SED EM 87686

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subject Authors Richard S. Sharf

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Providing a support rather than a barrier to clients who struggle with career choice
issues is a counseling technique used by this theory.
a. Holland's theory
b. Krumboltz's social learning theory
c. social cognitive career theory
d. work adjustment theory
Betsy and her counselor compose a detailed life history in the process of her career
counseling. Which type of career counseling is most likely to do this?
a. social cognitive career theory
b. trait and factor counseling
c. narrative career counseling.
d. work adjustment theory
When clients say " The test told me I should be a baker or a forester", they are probably
a. information about self.
b. information about the labor market.
c. information about career- decision making.
d. They are not misinterpreting anything.
A reliable test
a. is a valid test.
b. is a widely used test.
c. is one which is consistent with career development theory.
d. yields similar results when given on more than one occasion.
Donna has been a high school science teacher for 20 years. Her interest has been
primarily in the teaching aspects of her work rather than in biology, her primary subject
matter responsibility. She has also coached volley ball, an assignment that she has very
much enjoyed. Her daughter Carol is also interested in biology, as well as chemistry.
However, she also is interested in art. A good student Carol would like to go to college
next year where she can start a pre-med program. Donna is supportive of Carol's plans.
To start to save money, Carol has started to work part-time as a bank teller, a job that
she finds tedious and boring. Apply Holland's theory in answering these questions.
Carol's interests and personality are __________ with her current part-time work
environment as a bank teller.
a. compatible
b. congruent
c. incompatible
d. incongruent
Individuals working as curators in museums are most likely to be
a. Artistic.
b. Conventional.
c. Enterprising.
d. Social.
The O*NET classification system takes the place of the
a. Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
b. Guide for Occupational Exploration System.
c. Holland's system.
d. Standard Occupational Classification System.
According to work adjustment theory an employee would be most concerned with his
or her
a. interests.
b. satisfaction.
c. satisfactoriness.
d. vacation plans.
Which of these career theories views the client as giving meaning to career-related
a. Savickas's career construction theory
b. Holland
c. Super
d. work adjustment theory
Myrna is a lawyer who has had to make many changes throughout her 4 years at her
law firm. She has had to assist other lawyers with cases, recruit new clients, try cases in
court, and research various laws and regulations. She finds these duties require different
skills. Her experience can be called an example of a
a. boundaryless career.
b. kaleidoscope career.
c. protean career.
d. standardized career.
According to Super, children at the age of 7 to 10 are most likely to base career choices
a. capacities
b. fantasies
c. interests
d. values
Tests or inventories that give scores on and are normed on specific occupations are most
likely to be
a. intelligence tests.
b. interest inventories.
c. personality inventories.
d. value inventories or scales
The central concept in Super's developmental theory is
a. education.
b. personality.
c. self-concept.
d. work adjustment.
Phillips and her colleagues have examined career decision-making as it relates to
a. behavioral theory.
b. cognitive theory.
c. relationships the decision-maker has with others.
d. spiritual approaches to counseling.
Creating many possible career alternative is this aspect of cognitive information
processing skills.
a. communication
b. analysis
c. synthesis
d. valuing
e. execution
Which of the following could be considered an unethical behavior? Providing career
counseling for
a. adolescents.
b. a retired person.
c. a felon.
d. a relative.
Which of these is NOT one of Super's life roles?
a. community service
b. investing
c. studying
d. working
When 5 year old Alicia says that she wants to be a nurse because she likes the white
uniform, she is probably at this stage of Howard and Walsh's vocational reasoning:
a. interests.
b. time perspective.
c. magical thinking
d. external activities.
In deciding to be an elementary school teacher rather than a neurosurgeon, Georgia
gave up her interests first, then her desire for prestige, and third her gender preference
for an occupation. This scenario is best described by Gottfredson's concept of
a. career maturity.
b. circumscription.
c. compromise.
d. tolerable sex boundaries.
A test that reveals how much a person has learned is called an
a. accomplishment test.
b. achievement test.
c. aptitude test.
d. interest inventory.
According to Krumboltz, which of the following is NOT a counseling method for
dealing with chance events?
a. Assist clients to transform curiosity into opportunities for learning and exploration.
b. Assist clients to develop a sense of self-efficacy.
c. Teach clients to produce desirable chance events.
d. Teach clients to overcome blocks to actions
Although Lars has been teaching history in high school for over 35 years, he still finds
ways to use television and computers in new ways to teach history to his students.
According to Super, he is currently in this substage:
a. decelerating
b. holding
c. innovating
d. stabilizing
Celerity is a term that reflects a personality style in
a. general trait and factor theory.
b. Holland's theory.
c. Myers-Briggs type theory.
d. work adjustment theory.
Which of these theories focuses on career choice by examining society rather than
individual choices?
a. Holland's theory
b. status attainment theory
c. social learning theory
d. work adjustment theory
Which of the following theoretical approaches places the most emphasis on worker
a. general trait and factor theory
b. Holland's theory
c. Myers-Briggs type theory
d. work adjustment theory
Which theory is associated with the terms "Conventional" and "Enterprising"?
a. Holland's theory.
b. Myers- Briggs Type theory.
c. social learning theory.
d. Super's developmental theory.
Shana has just learned that she has been fired from her job as a sales clerk in a
department store. According to Hopson and Adams, she is likely to be in this transition
a. immobilization
b. internalization
c. letting go
d. self-doubt
Which of the following trait and factor theories is the least comprehensive and is
usually used in combination with other career development theories?
a. general trait and factor theory
b. Holland's theory
c. Myers-Briggs type theory
d. work adjustment theory
Discussing attachment issues in counseling may be helpful in career exploration, as it
can help an individual develop
a. a sense of identity.
b. a sense of security.
c. career maturity.
d. self-efficacy.
Jake has taken a test that shows how much he knows about Algebra, it would be an
a. ability test.
b. accomplishment test.
c. aptitude test.
d. interest inventory.
A valid criticism of studies of the structure of the labor market is that
a. an individual's stage in life is not adequately considered.
b. different researchers define major sectors of the economy differently.
c. research focuses too closely on earnings as a goal.
d. prestige is used as the major criterion for success.
Blustein's theory looks at relationships at work as
a. providing an opportunity for advancement.
b. a way to learn to tolerate poor working conditions.
c. a means of providing occupational information.
d. of utmost importance
Which of the following is NOT a type of trait and factor theory?
a. constructivist theory
b. Holland's theory
c. Myers-Briggs Type theory
d. work adjustment theory
In constructivist counseling
a. counselors examine how their clients derive meaning form interaction with others.
b. the choice of an occupation is carefully constructed one step at a time.
c. there is an emphasis on rational decision making.
d. universal constructs apply to culturally diverse populations.
According to Bloch and Richmond, individuals who are truly absorbed by their work
and find it joyful are said to have
a. found their calling.
b. found their inner space.
c. reached the establishment stage.
d. reached the disengagement stage.

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