SED DS 39368

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 29
subject Words 3636
subject Authors Richard M. Gargiulo

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Mnemonic strategies are a component of direct instruction.
The 1992 AAIDD classification of intellectual disability, based on levels of support,
was a departure from previous classification models of intellectual impairment.
The field of learning disabilities is a multidisciplinary field.
There is no assistive technology available in the areas of science and social studies.
Students with learning disabilities tend to become passive or inactive learners.
Students with intellectual disabilities are more than three times as likely as other
children with disabilities to be educated in a self-contained classroom.
Cooperative learning is a popular instructional strategy for teaching pupils with
intellectual disabilities in inclusive settings.
Current IDEA legislation recognizes ADHD as a separate disability category.
Criterion-referenced assessments measure a student's abilities against a predetermined
mastery level.
The doctor's office effect is a known phenomenon where children present free of
symptoms in novel and structured situations.
Students with learning disabilities do not spontaneously use effective learning strategies
at the same rate as typically developing peers.
The prevalence of intellectual disabilities has increased over time as a result of the
development of more effective methods for identification and diagnosis.
Based on the 1992 AAIDD levels of support classification model, a person with chronic
health care needs would be classified as an individual requiring a pervasive level of
ADHD is widely understood.
Concrete manipulatives are considered an evidence-based practice for educating
students with disabilities.
Not all mid-tech and high-tech assistive technologies to support writing are computer
In early civilization, infanticide was practiced when children were born with perceived
The deinstitutionalization movement in the United States helped to move persons with
intellectual disabilities into residential settings based in the community.
Self-regulation techniques are useful in both special and general education classrooms.
The term mental retardation is still widely used for citizenship and many legal services,
health care, income support, and housing.
Text-to-speech software has virtually no impact on a student's ability to decode, fluency,
or comprehension skills.
Anchored instruction and computer-assisted instruction can be considered instructional
technologies that support students with and without disabilities.
Students with learning disabilities have the highest dropout rate of all students with
Despite a solid multidisciplinary foundation, individuals with learning disabilities are
often an enigma to their parents, teachers, and researchers in the field.
All assistive technology must be research based before being used with students.
Children who are learning disabled usually keep pace with their peers academically.
For many years, educators correctly assumed that children with learning disabilities
would simply "outgrow" them.
Well over half of all students identified as learning disabled exhibit problems with
Behaviors characteristic of ADHD are easy to see, making assessment and
identification of the disorder simple.
Recent data from the NAEP writing assessment suggest that students with and without
disabilities struggle with writing.
Assistive technology considerations apply to children from birth to age 3 years who
have an IFSP.
An IQ score should be viewed as only one piece of the diagnostic puzzle.
Most young students who have a learning disability may "outgrow" it before
completing elementary school.
About 9 of every 10 individuals with learning disabilities spend some, most, or all of
their school day in a regular classroom.
Children with learning disabilities almost always have subpar intelligence.
Individuals with ADHD almost always make friends easily because of their outgoing
Individuals with ADHD typically "outgrow" the condition by age 40.
The federal interpretation of the definition of a learning disability includes an
exclusionary clause.
Intellectual disabilities are easy and singularly faceted.
What is the function of a VOCA device?
A) Produce synthesized speech
B) Assess an individual's job preferences
C) Stimulate an individual's vocal chords
D) Display pictures for communication
douard Sguin's ideas and theories provided a basis for the work of _________ with the
urban poor and children with intellectual disabilities.
A) Philippe Pinel
B) Maria Montessori
C) Samuel Gridley Howe
D) Alfred Binet
Who conducts the functional vision evaluation?
A) A vision specialist
B) A physician
C) An orientation and mobility specialist
D) An educational team
Select a critical component for effectively including students with learning disabilities
in the general classroom.
A) Extended time on assignments
B) Sufficient planning time with the general education and special education teachers
C) Assistive technology
D) Availability of manipulatives
A functional vision assessment, while important, isn't performed until after other
educational evaluations have been completed.
A) True
B) False
A documented visual impairment by a medical professional is the only requirement for
students to receive special education services.
A) True
B) False
Cooperative teaching is the most effective mechanism for facilitating successful
A) True
B) False
The U.S. Department of Education (2013) reports that over 342,000 preschoolers with
disabilities exhibit speech and language impairments.
A) True
B) False
The combining or grouping of students according to needs and abilities matched to their
level of achievement is called
A) Tracking
B) Tiered instruction
C) Flexible grouping
D) Cluster grouping
At what age should a child be enrolled in classes for children with visual impairments?
A) 2 years
B) 3 years
C) 5 years
D) 6 years
The French psychologist Alfred Binet originated the concept of mental age.
A) True
B) False
The relationships and interactions among and between family subsystems are
A) Adaptability
B) Family functions
C) Family life cycle
D) Family interactions
A loss of interest by the student because he or she feels 'singled out" is referred to as
A) Inadequate self-esteem
B) A poor attitude
C) Abandonment
D) Oppositional
Eighty-three percent of U.S. teachers are _______
A) African American
B) Asian
C) White
D) Multicultural
What is the term used to describe the situation in which an individual's behavior grows
worse as psychostimulant medication wears off?
A) Rebound result
B) Rebound consequence
C) Rebound effect
D) Rebound period
