Psychology 896 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 644
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) the term given in the text that describes siblings who are deliberately trying to be
different from each other is:
a.differential treatment.
b.sibling deidentification.
c.sibling rivalry.
d.sibling discrepancy.
2) charlie is able to tune out the television so that he can focus on his art project, which
is due in class tomorrow. this is an example of:
a.selective attention.
b.divided attention.
c.short-term memory.
d.long-term memory.
3) compared to 100 years ago, contemporary adolescents take on full-time employment
_____ and live under adult supervision _____ than adolescents in earlier times.
a.later; more
b.later; less
c.earlier; more
d.earlier; less
4) which of the following is least likely to explain why growing up in a single-parent
home affects girls' sexual behavior more than boys' sexual behavior? influences on sexual behavior are weaker for girls than for boys, thereby
leading to fewer restraints on girls' sexual activities.
b.single mothers may be dating, thereby inadvertently acting as role models of sexual
activity for their adolescent daughters.
c.girls are more likely than boys to look outside the family for warmth and support.
d.there may be a genetic link inherited from the girls' fathers that increases daughters'
sexual behavior.
5) motivation based on the pleasure one will experience from mastering a task is called:
a.extrinsic motivation.
b.intrinsic motivation.
c.intuitive motivation.
d.instinctive motivation.
6) the key to resolving the crisis of identity versus identity diffusion, according to
erikson, is:
a.identity achievement. relationships.
c.interactions with others.
d.peer relationships.
7) according to erikson, the major crisis of adolescence is called:
a.basic trust versus mistrust.
b.autonomy versus shame and doubt.
c.industry versus inferiority.
d.identity versus identity diffusion.
8) one finding that emerged from the competence to stand trial research described in the
text was that:
a.about 1/5 of 14 and 15 year olds are not competent to stand trial
b.about 1/10 of 14 and 15 year olds are not competent to stand trial
c.almost all youths are competent to stand trial
d.nearly 75% of youths under 15 are competent to stand trial
9) carrie's parents have repeatedly told her not to pierce her belly button despite her
argument that all of her friends are getting their belly buttons pierced. carrie's urge to
pierce her navel probably stems from:
a.her desire to rebel against her parents.
b.her need to express her true identity.
c.her desire to be a true individual.
d.her desire to conform to her peers.
10) which of the following friendship qualities would be most important to 14-year-old
11) the text states all of the following to explain why the development of intimacy is
especially important in adolescence, except:
a.truly intimate relationships do not emerge until adolescence.
b.the nature of the adolescent's social world changes, with increasing importance of
both same sex and opposite sex peers.
c.growth of social cognition reflects more sophisticated conceptions of social
d.friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented.
12) when it comes to matters like religion, adolescents are more likely to be influenced
by _____ over _____.
a.friends; parents; friends; parents
d.parents; friends
13) according to sullivan, the need for intimacy develops during:
c.early adolescence.
d.late adolescence.

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