SED CE 76690

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 27
subject Words 4321
subject Authors William L. Heward

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An intellectual disability is a permanent condition.
Most students with emotional and behavioral disorders perform on grade level
Teachers of students with intellectual disabilities should provide instruction at a slow
pace. True
Early intervention services cannot begin until an IFSP has been completed.
The number of students identified as learning disabled has decreased in recent years.
Sixty percent of students with emotional and behavioral disorders drop out of high
Children with emotional and behavioral disorders usually identify themselves.
Schizophrenia is usually caused by environmental factors.
Students with severe or profound hearing loss have more social problems than those
with mild hearing loss.
Parents or guardians are responsible for informing school administrators of their child's
The temporal bone is the hardest bone in human body.
In most cases, the cause of a learning disability is unknown.
The presence of a child with a disability has a negative impact on marital relationships.
Most physical disabilities and health impairments that require special education are
acute conditions.
Children with severe disabilities are not able to benefit from instruction in reading and
Students who are gifted and talented are harmed the most by No Child Left Behind.
The special education needs of a child who is deaf can be determined by the results of
an audiometric test.
The rise in the prevalence of autism has mainly been reported in the United States.
Most general education teachers feel comfortable participating in IEP meetings.
According to the NAGC a domain can be any area with its own set of sensorimotor
Many deaf people do not view themselves as disabled.
Theoretically, over 500,000 combinations of cognitive or socioemotional problems can
be exhibited by a person with a learning disability.
Students with visual impairments were among the first to be included in general
education classes.
Parents are to blame for their child's emotional problems.
Communicative development includes nonverbal behaviors.
Children with minor learning difficulties are probably learning disabled.
Between 5% and 15% of children with cerebral palsy also have a hearing loss.
Financial assistance provided to children with disabilities from federal, state and local
agencies covers the cost of their expenses.
Culturally and linguistically diverse students are both over- and underrepresented in
special education.
There is one-to-one correspondence between graphemes and phonemes.
One-to-one instruction is the only effective teaching arrangement for students with
severe disabilities.
There has been a decrease in the number of due process hearings in recent years.
The classroom skills needed by a student with autism are different than those needed by
other students.
Educational outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities have improved greatly.
Students with intellectual disabilities are outer-directed in their approach to solving
Generally, the more severe a disability is the earlier it is identified.
Social skills include making choices and displaying self-directed behavior..
Students with severe disabilities constitute the most homogeneous group of all
exceptional children.
Technology can generally be pulled off the shelf to assist students with physical
Which of the following is an example of an informal transition assessment?
A) an adaptive behavior inventory
B) a curriculum-based assessment
C) an independent living assessment
D) a personality preference assessment
After parental consent has been obtained, school districts must complete the evaluation
process for a student suspected of having a disability within
A) 30 days
B) 45 days
C) 60 days
D) 90 days
Which of the following teachers is likely to have the fewest students with emotional
and behavior disorders in class?
A) Mr. Latta, an algebra teacher
B) Mrs. Dubois, a French teacher
C) Mr. Koslov, a history teacher
D) Mr. Tomko, a chemistry teacher
Which of the following is the least accurate translation of the Spanish word educado?
A) one who is well behaved
B) one who is respectful of adults
C) one skilled in human relations
D) one who has formal schooling
Which of the following is the most accurate regarding teachers' use of praise?
A) Teachers tend to praise students too frequently.
B) Teacher praise statements decline each year after second grade.
C) Teachers generally use more praise statements than statements of disapproval.
D) Special education teachers use praise statements more frequently than general
education teachers.
Tammy's teacher tells her that she will be in hot water if she doesn"t stop talking.
Tammy says "I will be good! Please don"t burn me!" This confusion probably reflects a
problem with
A) morphology
B) pragmatics
C) semantics
D) syntax
How are IDEA regulations for services to young children similar to those for school-age
A) The regulations specify who must receive services.
B) Outside agencies may contracted to provide services to both groups.
C) Children in both groups must be labeled with a specific disability to receive services.