What is the percentage of students receiving special education services, under the
category of emotional or behavioral disorders, compared with the total number of
students receiving special education services?
A) 1%
B) 2.5%
C) 6.4%
D) 8%
Individuals who perform at the very high end, for any category of giftedness and talent,
are often referred to as profoundly gifted and talented.
A) True
B) False
Because of the sometimes negative consequences associated with being culturally
diverse (poverty, language barriers, etc.), these students will
A) Likely never be able to perform in the gifted and talented range
B) Often lack the motivation to perform in the gifted and talented range
C) Likely need extra attention of educators but will be able to perform to their potential
D) Likely drain resources from the schools,taking away from the education of other
When greater numbers of children from minority groups are placed in special education
programs compared to their proportion of the general school population, this is called
A) Underrepresentation
B) Cultural pluralism
C) Overrepresentation
D) Multiculturalism
The continuum of services is a series of educational placements that can be used to
determine a student's
A) Present levels of performance
B) Behavior interventions
C) Least restrictive environment
D) Range of probable success
The acceptance of a majority of behaviors ______________.
A) Varies across cultures
B) Remains constant
C) Is predictable
D) None of the above
______________________ refers to the impact of a disability.
A) Delay
B) Impairment
C) Limitation
D) Handicap
Individuals with mild intellectual disabilities have an IQ between
A) 30 and 40
B) 50 and 60
C) 50 and 70
D) 75 and 90
Which was a shortcoming of the institutions of the mid-19th century?
A) They provided protection for people with disabilities.
B) They were funded by philanthropists.
C) They provided little or no education.
D) They provided housing for individuals with disabilities.
Which of the following is notan illustration of creativity, as described by Renzulli's
"three-ring model"?
A) Curiosity
B) Willing to take risks
C) Sensitive to aesthetic characteristics
D) Self-confidence and drive to achieve
Which of the following is notan intelligence designated by Howard Gardner's theory of
multiple intelligences?
A) Accelerated knowledge
B) Linguistic
C) Bodily-kinesthetic
D) Interpersonal
Behavioral interventions and cognitive-behavioral interventions differ in that behavioral
interventions focus on the students' self-regulatory behavior.
A) True
B) False
Which is nota commoncharacteristic of gifted adolescent girls?
A) IQ scores drop during adolescence.
B) Gifted girls take less rigorous courses than do gifted boys.
C) Academic performance drops during adolescence.
D) Gifted girls attend less prestigious universities than do gifted boys.
Research suggests that children who evidence resiliency do not experience long-term
negative consequences from exposure to environmental risk factors.
A) True
B) False
The following behaviors are characteristics of individuals with spectrum disorders
A) Weak motor skills
B) Hyperactivity
C) Self-injurious behavior
D) Impulsivity
Juan was identified with a learning disability at age 10. When interviewing his mother,
she disclosed that his father and other relatives had significant difficulties in reading
and spelling. The etiology of the learning disability would most likely be attributed to
what category?
A) Acquired trauma
B) Genetic/hereditary influences
C) Biochemical abnormalities
D) Environmental possibilities
Which of the following is not a characteristic of cooperative learning?
A) Used with heterogeneous groups
B) Encourages healthy competition among students
C) Rewards are based on group performance
D) Each pupil contributes to the assignment
The United States is composed of only a few different cultures.
A) True
B) False
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2013) estimates that hearing loss
affects _____ children born in the United States each year.
A) 1,000
B) 10,000
C) 12,000
D) 15,000
Name two developmental features that distinguish ADHD from typical patterns of
Describe an instance where someone may have a handicap and not have a disability.
Discuss the importance of a classroom teacher's understanding of proper positioning
and seating issues for students with physical impairments.
Briefly describe the three periods of parent-professional relationships as outlined in the
chapter: (1) antagonistic and adversarial, (2) working partnerships, and (3) parent
empowerment and family-centered relationships. Which group was responsible for
much of the conflict between parents and professionals?
Name five principal communication systems used by persons with deaf-blindness.
A mother, on hearing that her son has been identified as having ADHD, says, "Well of
course Johnny's forgetful and impulsive; he's an 8-year-old boy. Aren't all boys his age
like that?" Briefly describe one way in which you might respond.
There are four basic categories for explaining the etiology of learning disabilities.
Select two of the categories, describe how the category has been linked to the disability,
and provide specific examples within each category.
What was the most distinct characteristic of early special education classrooms?
The Marland Report specified six categories of giftedness. What were the categories?
Discuss, in detail, the significance of Brown v.Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas
to the field of special education.
Provide an example of a skill from a functional curriculum that may be taught to a
student with intellectual disabilities.
Discuss how the discrepancy model and response to intervention (RTI) model identify
students with a learning disability. Select the one that you feel is most appropriate and
provide supporting rationale.
79. What are four recommendations for assessing culturally and linguistically diverse
Explain the concept of authentic assessment. How might it provide a more accurate
assessment than a standardized assessment?
Describe the three levels of intervention within positive behavior support. Provide
example interventions within each level.
Explain some of the vocational development issues an individual with visual
impairments might encounter.
For children who use hearing aids, it is important for the teacher to assist the student in
checking the aids on a regular basis to ensure functioning. How frequently should
hearing aids be checked?
Select a minimum of three theorists from the transition phase and discuss their
contributions to the field of learning disabilities.
Who are the required members of the team that develops a student's individualized
education program?

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