SED LR 97045

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 3730
subject Authors William L. Heward

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Students who are gifted and talented should not be provided with instruction that targets
lower levels of Bloom's taxonomy.
There is a universally accepted definition of giftedness.
Educational, therapeutic and recreational activities that are suitable for students with
neurological impairments are not suitable for students with orthopedic impairments.
Parents of children with disabilities usually receive ample help in caring for the child
from friends and relatives.
Internalizing behaviors are more often displayed by girls with emotional and behavioral
Students with disabilities are exempt from the requirements of No Child Left Behind.
About 75% of students with learning disabilities experience social problems.
Articulation errors are mainly caused by faulty mechanical operation of the speech
Least restrictive environment and inclusion are not synonymous.
Two thirds of the children who have parents who are English language learners live in
The federal definition of learning disabilities has been universally accepted.
Most people with savant syndrome have autism.
Teachers who use mystery motivators correctly
A) always tell what the reward is
B) always tell how to earn the reward
C) always tell where the reward is located
D) always tell when the reward will be available
Which of the following best represents the concept of teaming?
A) A group of teachers share bus duty.
B) A paraeducator designs a bulletin board for a special educator.
C) A special educator provides a list of possible accommodations for a student to a
general educator.
D) A special educator and a general educator design assignments and assessments for a
student and meet to share results.
An instructional strategy that incorporates students' familiarity with technology to teach
needed skills in a variety of settings is
A) digital dramas
B) Wii simulations
C) cell phone prompting
D) iPod video modeling
Travis is a third grade student with an intellectual disability. He has just been placed in
Mrs. Kinard's third grade class. Students in his class are learning their multiplication
facts. Travis is eager to participate in class but instead of allowing Travis to do the same
activity as the other students, Mrs. Kinard gives him a coloring worksheet that she
obtained from a colleague who teaches kindergarten. Which of the disadvantages of
labeling is exemplified by her actions?
A) The label is being used to explain his behavior.
B) The label has caused her to have lower expectations.
C) The label has caused her to ridicule and reject Travis.
D) The label has contributed to the expenditure of greater amounts of money.
A term used to describe multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness and traumatic brain injury
A) autosomal disabilities
B) comorbid disabilities
C) high impact disabilities
D) low incidence disabilities
Which of the following is not an element of positive behavior support?
A) teaching a student a desirable alternative behavior
B) understanding the function of the behavior for a student
C) using natural aversive consequences when the inappropriate behavior occurs
D) arranging the environment so that the inappropriate behavior is less likely to occur
Which of the following statements about applied behavior analysis (ABA) is most
A) ABA is too complicated for many parents.
B) Skills targeted for teaching are based on individual needs.
C) ABA is a teaching method.
D) ABA includes prescribed settings, teaching formats and materials.
Complex play activities are important for preschoolers because
A) they reduce dependency on adults
B) they reduce boredom and frustration
C) they are not dependent on gross or fine motor skills
D) they expose children to pre-academic math and literacy skills
Which of the following is not a limitation associated with speechreading?
A) Many words look alike on the lips.
B) Many speakers use vision to decode speech
C) Many speakers are able to talk while barely moving their lips.
D) Many students experience fatigue after speech reading for a short time.
Which of the following is an indicator that a child with a disability may need more
support in the classroom?
A) He/she may seem tired.
B) He/she may refuse to participate in activities.
C) He/she may switch from one activity to another.
D) He/she may become over dependent on adult help.
Which of the following students is most likely to have problems with reading?
A) Abe, a child with a phonological disorder
B) Charlene, a child with a fluency disorder
C) Demetrius, a child with a voice disorder
D) Francine, a child with an articulation disorder
In most states when a teacher encounters a child with a behavior or learning problem
and the child is not currently receiving special education services, the first step is to
A) devise and implement an intervention
B) design an individualized education program
C) contact the state board of education to request funding
D) evaluate the child for eligibility to receive special education services
Mrs. Cooper prepares handouts for her students with learning disabilities to help them
understand her lecture. The handouts contain an outline of lecture content and include
spaces for writing key facts, concepts, or relationships. This is an example of
A) a graphic organizer
B) guided notes
C) prescribed notes
D) strategic note taking
Which best characterizes the primary difference between an IFSP and an IEP?
A) An IFSP is less restrictive.
B) An IFSP is more family-centered.
C) An IFSP focuses on short-term goals.
D) An IFSP requires increased accountability.
Curriculum-based assessment can be used to do all of the following except
A) select IEP or IFSP goals
B) identify a child's level of functioning
C) evaluate a child's progress in special education.
D) compare a child's achievement to that of his peers
According to the American Psychiatric Association, the onset of symptoms of ADHD
should occur
A) by the age of 12
B) before the age of 5
C) before the age of 7
D) before the age of 9
Colby is a year old and has cleft palate. He needs an evaluation to determine if
problems associated with this condition are affecting his hearing. Which of the
following tests can be used?
A) pure-tone audiometry
B) operant conditioning audiometry
C) speech reception threshold (SRT)
D) voice recognition testing (VRT)
