SED EM 17420

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1767
subject Authors Lynn R Marotz

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Crib mobiles and nesting toys are appropriate choices for an eight-month-old infant.
a. True
b. False
The teacher must never leave the room during a nutrition activity that involves food or
utensils that might harm a child.
a. True
b. False
Statements that describe the desired changes in learners' behavior are called:
a. behavioral attitudes and beliefs
b. incidental learning
c. behavioral objectives
d. learner concepts
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP):
a. provides surplus food items to schools
b. trains food service personnel
c. reimburses participating child care programs for meal service costs
d. sets national health, safety, and nutrition standards for individuals of all ages
The length of an incubation stage:
a. is the same for all communicable illnesses
b. varies for each communicable illness
c. is shorter in young children
d. is not an important infection control measure
Adults who mistreat children often lack effective parenting skills.
a. True
b. False
It is the family's right to discipline their children as they see fit.
a. True
b. False
Neural connections form as the result of:
a. heredity
b. biological maturation
c. daily experiences
d. physical activity
A child who suffers from depression may be indecisive, exhibit uncontrollable anger
and/or have difficulty sleeping.
a. True
b. False
Exposure to secondhand smoke increases a child's risk for developing ear infections.
a. True
b. False
In an infant-toddler unit, toys should be removed and washed before they are given to
another child.
a. True
b. False
Washing fruits and vegetables that will be peeled is:
a. unnecessary
b. not important unless the fruits and vegetables have been sprayed with pesticides
c. only necessary if the foods will be eaten raw
d. always an important practice to follow
To care for a child who is experiencing an asthma attack, you would do all of the
following EXCEPT:
a. administer any prescribed medications
b. insist that the child lie down
c. call for emergency medical assistance if the child develops respiratory distress
d. give small sips of room-temperature water
Adding cereal to the infant's bottle can lead to Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (BBTD).
a. True
b. False
Nutrient groups that function to build body tissues are:
a. proteins and fats
b. carbohydrates and vitamins
c. fats and minerals
d. proteins and minerals
Effective strategies for managing children's misbehavior include:
a. redirecting the child's attention to another activity
b. modeling the appropriate or desired behavior
c. ignoring the undesirable behavior
d. all answers are correct
Direct pressure should be applied for several minutes to stop bleeding.
a. True
b. False
If a child's permanent tooth is knocked out it cannot be saved.
a. True
b. False
A comprehensive speech evaluation should include a hearing test.
a. True
b. False
All the following nutrient classes supply direct energy EXCEPT:
a. vitamins
b. carbohydrates
c. proteins
d. fats
The most important reason for including health education in children's early education
curriculum is to:
a. reduce the incidence of communicable disease in school settings
b. implement the results of the latest child research
c. engage families and hold them responsible for children's well-being
d. help children develop sound health habits and concepts at an early age
A pathogen is the:
a. method by which an illness is transmitted
b. organism responsible for infecting an individual
c. first stage of a communicable illness
d. name given to the susceptible or new host
Longrange planning for children's health/safety education:
a. is too time-consuming and difficult for teachers to consider
b. should focus only on spontaneous learning opportunities
c. ensures systematic teaching of basic concepts
d. is not necessary as long as an experienced teacher knows what he/she prefers to
Age warnings on toys are useful for determining if they are a safe choice for children.
a. True
b. False
All of the following safety features must be considered when purchasing an infant crib
a. slats that are no more than 4 inches apart
b. a mattress that fits snugly against the crib sides
c. the ease of lowering the crib sides
d. no missing or cracked slats
Dehydration can be a serious complication of repeated diarrhea, particularly in infants.
a. True
b. False
A child receives frostbite on the tips of several fingers. Your immediate action would be
a. rewarm the child's fingers quickly by immersing them in hot water
b. apply an ice pack to decrease pain and swelling
c. rub the fingers briskly to restore circulation
d. bring the child indoors and let the fingers gradually rewarm themselves
In general, families know how to identify high-quality early childhood or after-school
a. True
b. False
Oral hygiene practices should be implemented once a child's permanent teeth have
a. True
b. False
In the case of heat stroke, you would expect a child's temperature to be:
a. normal
b. elevated
c. below normal
d. unstable
A stomachache may be considered serious when it:
a. comes and goes
b. disrupts a child's activity
c. affects a child's appetite
d. causes gas or diarrhea
When carbohydrates are completely digested, the end products are:
a. amino acids
b. fats
c. simple sugars
d. fiber
While checking Carlos, you observe that his throat is quite red and his skin feels warm.
You should:
a. call Carlos's mother and advise her to contact their doctor
b. inform his mother that Carlos probably has strep throat
c. wait until tomorrow to see if he becomes sicker
d. contact Carlos's pediatrician for treatment
The_______(CHIP) program makes low-cost health insurance available to
income-eligible families:
a. Children" Health Insurance
b. Coordinated Health Investment
c. Certified Health Insurers
d. Cooperative Health Indemnity
Early detection of amblyopia is of prime importance because:
a. a child younger than six adjusts more readily to glasses
b. treatment is often less successful when diagnosed after age seven or eight
c. it is useful for knowing where to seat a child in the classroom
d. it may explain why a child is unable to learn his/her colors
How would you determine whether or not a toddler is breathing?
Children must be instructed to always _____when eating to decrease the risk of
Written activity plans help teachers prepare, ______, and evaluate children's
learning experiences.
The breast-fed infant should be supplemented with vitamin _____ soon after birth, but
the formula-fed infant should not because formulas provide generous amounts of this
vitamin and excess intake may cause toxicity.
Incomplete proteins are generally _____-source foods.
Advanced planning implies that teachers be prepared for the___________.
The FDA has approved the use of _____as an acceptable means of destroying disease-
producing bacteria in some foods.
Allowing children to repeatedly skip school can result in the prosecution of parents
for ____________________
Instructional techniques that hold children's _____are more likely to be engaging and
to strengthen learning.
A serious complication of hemophilus influenza in young children is______________.
Salmonella infections are commonly transmitted via contaminated___________.
To treat a child who is in shock, you should immediately_________the feet.
Hot water temperatures should not exceed_________F.
Describe several informal methods that can be used to test an infant's hearing.
What foods are most likely to cause choking in children under age five?
Why is early diagnosis of hearing problems so important in young children?
Healthy neuromuscular function requires the presence of vitamins B and _____.
Children's _______and developmental abilities must be considered when planning
health/safety educational experiences that will be meaningful and effective.
A two-year-old has strong food likes and dislikes and often goes
on ___________________.

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