SED AP 15866

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1515
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Parents can foster children's understanding of their own and others' mental lives by
A) providing commentary about mental states.
B) purposefully mislabeling emotions to teach them to identify mismatches.
C) exposing them to highly stressful situations and then talking about what the children
D) encouraging them to work out problems on their own.
Which of the following is a limitation of the clinical, or case study, method?
A) Investigators cannot assume that their conclusions apply, or generalize, to anyone
other than the individual studied.
B) Information collected often lacks descriptive detail.
C) It does not provide evidence about the individual's current functioning.
D) It requires intensive study of participants' moment-by-moment behaviors.
Setting the voting age at 18 and the drinking age at 21 are examples of
A) adolescent initiation ceremonies.
B) legal adult status in non-Western societies.
C) rites of passage.
D) partial adult status in Western society.
Replacing __________ is a common phonological strategy used by young children to
simplify pronunciation of adult words.
A) an ending vowel syllable with a consonant
B) glides with liquid sounds
C) individual sounds with unstressed syllables
D) fricatives with stop consonant sounds
Reflecting the gender stereotypes of his age group, 4-year-old Youssef is likely to say
A) it is OK for boys to dress up in skirts or jewelry.
B) girls cannot be doctors or police officers.
C) girls can grow up to be anything they want to be.
D) it is OK if boys want to play with dolls.
Rousseau's philosophy included which of the following two influential concepts?
A) stage and maturation
B) evolution and stage
C) natural selection and survival of the fittest
D) maturation and natural selection
In which of the following situations is the adolescent more likely to exhibit better
school achievement and lower levels of antisocial behavior?
A) Terri's social network and her parents' social network overlap.
B) Barry maintains a distinct division between his own and his parents' social networks.
C) Diego's parents provide extensive and frequent guidance on how to manage conflict
and discourage teasing.
D) Kalpana's parents' social network includes Kalpana's teachers and other adults in the
school community.
Anorexia nervosa
A) typically appears between ages 11 and 13.
B) affects 2 to 4 percent of U.S. teenage girls.
C) is equally common in all social-class groups.
D) affects more African-American than Hispanic girls.
Children's ability to draw a map of a large-scale space improves with age due to
A) their ability to reason by analogy.
B) gains in fine-motor development.
C) an increase in spatial cognition.
D) better perspective-taking skills.
Research indicates that the link between family size and children's IQ can be explained
by the
A) Flynn effect.
B) strong trend for mothers lower in intelligence to give birth to more children.
C) strong trend for mothers higher in intelligence to give birth to more children.
D) growing use of birth control techniques.
Colin is a highly active preschooler. Colin probably tends to be __________ than his
A) less sociable with peers
B) less aggressive
C) involved in more conflict
D) a higher achiever
Which of the following is an example of a self-conscious emotion?
A) pride
B) happiness
C) sadness
D) anger
Recall is more difficult than recognition because it
A) involves noticing that a stimulus is identical or similar to one previously
B) is a fairly automatic process.
C) involves remembering a stimulus that is absent.
D) does not involve a deliberate search of long-term memory.
Breech babies often experience a cesarean delivery because of the danger of
A) placenta abruptio.
B) anoxia.
C) infection.
D) hyaline membrane rupture.
Chen and Lian, like most other Chinese parents, typically describe their parenting as
A) based on reasoning-oriented discipline, never physical punishment.
B) less warm and more controlling.
C) more open and high in warmth.
D) nurturing and communicative.
Maggie, a participant in a longitudinal study, became "test-wise" over time. Her
performance on the test improved with increased familiarity with the measure. This is
an example of
A) biased sampling.
B) selective attrition.
C) practice effects.
D) cohort effects.
Baby Henry enters Piaget's Substage 4 of the sensorimotor period when his schemes
A) are directed toward his body.
B) are repeated with variation to produce new outcomes.
C) are coordinated deliberately to solve simple problems.
D) represent sudden solutions rather than trial-and-error solutions.
Theresa is in a period of the most energetic development of her executive function.
What is her age range?
A) She is in the preschool years.
B) She is in her school years.
C) She is in late adolescence.
D) She is an emerging adult.
__________ is/are an especially common way in which African-American youths
acquire a strong sense of their roots.
A) Making family trees
B) Church revivals
C) Family reunions
D) Storytelling
Children who survive extreme forms of malnutrition
A) rarely show catch-up growth when their diets improve.
B) develop a high basal metabolism rate.
C) usually continue to undereat when food becomes plentiful.
D) tend to gain excessive weight when their diets improve.
Thirty-five percent of children do not fit into any of the Thomas and Chess
temperament categories. Instead, they
A) show temperamental characteristics that researchers have not yet classified.
B) have temperamental characteristics that change frequently, depending on social and
family influences.
C) show unique blends of temperamental characteristics.
D) display no identifiable temperamental characteristics.
As an intervention, the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) curriculum
for preschool children teaches skills such as
A) using no-intervention controls.
B) attending selectively to social cues.
C) satisfying an impulse.
D) detecting others' thoughts and feelings.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on sexual orientation?
A) Parental understanding is the strongest predictor of favorable adjustmentincluding
reduced internalized homophobia.
B) Most young people first acknowledge their sexual orientation publicly by telling
their parents.
C) Lesbian, gay, and bisexual young people report higher levels of family support than
their heterosexual agemates.
D) Contact with other gays and lesbians is not important in the attainment of
Research suggests that emerging adulthoodthe rich, complex bridge between
adolescence and the assumption of adult responsibilitiesis a(n)
A) cultural construction.
B) long-established developmental phase.
C) universal stage of development.
D) excuse for immature young people.
Which of the following interventions is most effective for changing the behavior of
victimized children?
A) Use tutors who specialize in social skills.
B) Change victims' negative opinions of themselves.
C) Move aggressive children to an alternative school.
D) Develop a school code against bullying.
A) is common in regions where children get just enough calories from starchy foods but
little protein.
B) usually appears in the first year of life when a baby's mother is too malnourished to
produce enough breast milk.
C) affects 27 percent of the world's children before the age of 5.
D) affects an estimated 21 percent of U.S. children.
The attachment of maltreated children and their parents and the view that children are
parental property
A) are inaccurate perceptions that many child advocacy organizations are trying to
B) result in the reluctance of the U.S. legal system to intervene with court-ordered
C) prove that removing the child from the home is the only justifiable course of action.
D) are valid reasons for keeping abused children with their parents.
According to Piaget's theory, during periods of rapid cognitive change, children
A) shift from accommodation to assimilation.
B) shift from assimilation to accommodation.
C) equally balance assimilation and accommodation.
D) are in a state of cognitive equilibrium.
Dizygotic twins __________ monozygotic twins.
A) are more common than
B) are more genetically similar than
C) are as genetically similar as
D) look more alike than
According to ecological systems theory, the priority that the __________ gives to
children's needs affects the support they receive at inner levels of the environment.
A) microsystem
B) mesosystem
C) exosystem
D) macrosystem

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