SED EM 52661

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2921
subject Authors William L. Heward

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All of the following are basic psychological processes except
A) behavior
B) listening
C) speaking
D) thinking
Which of the following student behaviors best fits the IDEA definition of emotional
A) Grace has been depressed and withdrawn for 7 months.
B) Maggie responds to teasing one day by throwing a chair through a window.
C) Page usually gets excellent grades but since starting fourth grade has been getting
C's and D's.
D) Courtney tells the school nurse that she has been crying every day for a week
because her parents are divorced.
Which part(s) of the eye is/are responsible for detecting color?
A) the cones
B) the iris
C) the retina
D) the aqueous humor
Behavior problems in students with autism
A) are generally of low intensity
B) can usually be controlled with medication
C) can cause family dysfunction if not controlled
D) often lead to suspension or expulsion from school
Collin has 20/100 vision. This means that
A) he is legally blind
B) he sees as well as or better than 20% of his classmates
C) he can identify only 20 letters on the Snellen Eye Chart correctly
D) he sees at a distance of 20 feet what a normally sighted person sees at a distance of
100 feet
Which of the following strategies would be least effective in increasing the involvement
of families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds?
A) conducting meetings in family-friendly settings
B) scheduling meetings during the teacher's planning time
C) asking native-speaking staff members to contact the family
D) identifying key decision makers in the family and deferring to them
Who is/are the most powerful and pervasive influence(s) in a child's life?
A) peers
B) parents and family
C) favorite teachers
D) community leaders
Which of the following words has a meaning most like handicapism?
A) idealism
B) individualism
C) racism
D) realism
All of the following are causes of emotional disabilities except
A) brain dysfunction
B) differences in temperament
C) genetic factors
D) vitamin deficiencies
Which statement about parents of children with disabilities as research partners is most
A) Parents are often too busy to participate in research.
B) Parents are seldom educated enough to participate in research.
C) Parents are often able to observe and measure performance and identify meaningful
D) Parents are seldom objective enough to observe and measure performance and
identify meaningful outcomes.
The eardrum is also known as the
A) auricle
B) meatus
C) ossicle
D) tympanic membrane
Mrs. Jonas, a speech therapist, Mr. Dodds, a physical therapist, and Mrs. Anthony, a
special education teacher, work independently to provide services to Jasmine, a student
with cerebral palsy. Mrs. Jonas addresses Jasmine's articulation problems. Mr. Dodds
focuses on helping Jasmine walk with braces, and Mrs. Anthony works on Jasmine's
reading and math goals. Which type of team is described in this scenario?
A) interdisciplinary
B) intradisciplinary
C) multidisciplinary
D) transdisciplinary
Which of the following statements about handicaps is NOT true?
A) Handicaps may also be a disability if it leads to other problems.
B) Handicaps pose problems in most environments.
C) Handicaps may result from the negative attitudes of others.
D) Handicaps are usually evident at birth or shortly after birth.
As most commonly used, in your textbook, the term "early intervention" refers to
services provided to children ages
A) birth to 5
B) birth to 2
C) birth to 9
D) 3 to 5
Ms. Frost gives oral reading fluency tests every week to all her first graders. The lowest
performing students receive special reading tutoring until they are reading at a
minimally acceptable level. What type of intervention is this?
A) compensatory
B) intensive
C) preventive
D) remedial
All of the following are genetic disorders associated with ADHD except
A) fragile X syndrome
B) fetal alcohol syndrome
C) Turner syndrome
D) Williams syndrome
All of the following are defining characteristics of autism in the IDEA definition of
autism except
A) cognitive deficits
B) communication deficits
C) deficits in social interaction
D) resistance to environmental change
How often does IDEA require teams to review IEP goals and objectives for each child?
A) every six months.
B) quarterly
C) every other month
D) annually
The most common type of vocational activity for people with severe disabilities is
A) custom employment
B) home employment
C) sheltered employment
D) supported employment
Which of the following strategies is least preferred by adults with disabilities who are
emergent readers?
A) adapted novels
B) books on tape
C) echo reading
D) describing events in pictures
Mr. Quimby, a teacher, provides physical support to help Howard, a student who cannot
speak, type responses on a keyboard, so that Howard can share his thoughts and ideas.
This technique is known as
A) cued communication
B) facilitated communication
C) functional communication
D) reciprocal communication
Which of the following reflects the change in the number of students with autism over
the past 10 years?
A) The number has tripled.
B) The number has decreased.
C) There has been very little change.