D) The regulations specify that IEPs for children in both groups must include
suggestions for parents.
Functional assessment refers to
A) an assessment of a student's current abilities and needs
B) a test that measures true ability rather than the effects of a disability
C) a process that measures how well a student is likely to function in a specific
D) a process that determines environmental variables that cue and maintain an
undesirable behavior
Charley is a student with autism. Her teacher asks, "Do you have a pet?" Charley
replies, "Do you have a pet?" This speech deficit in children with autism is known as
A) echolalia
B) memorization
C) metalinguistics
D) perseveration
Which of the following statements has the least support from the literature on culturally
diverse families?
A) They may view school officials as part of their extended family.
B) They may view a disability as a blessing or a punishment from God.
C) They may fear that school authorities will report their undocumented status.
D) They may have negative educational experiences that are reinforced by negative
contact from school.
Mr. Nelson helps a group of third graders who are gifted to make crystals while Mr.
Waun engages the remaining students in a more traditional science lesson. Which model
of co-teaching is described in this scenario?
A) alternative teaching
B) one teaching-one helping
C) parallel teaching
D) team teaching
Mr. Santori has just attended an IEP meeting with Carl's parents. Mr. Santori explained
all of the services that Carl was receiving and discussed the progress that Carl has made
in reading. Mr. Santori suggested that Carl may be able to focus better if he had
medication for his hyperactivity. Other members of the IEP team agree, but Carl's
parents do not want to put him on medication. Mr. Santori tells them that being resistant
to suggestions will not help Carl. How has Mr. Santori's response hindered
A) He is labeling Carl's parents.
B) He is keeping professional distance.
C) He is disrespecting Carl's parents as less intelligent.
D) He is blaming Carl's parents for their son's disability.
Which of the following is not a typical responsibility of a resource teacher?
A) assisting general educators with program planning
B) teaching social skills to students with learning disabilities
C) teaching learning strategies to students with learning disabilities
D) writing lesson plans for general educators who teach students with learning
What is the prevailing outcome of the education of academically talented young
children in most schools today?
A) success
B) boredom
C) underachievement
D) disruptive behavior
The smallest elements of language that carry meaning are called
A) morphemes
B) phonemes
C) syllables
D) words
Why is choice making important for students with severe disabilities?
A) It increases compliance during instruction.
B) It improves instructional control for educators.
C) It removes some of the burden from parents and caregivers.
D) It improves the quality of life for students with severe disabilities.
Which of the following statements about parental participation and shared decision
making is NOT true?
A) Input from the parent is required.
B) Input from the student is invited when appropriate.
C) Parents and students have input on services and placement decisions.
D) Parents and students prevail when there is a disagreement between the school and
the family.
Which of the following statements about muscular dystrophy is true?
A) Symptoms are evident in infancy.
B) Some forms result from genetic mutations.
C) Current treatments can reverse the effects of this condition.
D) Muscles in the hands and fingers are the first to be affected.
Behavior intervention plans are required for students with disabilities
A) who require special education
B) who are placed in segregated settings
C) who have been suspended from school
D) who have behavior issues that adversely affect school performance
Which of the following is a screening test to identify children with Asperger syndrome
and high functioning autism?
A) the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
B) the Childhood Autism Rating Scale 2
C) the Modified-Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
D) the Social Communication Questionnaire
Which of the following is an example of the folklore of the blind?
A) Molly reading a story about Stevie Wonder
B) James seeing a blind woman with a white cane
C) Jessica saying that blind people have a better sense of smell
D) Timothy saying that his neighbor who is blind can recognize his voice
Which of the following are misconceptions associated with gifted students?
A) They tend to be aggressive and snoopy.
B) They tend to be independent and introverted.
C) They have an intense need for intellectual stimulation.
D) They have a highly developed sense of moral judgment.
Which of the following is the language of the Deaf culture in the United States and
A) American Sign Language (ASL)
B) English Sign Language (ESL)
C) Signing Essential English (SEE I)
D) Signing Exact English (SEE II)
Which of the following is an example of a measurable annual goal?
