SED LR 63504

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1872
subject Authors Lynn R Marotz

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Although field trips can enhance children's learning, they also present added risk and
liability concerns.
a. True
b. False
Pureed meats should be introduced into an infant's diet around three to four months of
age to address depleted iron reserves.
a. True
b. False
Children living in______are at higher risk of developing lead poisoning.
a. rural areas
b. older homes
c. newly constructed housing
d. communities where there are other symptomatic children
Eggs, meats, citrus juices, and wheat cereals may cause:
a. allergic reactions
b. constipation
c. growth that is too rapid
d. excessive weight gain
An increasing number of children in the U.S. are experiencing food insecurity.
a. True
b. False
Parents can expect toddlers to:
a. be eager to try new foods
b. have a hearty appetite
c. prefer nutritious foods
d. challenge adult authority during mealtimes
The primary objective of emergency care is to save lives.
a. True
b. False
One of the most important food safety practices is:
a. washing hands well before and after handling food
b. keeping all foods wrapped up securely
c. not allowing children to touch fresh fruit until it is washed
d. requiring children to wear aprons to avoid contamination from personal clothing
An overweight child should:
a. be placed on a calorie-restricted diet
b. participate in more physical activity
c. be punished for over-eating
d. not be a cause for concern as he or she will gradually outgrow this condition
Seasonal fresh produce should be included in menus whenever possible to reduce cost,
improve nutritional value, and expose children to new food items.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following statements about fat is true?
a. children younger than two years need dietary fat for healthy growth
b. all fats are bad and should be eliminated from the adult diet
c. fats yield 4 calories per gram
d. all fats contain cholesterol
Your next-door neighbor brings over her three-year-old daughter who has accidentally
spilled liquid drain cleaner (lye) on her arms and legs. Treatment of chemical burns
requires immediate action. You should immediately:
a. rush the child to a doctor's office
b. pour milk over the burned areas to neutralize the lye
c. call the nearest Poison Control Center for instructions
d. wash the chemical off under running water for at least 10 to 15 minutes
Children's needs, interests, and abilities are reflected in developmentally appropriate
learning environments and activities.
a. True
b. False
The leading cause of death among young children is due to:
a. birth defects
b. unintentional injuries
c. communicable illness
d. hereditary diseases
An infant who begins to vomit should be positioned:
a. on its stomach with hips and legs raised
b. sitting up
c. on its back so it can be observed more carefully
d. upright in the teacher's arms
Honey or foods containing honey should not be fed to infants because they:
a. are difficult to digest
b. provide too many empty calories
c. may contain botulism spores
d. can cause diarrhea
A child who is experiencing an acute earache may exhibit all the following signs
a. decreased urination
b. fever
c. redness of the outer ear
d. refusal to eat
Child abuse laws are based on the fundamental belief that:
a. families have certain obligations toward their children
b. teachers can be more objective in recognizing signs of maltreatment
c. society supports the removal of children from abusive homes
d. adults should be punished for their actions
Topics selected for health/safety lessons should meet all of the following criteria
a. current fads and controversial issues
b. ability to improve the quality of children's lives
c. children's individual needs and interests
d. children's age and developmental skills
Sexual abuse includes:
a. only incidences involving actual intercourse
b. any sexual involvement between an adult and child
c. only sexual acts to which a child did not consent
d. rape and incest exclusively
Toddlers who consume milk to the exclusion of foods from the other food groups are in
danger of developing:
a. obesity
b. iron-deficiency anemia
c. rickets
d. headaches and dermatitis
A child's nutritional status affects:
a. behavior
b. energy and activity levels
c. resistance to infection
d. all answers are correct
Toddlers can be expected to:
a. spread peanut butter on a cracker
b. cut a hot dog into small pieces
c. pick up most foods with their hands
d. eat spaghetti with a fork
Food provides nutrients that influence a child's growth, development, and behavior.
a. True
b. False
Safety rules should:
a. frighten children so they aren"t likely to repeat the misbehavior
b. eliminate the need for adult supervision
c. describe acceptable behavior
d. provide detailed explanations about how toys and play equipment are to be used
Research has demonstrated that a positive relationship exists between high quality child
care and:
a. improved salaries for teachers
b. optimum child development
c. children's happiness
d. satisfied families
Norms are skills that children should be able to demonstrate by a specific age.
a. True
b. False
Whenever new play equipment is added to children's environments, safety must be a
prime concern.
a. True
b. False
It is not advisable to have families participate in children's nutrition education activities
because most parents do not know enough about appropriate educational instruction to
be helpful.
a. True
b. False
Licensing regulations are established:
a. by individual states
b. according to national standards
c. in each local community
d. as needed
School-aged children are developmentally ready to learn about topics such as stress, the
health benefits of food, and communicable diseases.
a. True
b. False
Families should be discouraged from having lunch with their children at school because
this will distract children from eating well.
a. True
b. False
Which four nutrients are considered to be deficient in many children's diets?
What is the prescribed procedure for hand washing dishes in a group care setting?
Left untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to_________.
Inadequate or unpredictable access to a healthy diet is called_________.
What three general functions do nutrients perform in the body?
Although children may be taught safety rules, adults must continue to________their
What benefits are achieved when ethnic foods are included in children's meals?
The passage of the ______in 1974 marked the first time that abusive treatment of
children was officially acknowledged.
List five advantages that breast milk has over formula as the first food for an infant.
Rashes most commonly appear on a child's upper __________ and __________ areas.
Teachers can share information about communicable illnesses and preventive health
measures with families during
A child's basal metabolic needs are ________ than the energy required for voluntary
physical activity.
Name three factors that reduce or interfere with the quality of children's health.
Safety education should teach young children self-_______and self-________.
Participation in NAEYC's accreditation program is_________.
Whole grain products consist of grains that have not been____ .
Vigorous________has a positive effect on children's behavior, mental health, and
weight management.
Review the MyPlate food guide and suggest appropriate snack foods from each food
group that would be appropriate for school-aged children.

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