SED CE 15413

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 4102
subject Authors Ann A. Turnbull, H. Rutherford Turnbull, Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer

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Compare and contrast the causes of cerebral palsy, spina bifida, epilepsy, and asthma.
In the RTI model, identification of learning disabilities is based on each of the
following except:
A. Response to instruction in terms of progress rates and performance levels
B. Assessment of low achievement using norm-referenced achievement tests
C. Application of the exclusionary standard
D. Assessment of the IQ-achievement discrepancy
Harold is a student in your class with traumatic brain injury. He seems to have difficulty
processing information during lessons and does not contribute to class discussions or
answer questions. Which of the following evidence-based instructional strategies might
help Harold?
A. Use large-print text.
B. Monitor his progress.
C. Adjust instructional pacing.
D. Use visual aids.
Strategies used by students to modify and regulate their own learning is called:
A. Partial participation
B. Student-directed learning strategies
C. Antecedent cue regulation
D. Task analysis
Define spina bifida and briefly describe the types of spina bifida.
The proportion of students served in special education by disability and race/ethnicity;
the percentage of students in special education in difference educational environments
by race/ethnicity; and the percentage of student in racial/ethnic groups receiving special
education are:
A. Data sources related to disproportionate representation
B. Data sources related to tracking
C. Data sources used in the Brown v. Board of Education case
D. Data sources related to nondiscriminatory evaluation
Which of the following is a motor speech disorder that affects the way in which a
student plans to produce speech?
A. Apraxia of speech
B. Voice disorders
C. Receptive language disorders
D. Expressive language disorders
Roberto, who speaks English as a second language, has been having difficulty with
reading and writing tasks in his third-grade class. After he is referred for testing, his
scores on the WISC-III are significantly subaverage. His family contests the results of
the testing. Which of the following principles from IDEA might they cite as inconsistent
with the test?
A. Zero reject
B. Nondiscriminatory assessment
C. Parent participation
D. Individualized education
Marcus is a student who is hearing impaired. His speech is difficult to understand but he
knows sign language. Other students are uncomfortable communicating with him,
which limits Marcus's participation in group activities and social situations. How can
you encourage peer interaction for Marcus?
A. Arrange instruction for peers to learn some sign language.
B. Tell the peers that Marcus has a problem but they must communicate with him.
C. Arrange for speech therapy for Marcus.
D. Force Marcus to practice speech during group activities and social situations.
Which of the following describes how a student uses vision in a variety of natural
environments and activities?
A. Environmental observations
B. Teachers and parents
C. Functional vision assessments
D. Learning media assessments
Danielle is a student with oppositional defiant disorder. This manifests when Danielle
refuses to follow directions and uses inappropriate language. Which of the following
would be the best course of action to help Danielle?
A. Put her in time-out for defiant behavior.
B. Reprimand her when she is inappropriate.
C. Write social stories for Danielle to read when angry.
D. Teach Danielle conflict-resolution and capitalize on her strengths.
Principle components of collaborative teaming include each of the following except:
A. Building team structure
B. Learning teamwork skills
C. Taking individual action
D. Improving communication
What does the "A" in the ABCD goal format stand for?
A. Audience
B. Antecedent
C. Action
D. Auxiliary Services
Effective teaching strategies for teaching daily living skills to students with visual
impairments include each of the following except:
A. Hand-over-hand demonstrations
B. Gradual fading of prompts
C. Written instructions
D. Significant practice
Conversational speech is in which range of loudness?
A. 45 dB to 50 dB
B. 0 dB to 5 dB
C. 25 dB to 30 dB
D. 60 dB to 65 dB
People are classified as having schizophrenia if they have each of the following
symptoms, except?
A. Delusions of grandeur or identity
B. Organized, rapid speech
C. Auditory hallucinations of a voice commenting on themselves
D. Catatonic behavior lacking typical movement, activity, or expression
Family quality of life includes the extent of each of the following EXCEPT:
A. The families' needs are met
B. The family has professional partnerships with educators and others
C. Family members enjoy their life together
D. Family members have a chance to do things that are important to them