Which of the following students would not need training in recruiting teacher attention?
A) a student who rarely asks questions
B) a student who rushes through the task before the teacher finishes explaining
C) a student who asks appropriate subject-oriented questions
D) a student who displays a disruptive manner
Which of the following students would be identified as having difficulty with
generalization of learning?
A) Billy can tie his sneakers but not his dress shoes.
B) Keelee can add three-digit numbers but she can"t subtract them.
C) Jacob has learned how to read music but he refuses to help his brother learn it.
D) Melvin has learned to write his name in cursive at school, so he wants to write it at
home and at church.
Who established the value of systematic early intervention in improving outcomes for
children with autism?
A) Eugen Bleuler
B) Bruno Bettelheim
C) Ivar Lovaas
D) Lorna Wing
Which of the following is a maternal screening test that can identify pregnancies at risk
for a congenital disability?
A) amniocentesis
B) maternal serum (AFP) alpha-fetoprotein
C) chorionic villi sampling
D) tandem mass spectrometry
All of the following are reasons for the gap in the number of students with traumatic
brain injury and the number of students receiving services in this category except
A) Public awareness is low about the disability
B) Many students with brain injury recover.
C) Many students are receiving services in other categories of disability.
D) Brain injury does not always have an adverse effect on educational performance.
Which of the following is an example of a behavior trap?
A) Bailey can"t stop spinning coins once he starts.
B) Mrs. Monroe always has a negative reaction to Cole's screaming.
C) Mrs. Chisholm uses Darren's love of presidents to develop academic skills.
D) Mr. Newman checks to make sure that objects in class are kept in the same place.
Which of the following court cases sought extended school year services for students
with disabilities who regressed during usual school breaks?
A) Brown v. Board of Education [1954]
B) Stuart v. Nappi [1978]
C) Armstrong v. Kline [1979]
D) Timothy W. v. Rochester School District [1989]
Which of the following terms is considered obsolete by the NJCLD?
A) dyslexia
B) dysgraphia
C) learned helplessness
D) perceptual impairments
Teachers who implement home'school contracts
A) deliver a reward for improvements in student behavior at home
B) depend on parents to deliver rewards for progress in the classroom
C) depend on students to report progress in the classroom to their parents
D) deliver a reward for improvements in academic skills practiced at home
When developing an IEP for a student with severe or multiple disabilities, one of the
greatest responsibilities of a special educator is
A) providing appropriate assistive technology
B) providing appropriate positive behavior supports
C) selecting and prioritizing instructional objectives
D) ensuring that the student is included with nondisabled peers
IEP goals for students with traumatic brain injury may need to be reviewed and
A) as often as every 30 days
B) at least every six months
C) when students reach a plateau
D) as seldom as every three years
Jake is a high school student. After-school conversations with friends include the use of
slang words and may include telling of a "dirty joke." When Jake arrives at his
grandparents' house he uses standard English and says "ma"am" and 'sir" when
addressing them. This ability to adjust language represents skill in
A) morphology
B) phonology
C) pragmatics
D) semantics
The ability to clearly distinguish forms or discriminate details at a specified distance is
A) field of vision
B) focal center
C) functional vision
D) visual acuity
Effective home'school partnerships are characterized by
A) empirical support
B) pursuit of individual goals
C) a climate of mutual respect and trust
D) recognition of professional expertise
What are the primary emphases of Piirto's concept of talent development?
A) creativity, cultural identity, motivation
B) genetics, personality, environmental influences
C) superior productivity, home/school collaboration, intelligence
D) superior memory, observational powers, curiosity, creativity and rapid learning
Explain what skills are involved in self-determination training and give an example of
the importance of each as it relates to living independently.
Describe six elements of an individualized family services plan, and contrast an IFSP
with an IEP.
Explain the controversy regarding full inclusion.
How can general education classroom teachers provide curriculum and instruction at
the pace, breadth, and depth needed by gifted and talented students, while meeting the
needs of other students in the classroom?
What is the best placement for a student with severe disabilities?
Compare and contrast open and closed head injuries.
How might the visibility of a physical disability or health impairment affect a child's
self-perception, social development, and level of independence across different
What percentage of students with emotional or behavioral disorders drop out of school?
Explain why this is the case.
Why is it important that teachers know about the types of visual impairments affecting
children in their classroom?
Parents are the primary teachers in a/an _____ program. In this service option, parents
receive guidance and support from a paraprofessional. Contrast this service option to a
different service option.
What are the implications for special education in viewing intellectual disabilities as an
inherent trait within the individual or as a state of functioning that reflects the fit
between a person's capacities and the contexts in which the person is to function?
What forms of home'school communication are likely to be most effective?
Why might the inclusion of children with emotional or behavioral disorders in general
education classrooms be more (or less) intensely debated than the inclusion of children
with other disabilities?
Describe the prereferral process including its purpose.
List the dimensions (defining characteristics) of special education and describe/explain
at least four of them.
What are the three reasons for increased emphasis on parent and family involvement?
Why have court cases and federal legislation been required to ensure that children with
disabilities receive a free appropriate education?

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