SED CE 97111

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1561
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Two chimpanzees embrace and groom each other after a physical fight in an apparent
effort to restore their long-term relationship. This behavior is consistent with
__________ perspective of morality.
A) the biological
B) the psychoanalytic
C) the social learning
D) Kohlberg's
More than half of 18- to 25-year-olds' preferred way of entering into a committed
intimate partnership is through
A) an online dating service.
B) cohabitation.
C) traditional courtship and marriage.
D) experimentation with a wide range of partners.
Which of the following statements is true about teenagers who live in risky
A) They adjust more favorably when their parents allow them greater autonomy.
B) They tend to have more trusting relationships with parents.
C) They seem to interpret more measured granting of autonomy as a sign of parental
D) They tend to have more strained relationships with parents.
In a correlational design, researchers
A) gather information on individuals, generally in natural life circumstances, and make
no effort to alter their experiences.
B) use an evenhanded procedure to assign people to two or more treatment conditions.
C) can infer cause and effect.
D) manipulate changes in the independent variable.
Madelina speaks Spanish at home and has been placed in an English-only classroom in
school. Madelina
A) is at risk of school failure and dropout.
B) will become proficient in English within 6 months.
C) must teach her family to speak English at home so that they can continue to
communicate with her.
D) will excel at school and graduate with honors.
Sixteen-year-old Bonita strives to develop a sense of herself as a separate,
self-governing individual. Bonita is developing
A) maturation.
B) autonomy.
C) coregulation.
D) individuality.
Five-year-old Jamari observes his friend Liam fall while ice skating. Instead of crying,
Liam starts to laugh, and Jamari imagines what Liam's thoughts and feelings might be.
Jamari is using __________ to understand Liam's actions.
A) self-regulation
B) social comparison
C) belief"desire theory of mind
D) perspective taking
As two preschoolers play "school," one pretends to be the teacher and the other
pretends to be the student. The children are engaged in __________ play.
A) functional
B) constructive
C) parallel
D) cooperative
Preschoolers' understanding that sugar continues to exist when it is dissolved in water is
evidence that they
A) can overcome appearances and think logically in familiar contexts.
B) can think logically even about unfamiliar topics.
C) are incapable of logical thought, as Piaget asserted.
D) do not understand cause-and-effect relationships.
Between 25 and 45 percent of preschoolers and young school-age children spend much
time in solitary make-believe,
A) avoiding contact with adults or peers.
B) which interferes in their ability to form friendships.
C) which is a sign of maladjustment.
D) creating imaginary companions.
When pairs of infants are brought together in a laboratory, __________ is/are present at
3 to 4 months.
A) peer-directed smiles and babbles
B) looking accompanied by occasional touching
C) reciprocal exchanges and imitation of behavior
D) viewing one another as playmates
The __________ is among the last regions to attain adult levels of synaptic
connectionsin mid-to-late adolescence.
A) cerebellum
B) prefrontal cortex
C) temporal lobe
D) optical lobe
__________ is/are among the earliest available predictors of intelligence in childhood,
adolescence, and young adulthood.
A) Classical conditioning
B) Operant conditioning
C) Habituation and recoveryto visual stimuli
D) Imitation
In homes where fathers devote as much or more time to child care as mothers,
A) the result is feminine behavior in boys and masculine behavior in girls.
B) children tend to be more gender-typed in emotional expression.
C) sons tend to be more emotionally sensitive and daughters more self-confident.
D) daughters are likely to judge themselves as less competent.
From the __________, tiny __________ emerge, which burrow into the uterine wall
and start to develop the placenta.
A) amnion; veins
B) chorion; villi
C) trophoblast; hairs
D) embryonic disk; veins
Which of the following individuals would most likely actively practice religion?
A) Barbara, who lives in the United States
B) Sophia, who lives in Italy
C) William, who lives in Great Britain
D) Simon, who lives in Canada
Young children who become anxious, fearful, and angry after their parents divorce
A) require coercive discipline.
B) show early signs of emotional instability.
C) feel that both parents may abandon them.
D) need to live with the father rather than the mother.
If the alleles from both parents are alike,
A) the child is heterozygous.
B) the child will not display the inherited trait.
C) dominant"recessive inheritance occurs.
D) the child is homozygous.
Research suggests that a child with good phonological memory
A) had a better chance of transferring new words to long-term memory.
B) does not use working memory for word recognition.
C) bases most word recognition on visual cues.
D) is typically slow at word recall.
Appreciation of __________ enables children to pinpoint the reasons that another
person arrived at a certain belief.
A) first-order false belief
B) second-order false belief
C) pragmatics
D) empathy
Mora is in kindergarten and has a control deficiency, which means that she
A) fails to use previously learned mental strategies.
B) is unable to consistently execute strategies effectively.
C) cannot focus her attention long enough to find appropriate strategies.
D) uses inappropriate mental strategies in all situations.
The __________ emphasizes that the broad function of __________ is to energize
behavior aimed at attaining personal goals.
A) ethological theory of attachment; reasoning
B) synchronist approach; language
C) goodness-of-fit model; cognition
D) functionalist approach; emotions
Jelena had a temper tantrum, so she was sent to her room until she was ready to act
appropriately. This technique is known as
A) time out.
B) withdrawal of privileges.
C) induction.
D) withdrawal of love.
Dr. Weasley theorizes that children have unique, genetically influenced reactions to
particular experiences. Dr. Weasley studies
A) canalization.
B) niche-picking.
C) gene"environment interaction.
D) epigenesis.
Beginning in the preschool years, __________ is an important motivator of prosocial,
or altruistic, behavior.
A) fear
B) empathy
C) social referencing
D) emotional contagion
Heritability estimates are computed by comparing the IQ correlations of
A) the same group of individuals at various points in time.
B) individuals from different ethnic and SES groups.
C) children of different ages.
D) twins and other relatives.
Observations of __________ led to the concept of __________ in child development.
A) learned behaviors in dogs; the sensitive period
B) imprinting in baby birds; the critical period
C) modeling in young mammals; adaptation
D) human infant"caregiver attachment; resilience
Studies of child-care quality in the United States found that __________ percent of
child-care centers and family child-care settings provide infants and toddlers with
sufficiently positive, stimulating experiences to promote healthy psychological
A) 5 to 10
B) 20 to 25
C) 35 to 40
D) 50 to 60
Research on strategies for word learning indicates that young children
A) learn to speak grammatically because these types of statements will effectively
communicate their desires and needs.
B) use different syntactic structures to associate vocabulary words with objects.
C) develop specialized linguistic processing skills that enable them to analyze speech
and detect semantic relationships.
D) figure out the meanings of words by contrasting them with words they already know
and assigning the new label to a gap in their vocabulary.
In adopted children with longer institutional stays, the volume of the __________ is
atypically __________.
A) amygdala; large
B) corpus callosum; large
C) amygdala; small
D) corpus callosum; small
Jorge is slow to accept new experiences, tends to react negatively and intensely, and has
irregular daily routines. Jorge's temperament is classified as
A) a combination of easy, difficult, and slow to warm up.
B) difficult.
C) easy.
D) slow to warm up.
Which of the following types of neighborhood resources has been shown to improve
school performance and family functioning for children in low-income neighborhoods?
A) the National Merit Scholars program, which recognizes academic talent
B) DARE, a police-sponsored program aimed at preventing drug use among children
C) the Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project, which pairs enrichment programs with
home visits
D) the Best Buddy program, which pairs inner-city children with children of affluent
families for weekend excursions

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