Psychology 844 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 902
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) children who freely use private speech during a challenging activity are _________
than their less talkative agemates.
a)more attentive
b)less involved
c)less likely to perform the task well
d)less attentive
2) when studying for his geography test, brett groups states together by region. what
memory strategy is he using?
3) rh factor incompatibility
a)affects rh positive mothers.
b)can result in infant death.
c)cannot be prevented in most cases.
d)usually affects firstborn children.
4) researchers believe that the stimulation of rem sleep is
a)necessary to refine fine muscle development of the eye.
b)more important in adolescence than in infancy.
c)more important for adults than for babies.
d)vital for growth of the central nervous system.
5) anya, age 4, is asked to draw a picture of a person. she will probably
a)draw a body, a head, and arms and legs, and add features such as eyes and hair.
b)make the universal tadpole-like shape or some other primitive drawing.
c)draw a large head with facial features but no body.
d)use depth cues, such as overlapping objects, in the background.
6) baby parkers mom shows him his pacifier behind a pillow. parker reaches for it and
finds it several times. parkers mom then shows him his pacifier hidden under a cup.
parker continues to search for it behind the pillow. this is most likely because parker
a)is not yet able to make an accurate ab search.
b)does not yet appreciate physical causality.
c)has not yet attained even rudimentary object permanence.
d)cannot yet engage in goal-directed behavior.
7) the social person is likely to select which of the following occupations?
8) studies of literacy development show that
a)the more informal literacy experiences young children have, the better their later
reading skills.
b)even young preschoolers are able to distinguish drawing from writing.
c)the best method to teach children to read is the phonics approach.
d)interactive reading hinders preschoolers developing understanding of sound-word
9) between the ages of 6 and 12, ___ primary teeth are lost and replaced by permanent
baby felixs parents talk to him using short sentences with high-pitched exaggerated
expression, clear pronunciation, distinct pauses between speech segments, and repetition of
new words in a variety of contexts. felixs parents use
10) a)telegraphic speech.
b)a referential style.
c)an expressive style.
d)child-directed speech.
11) when her 10-year-old son comes home from school, mrs. calder sits down with him
and organizes his homework. she makes a list for him of what to tackle first and what to
put off until later. she does not ask her son to help with this task. mrs. calder
a)is helping her son develop planning strategies.
b)is helping her son with his utilization deficiency.
c)might be robbing her son of opportunities to plan.
d)might be creating an effective strategy use for her son.
12) one criticism of the concept of emerging adulthood is
a)emerging adulthood fails to describe the experiences of most young people in
industrialized nations.
b)research on emerging adulthood largely emphasizes its societal benefits.
c)at no time has adulthood in complex societies been attained at a distinct moment.
d)emerging adulthood is rapidly expanding in developing nations.
13) during periods of rapid cognitive change,
a)organization predominates over adaptation.
b)accommodation predominates over assimilation.
c)assimilation and accommodation are balanced.
d)adaptation and organization are balanced.
newborn babies
14) a)see nearby objects most clearly.
b)see unclearly across a wide range of distances.
c)cannot detect human faces.
d)have finely attuned visual acuity.
15) research indicates that boys and girls who regularly engage in activities like
________ do better on spatial tasks.
a)playing board games
c)riding a bicycle
d)building models
16) grants parents have noticed that he seems to be putting his affairs in order
smoothing over troubled relationships and giving away treasured possessions. this
indicates that grant may
a)be contemplating suicide.
b)be entering eriksons stage of identity confusion.
c)have reached kohlbergs good boy-good girl orientation.
d)be about to run away from home.
17) baby emma is learning to stand. each time she falls, she looks at her caregiver. if her
caregiver looks concerned, emma cries. if her caregiver smiles, emma tries again. emma
is using
a)a secure base.
b)emotional self-regulation.
c)social referencing.
d)effortful control.
18) the suicide rate
a)is highest during the adolescent years.
b)increases over the lifespan but jumps sharply at adolescence.
c)remains steady over the lifespan.
d)declines slightly in adolescence.

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