D) There are ten times as many students.
Mr. Santos is trying to teach Carl, a student with a severe disability, how to get lunch
from the cafeteria independently. To see the learning that is occurring, he should
measure progress
A) in every lesson
B) twice a week
C) at least once a week
D) prior to beginning instruction and after it has ended
Larry scored below basic level on a statewide achievement test; however, his teacher
has evidence that he has made small incremental improvements in both reading fluency
and comprehension this year. Which type of assessment is likely to provide this
A) criterion-referenced assessment
B) curriculum-based measurement
C) norm-referenced assessment
D) summative assessment
Which is an example of intraindividual differences?
A) Belle has higher scores in math than Tony, but Tony has higher writing and reading
B) Brenna and Deanna take the same analytical abilities test and have vastly different
C) Mia has grade level scores in math, but after receiving tutoring is scoring well above
grade level.
D) Jamie has grade level scores in reading and in mathematics scores typical of children
four years older.
Which of the following best illustrates building communication skills?
A) Jason plays quietly with the blocks. He is praised for attending to the task.
B) Kyle rarely demonstrates eye contact. His teacher provides reinforcement when he
C) Madison is learning to do laundry. Her teacher creates a washing machine from a
large box.
D) Kibe's lunch tray is out of reach. He indicates "eat" with his communication device,
so his teacher moves the tray where he can reach it.
In which of the following groups would students be least likely to be identified as gifted
and talented?
A) girls
B) Hispanics
C) African Americans
D) Native Americans
Mrs. Lucas is preparing for an annual review of Mia's IEP. The team has recommended
that Mia receive services in the resource room rather than a self-contained classroom.
Mia's current teacher has informed Mrs. Lucas that her parents expect Mia to receive
lots of individual attention in class. Mrs. Lucas is expecting Mia's parents to be angry
about the decision and she has prepared herself to stand firm and defend the team's
decision. Which barrier to effective communication is being displayed by Mrs. Lucas?
A) She is keeping professional distance.
B) She is treating Mia's parents like adversaries.
C) She is treating Mia's parents like they need counseling.
D) She is treating Mia's parents like vulnerable clients rather than equal partners.
Which of the following statements about self-management is most accurate?
A) It is a relatively complex procedure.
B) It has not been effective for students with disabilities.
C) It promotes maintenance and generalization of new behaviors.
D) It has mainly been used for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities.
According to Torrance's research on creativity, most creative people are
A) individuals who walk and talk at an early age
B) individuals who spend more time reading than watching television
C) individuals from affluent backgrounds who are exposed to the fine arts at an early
D) individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who use their imaginations to think
outside the box
Define CBM and explain the advantages it has over summative evaluations.
What are some of the problems that members of transdisciplinary teams for students
with physical disabilities and multiple health needs must guard against?
Who is more likely to be labeled with emotional and behavioral disorders, girls or
boys? Describe what types of behaviors is displayed by the group you identify.
Name two early environmental variables that influence achievement in school.
What can a teacher learn from the family of a child with disabilities?
What 2 members of the IEP team rate themselves the lowest on ability in and
understanding of the IEP meeting process?
What are the most important skills for a teacher of students with severe and multiple
disabilities? Why?
What is the most prevalent model of service delivery for students with speech-language
disabilities? Explain what is involved in this service approach.
What elements must be in place for a student with disabilities to receive an appropriate
education in inclusive classrooms?
How is frequency or pitch measured, and how is the measurement related to hertz?
How can research findings about the cumulative interplay of risk factors for behavior
problems in adolescence and adulthood guide the development and implementation of
prevention programs?
Imagine you are a special educator with a student, Maya, who has severe/multiple
disabilities. Your supervisor wants to recommend that Maya be sent to a special
residential school because he (the supervisor) sees no significant change in her
academic levels of performance. Draft a response letter that supports your reasons for
keeping Maya in her neighborhood school.
Describe the three tiers of support in schoolwide positive behavioral support (SWPBS)
and explain what happens at each tier.
What does PLOP stand for and include?
The etiological factors of ID are categorized by the AAIDD as prenatal, perinatal, and
postnatal. What do each of these terms mean?

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