A) By the end of the school year, Jason will learn to read.
B) By May of 2012, Elizabeth will control her anger when teased.
C) By the end of the school year, Mary Ellen will improve her study skills.
D) By the end of the school year, Erin will read a third grade level reading selection
with 95% accuracy.
Which dimension of language is concerned with the meaning of words and
combinations of words?
A) morphology
B) pragmatics
C) semantics
D) syntax
Which of the following exemplifies learned helplessness?
A) Ayden listens to the teacher as she gives directions.
B) Brenda asks for help when she does not understand how to solve a math problem.
C) Colleen counts on her fingers to multiply 4 9 because she does not know the answer.
D) Darla has studied for a spelling test but she refuses to write any of the words the
teacher dictates.
A special form of direct daily measurement in which instructional decisions are based
on changes in the frequency of student performance is known as
A) acceleration
C) precision teaching
D) tertiary intervention
Which of the following statements about the genetic component of autism is true?
A) Identical twins will both have autism.
B) A genetic marker for autism has been identified.
C) The gene for autism is typically carried by the mother.
D) Parents of a child with autism have a higher risk of having other children with
Studies on educational placement and its effect on the self-concept of students with
learning disabilities concluded that
A) placement did not have a major influence on self-concept
B) placement in resource rooms generally enhanced self-concept.
C) placement in inclusive classrooms generally enhanced self-concept
D) placement in segregated classrooms had a negative effect on self-concept
Which of the following is an example of a student who would qualify for special
education services as a student with a hearing loss?
A) Aimee, who had tubes in her ears in kindergarten
B) Brad, who currently has an ear infection in both ears
C) Chandra, who needs an interpreter to sign in social studies class
D) Demetrius, who wears hearing aids but still cannot understand speech
Which of the following is true about advances in hearing aids?
A) Newer hearing aids are accepted by the Deaf culture.
B) Newer hearing aids are still unsuitable for preschoolers.
C) Newer hearing aids amplify all sounds indiscriminately.
D) Newer hearing aids can be preprogrammed for optional listening.
Which of the following is true regarding a free appropriate public education (FAPE)
under IDEA?
A) Parents may choose their child's school.
B) Students must attend the school closest to their home.
C) Students are entitled to an individualized education program.
D) Parents are expected to pay for related services such as physical therapy.
How might the effects of an acute health condition on a student's classroom
participation and educational progress differ from those of a chronic condition?
What term describes a discussion between a specially trained medical counselor and
prospective parents about the possibility that they may give birth to a child with
disabilities? Explain the population of parents to which this tool is directed.
Is the least restrictive environment always the general education classroom? Why?
How might instruction be designed so that some of the behavior characteristics of
autism spectrum disorder become strengths for the child as a learner?
Is quality of life for adults with disabilities the ultimate outcome measure for special
education? Why or why not?
What is the difference between Deaf (with a capital "d") and deaf (with a lowercase
List three theories pursued by research on the causes of autism.
Provide a task analysis for either tying a shoe or making a peanut butter sandwich.
Assume the shoe is already on the foot and that all the ingredients for the sandwich are
out. Assume the student has typical motor skills and knows right from left. Number
each step.
Name and define the two terms that describe the age of onset of visual impairments.
Small-Group Activity: When Does a Disability Become a Handicap?
What implications for a child's education result from the type of hearing loss and age of
Which of the six principles of effective instructional design provide temporary support
for students to learn new material and is then faded over time? Explain how it helps
with learning.
Explain why predictable text is not useful for a child who needs to improve
word-recognition skills.
What are the major components of a comprehensive evaluation to detect the presence
and extent of a communication disorder?
What pervasive developmental disorders make up autism spectrum disorders?
You"ve tried to reach one of your culturally diverse student's parents by phone to
schedule a conference to no avail. What is a culturally responsive step beyond what you
have tried?
Should gifted students be educated with their same-age peers (in general education
classes) or in heterogeneous groups of students who share similar intellectual and
academic talents and interests?
Define and provide an example of stereotypic behavior..

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