESP 36006

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1669
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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Late bloomers combine psychopathology with risk-taking behavior and poor social
a. True
b. False
The crime and human nature model proposes that biological and psychological traits
influence the crime"non-crime choice.
a. True
b. False
Social ecology school criminologists associate crime rates and the need for police
services to ______.
a. community deterioration
b. community fear
c. community change
d. poverty concentration
Thefollowing illustrates the story of Rebecca Caine who was terrorized by her
ex-boyfriend Peter Atkinson who bombarded her with hundreds of texts and calls a day
and even posted nude pictures of her online. His actions are characterized as______.
a. cyberbullying
b. cyberspying
c. cyberabuse
d. cyberstalking
What two elements of culture interact to produce anomie and/or anomic conditions?
a. Informal social control and public social control
b. Middle-class measuring rods and educational underachievement
c. Culturally defined goals and socially approved means for obtaining them
d. Community cohesiveness and collective efficacy
Judith and Peter Blau developed the concept of __________, the idea that anger and
mistrust result from perceptions of inequality that lead lower-class people to feel
deprived and embittered in comparison with those more affluent.
a. inequality concentration
b. collective deprivation
c. cultural inequality
d. relative deprivation
One victory in the war on drugs is that the price of illegal narcotics, such as crack
cocaine and heroin, have drifted upward as supplies have dwindled due to proactive
antidrug strategies.
a. True
b. False
A pathway to deviance that begins at an early age with stubborn behavior and leads to
property damage, and eventually escalates to more serious forms of theft and fraud.
a. Authority conflict pathway
b. Overt pathway
c. Covert pathway
d. Design pathway
Source control strategies can undermine the economies of third-world nations.
a. True
b. False
A segment of society in which violence has become legitimized by the custom and
norms of that group.
a. Subculture of violence
b. Economic compulsive behavior
c. Systemic link
d. Pharmacological violence
Which of the following is not mentioned as a predictive factor for chronicity?
a. Beginning lawbreaking at an early age
b. Single-parent households
c. Low intellectual development
d. Parental drug involvement
The CIA has been known to send terror suspects to foreign prisons where they can be
subjected to harsh interrogation tactics that are forbidden by the United States.
a. True
b. False
Because elderly often live on their own and may appear lonely, they are more
susceptible to ______.
a. rape
b. fraud
c. robbery
d. arson
Ethan Nadelmann argues that drugs should be legalized because ______.
a. legalization will increase the price of drugs making it too costly for people to use
b. the use of mood-altering substances is customary in almost all human societies.
c. taxes the government could charge on drugs would help pay for drug prevention and
d. we should be free.
Chronic offenders eventually age out of crime.
a. True
b. False
Peacemaking criminologists view the efforts of the state to punish and control crime as
a. an effective means of controlling the crimes of all social classes
b. encouraging crime rather than discouraging it
c. focusing on poverty rather than socioeconomic status
d. efforts to repair severed relationships in society
Why is early onset an important factor in crime?
a. Because the earlier that antisocial behavior is identified, the earlier that turning points
can be implemented
b. Because latent traits may have gone unnoticed or unidentified at birth
c. Because early onset of antisocial behavior predicts later and more serious criminality
d. Because early onset of antisocial behavior is void of the crime"non-crime choice
mechanism suggested by Wilson and Herrnstein.
In 2015, Daniel is arrested for running a Ponzi scheme in which he swindled nearly $2
million from investors. This crime would be considered a _______.
a. white-collar crime
b. blue-collar crime
c. green-collar crime
d. none of the above
Which of the following is true in regard to recent research by the National White Collar
Crime Center?
a. About 17 percent of individuals reported experiencing at least one form of
white-collar crime.
b. About 80 percent of white-collar crimes are reported to police.
c. White-collar crime is viewed as a less serious crime by the general public.
d. All of the above are true.
The Uniform Crime Report is a primary source of crime data collected by the ______.
a. National Institute of Justice
b. Bureau of Justice Statistics
c. Federal Bureau of Investigation
d. Office of Juvenile Justice
Biosocial research has found that abnormal levels of male sex hormones, or androgens,
produce aggressive behavior.
a. True
b. False
The term criminal law refers to the written code that defines crimes and their
a. True
b. False
Green-collar crimes involve violations of laws designed to protect the environment.
a. True
b. False
Not all workplace violence is triggered by management-induced injustice.
a. True
b. False
In adoption studies, which of the following strongly predicted a child's criminal
a. A criminal biological mother
b. A criminal adoptive mother
c. A criminal biological father
d. A criminal adoptive grandfather
Rational choice theory has its roots in the positivist school of criminology.
a. True
b. False
What biological process accounts for desistance and aging out?
a. The level of hormone activity in the brain
b. The end of growth spurts
c. Better diets
d. Energy decline
One of the most high-profile cases of pedophilia among the Catholic Church involved
Fr. James Porter, who was convicted of molesting over 200 children of both sexes over
a 30-year period.
a. True
b. False
In 1933, the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution repealed Prohibition
a. True
b. False
Males are more likely than females to be victimized by someone they know.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not one of the major principles of differential association?
a. Criminal behavior is learned.
b. Learning criminal behavior involves assimilating techniques.
c. Differential associations may vary in meaning, reliability, and intention.
d. A person becomes a criminal when he or she perceives more favorable than
unfavorable consequences to violating the law.
Define and discuss Sampson and Laub's turning points in a criminal career. Include the
concept of social capital in your response.
Answer:Answers will vary
Paul and Amy have been married for seven years and have one small child. They share
the duties and responsibilities of raising the child, discipline, finances, and work. Under
power-control theory, this is most likely a/an __________________________ family.
Theft of a small amount of money or property, punished as a misdemeanor is known as
Discuss what research indicates about parental deviance, twin behavior, and adoption
Answer:Answers will vary.
Compare and contrast the contemporary forms of interpersonal violence such as hate
crimes, stalking, and workplace violence. What similarities and differences are found?
Answer:Answers will vary.
_____________ programs of rehabilitation removes offenders from the normal
channels of the criminal justice process, thus enabling them to avoid the stigma of a
criminal label.
Explain a hypothetical scenario in which a plea bargain may be used for a criminal
convicted of multiple felonies.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Explain the concept of social harm and discuss the contention by some scholars that
public order crimes are not necessarily victimless offenses.
Answer:Answers will vary
___________ includes the willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of
electronic text.
The ______ is the view that women who commit crimes have biological and
psychological traits similar to those of men.
___________________ describes the ability of parents to be supportive of their
children and effectively control them in noncoercive ways.
Sociologist Robert Merton applied the sociological concepts first identified by
Durkheim to criminology in his theory of ______________.
Using the Profiles in Crime section of the text titled "I Can't Breathe," explain how the
Eric Garner case and the events which transpired in the months following his death can
explain the toll conflict takes on society.
Answer:Answers will vary.
_____________________ are political terror groups involved in violent actions to
protect the environment.
People who serve as guardians of property or people are called ________.
The collection of _________________ data involves observing over time a group of
people who share certain characteristics.
Discuss the age structure of society and the concept of aging out." How do age and
aging out impact crime rates?
Answer:Answers will vary.

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