RTI is a model for:
A. Identification
B. Rehabilitation
C. Assessment
D. Instruction
Each of the following are ways the IEP team will consider inclusion, except?
A. Determine Specially Designed Instruction
B. Specify Related Services
C. Determine Test Accommodations or Alterations
D. Weigh the Cost of Inclusion
What is the current age span for services under IDEA?
A. IDEA covers individuals ages three to 21
B. IDEA covers individuals ages six to 21
C. IDEA covers individuals ages birth through 21
D. IDEA covers individuals ages six through 18
Suggestions for implementing self-monitoring strategies include: implementing
self-monitoring strategies after the student has already learned to do the task; teaching
the self-monitoring strategy to the student before implementing the strategy; and which
of the following?
A. Teaching problem-solving skills
B. Building in checks to determine accuracy
C. Teaching the what-where strategy
D. Task sequencing
A language variation used by a group of individuals that reflects regional, social, or
cultural/ethnic factors is:
A. Dialect
B. Ebonics
C. Accent
D. Difference
Which of the following refers to a malformation of the spinal cord before birth?
A. Cerebral palsy
B. Spina bifida
C. Multiple sclerosis
D. Muscular dystrophy
Each of the following is a valuable method for determining the level of functioning of
students with visual impairments in the expanded core curriculum except:
A. Observation in natural environments
B. Authentic assessments
C. Standardized assessments
D. Performance assessments
When completing a fluency assessment, the speech-language pathologist measures each
of the following except:
A. Amount of dysfluency
B. Phonology
C. Type of dysfluency
D. Duration of dysfluency
Janice is a student with spina bifida who uses a wheelchair. She is being added to your
classroom as a new student. What is one of the most important considerations before
Janice comes to your classroom?
A. How her classmates will accept her?
B. How you will grade Janice?
C. Is the classroom accessible to Janice and her wheelchair?
D. What is Janice's academic level?
How many adults with disabilities report they are struggling financially?
A. About half
B. About one third
C. About two thirds
D. About one fourth
Children with emotional or behavioral disorders who have circles of friends:
A. Maintain those friendships throughout their school years
B. Are more socially accepted than those who do not
C. Are unable to make friends on their own
D. Have more friendships as adults than children who did not have circles of friends
Which of the following is determined by having an individual read the letters on a
chart, each line of which is composed of letters written with a certain size print?
A. Field of vision
B. Tunnel vision
C. Functional blindness
D. Visual acuity
Which of the following are appropriate for testing the hearing of older children?
A. Evoked otoacoustic emissions
B. Tympanography
C. Audiometry
D. Behavioral audiological evaluations
What are the domains of family quality of life and what is your role as an educator in
relation to this concept?
How should a speech and language pathologist (SLP) assess bilingual or multilingual
What is meant by your textbook authors' statement: "There is no such thing as a typical
student with learning disabilities"? How does this relate to characteristics of students
with learning disabilities?
Refer to Box 1.1 Stel Achieves His Great Expectations and to the section Labels and
Language to describe the effect others' expectations and biases can have on a student
with disabilities. Why do you think special education teachers might sometimes have
lower expectations for their students than do general education teachers and parents?
Identify the major causes of TBI.
How does universal design for learning facilitate progress for all students?
Describe three school- and classroom-level actions that teachers can control to promote
student progress in the general education classroom.
Describe the schoolwide enrichment model.
Describe academic achievement issues of students with hearing impairments and how it
relates to intelligence and inclusion.
Summarize the causes of intellectual disabilities.
Describe augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices and explain why
they are so important for students with multiple disabilities.
Define eugenics.
Describe the characteristics of bipolar disorder.
What is meant by student engagement and how does it impact learning?
What is an ecological inventory?
Why is it important to have an educational understanding of the meaning of "family?"
Explain how one can enhance self-awareness of one's own cultural values.
Describe problems with determining the intellectual capabilities of students with
multiple disabilities, and state general conclusions about their intellectual functioning.
Describe the outcome of the Larry P. v. Riles federal court case.

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