SED DS 33569

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2325
subject Authors Lynn R Marotz

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Nutrient groups that yield energy include:
a. protein, fats, and carbohydrates
b. fats, vitamins, and minerals
c. complex carbohydrates, water, and vitamins
d. water, vitamins, and minerals
The ____mandate(s) the National School Lunch Program to improve the quality of
meals served to children and increase training for food service personnel.
a. National Health Education Standards
b. Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act
c. National School Lunch Act
d. CACFP Amendments
A food service worker who has been diagnosed with strep throat can return to work
after completing 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
a. True
b. False
The production, storage, and release of energy from carbohydrates and fats depend
upon the availability of calcium and sodium.
a. True
b. False
Preschool-aged children develop many of their lifetime health and safety attitudes and
habits during the early years.
a. True
b. False
Withholding food, failure to keep a child reasonably clean, and leaving a three-year-old
home alone are examples of:
a. physical neglect
b. verbal abuse
c. emotional neglect
d. physical abuse
To date, the most effective measure found to reduce the incidence of sudden infant
death syndrome (SIDS) is:
a. placing babies on their stomachs when sleeping
b. dressing babies in warmer clothing
c. the early administration of antibiotics
d. positioning babies on their backs to sleep
When preparing a menu plan, the most important consideration should be:
a. cost
b. ease of preparation
c. including children's favorite foods
d. meeting children's nutrient needs
Sudden stiffness followed by a loss of consciousness and generalized convulsive
movements are characteristic signs of a(n):
a. absence seizure
b. Jacksonian seizure
c. partial seizure
d. tonic-clonic seizure
A child in your classroom just stuck scissors into the electrical outlet. Your immediate
action would be to:
a. grab the child and pull him away from the outlet
b. call for emergency medical assistance (EMS)
c. locate and turn off the circuit breaker
d. roll the child onto his back and treat for shock
The most concentrated source of energy is provided by:
a. carbohydrates
b. water
c. proteins
d. fats
A child burns several fingers during a classroom cooking activity. Your immediate
action should be to:
a. apply first aid ointment to the burned areas
b. wash the burned area with soap and water to prevent infection
c. immerse the fingers in cool water
d. quickly cover the burned area with butter
A child is capable of infecting others during the acute stage of a communicable illness.
a. True
b. False
Children who dislike vegetables may be more willing to taste them if they have been
involved in the preparation.
a. True
b. False
Information gathered during health observations should be recorded carefully and
precisely for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. determining patterns of infectious illnesses
b. providing additional information that health professionals can use for diagnostic
c. identifying changes in a child's appearance and/or behavior that may require further
d. sharing the information with all school personnel
Carbohydrates should satisfy the majority of an adult's and child's energy needs.
a. True
b. False
A characteristic sign that can be useful for identifying chicken pox is:
a. a sore throat
b. a fine, flat rash that covers the body
c. individual bumps with a clear blister on top
d. flushed cheeks
Milk is a rich source of dietary calcium and iron.
a. True
b. False
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that no more than 30 percent of a
person's calories should come from fat. The food group(s) that supply the least amount
of dietary fat is(are):
a. milk, yogurt, and cheese group
b. meat and beans group
c. vegetable and fruit groups
d. empty calories
Knowing something about a child's cultural background and family practices is
essential when making a referral.
a. True
b. False
Ringworm is transmitted through direct and indirect contact.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following food combinations does not provide all of the essential amino
a. macaroni and cheese
b. rice pudding with cinnamon sugar
c. peanut butter and jelly sandwich
d. pasta with tomato sauce
Children and adults must wash their hands before preparing, serving, and eating a meal
or snack.
a. True
b. False
All the following nutrient classes function to promote growth EXCEPT:
a. proteins
b. fats
c. minerals
d. water
Infants should not be fed meat or meat alternatives before the age of ___because their
kidneys cannot handle the extra nitrogen waste until then.
a. 3 to 4 months
b. 4 to 6 months
c. 8 to 9 months
d. 12 months
In early childhood programs, any hot foods remaining in serving bowls at the end of a
meal should be:
a. chilled, refrigerated, and used at another meal
b. reheated, cooled, and frozen for re-use
c. discarded
d. heated in a microwave oven before using again
A child develops a nosebleed during outdoor time. Your actions should be to:
a. take the child inside, have her lie down quietly, and apply pressure to her nose
b. have the child rest quietly; put ice or a cold cloth on the back of her neck
c. pinch her nostrils together for at least five minutes with the child in a sitting position
d. call for emergency medical assistance (EMS)
To reduce children's risk of unintentional injury in a group setting, teachers should do
all the following EXCEPT:
a. eliminate all situations in which a child could potentially be injured
b. enforce rules consistently
c. devote time to carefully planning activities and considering potential risks
d. monitor children's play activities at all times
Vitamin C enhances the absorption of both iron and calcium from their food sources.
a. True
b. False
Lead poisoning can cause behavior and learning problems in children.
a. True
b. False
Cycle menus offer a distinct advantage in time-savings.
a. True
b. False
Mongolian patches appear as:
a. bluish areas, similar to bruises
b. dry, scaly skin on elbows and knees
c. open, draining sores
d. red, raised bumps
Overweight children should be placed on a strictly controlled low-calorie diet.
a. True
b. False
Mental illness is a leading health problem that may develop as the result of:
a. negative self-concept
b. living in a dysfunctional family
c. heredity
d. all answersand many other factorsare correct
Chronic health problems do not affect learning because children have time to adjust.
a. True
b. False
Describe how heredity influences health.
List eight items that you would include in a first-aid kit.
Dramatic play, field trips, and cooking experiences are effective instructional methods
to use with young children because they ___________________ learning.
Identify the four categories of allergens and provide an example from each.
What four conditions encourage and are required for bacterial growth?
Briefly discuss why a formula-fed infant should not be given vitamin supplements
unless they are prescribed by a physician.
To place a child in the recovery position, you would roll her onto her_________.
Teachers and children must ____________________ ____________________
thoroughly before and after
____________________ food.
Lyme disease is a_________infection caused by the bite of a diseased deer tick.
Children form their basic food preferences and dietary habits during the early years.
Identify and discuss factors that may contribute to, and influence, their ideas about
food. What can families do to promote healthy eating behaviors?
Briefly explain how a child can obtain adequate dietary protein if they don't include any
meat in their meals.
What factors make each child an unique individual?
Plant-source oils that have been converted to a solid or semisolid form are called
______ fats.
It is recommended that the introduction of semisolid foods be delayed for infants whose
parents or siblings are known to have food ____________________.
Describe the proper procedure for washing hands.
Describe several modifications that teachers can make to the physical environment of a
classroom to decrease the potential spread of infectious illnesses.
Teachers and various health professionals are_________to report suspected incidences
of maltreatment to the proper authorities.
Why are teachers in an ideal position to recognize signs of abuse and neglect?
Why should children be taught to eat a variety of foods every day?

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