Psychology 787 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 671
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) the cocktail party phenomenon provides evidence that:
a.most people prefer being around others to being alone
b.when people gossip about others, they tend to do so in small groups rather than in
large groups
c.people automatically and deeply process information relevant to the self
d.the behavioral inhibition system of extraverts is inactive during social situations
2) idiographic approaches to the assessment of personality focus on:
b.comparisons across people
c.ratings made by parents, peers, or others rather than self-reports
d.unique personal qualities rather than cross-person similarities
3) amy has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. she reminds herself that breast
cancer is highly treatable and that the doctors caught hers early. she feels much luckier
than people whose breast cancer is caught during later stages of the disease. which of
the following coping strategies is amy using?
a.creation of positive events
b.downward comparisons
c.secondary appraisals
d.emotion-focused coping
4) farhan has had to deal with repeated amounts of high stress. his parents both have
chronic diseases, he and his wife are arguing constantly, and his new job demands a lot
of his time. according to research on the effects of stress, farhan will:
a.probably be divorced in the next year a decreased immune response to infectious diseases
c.develop a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia
d.develop a type a personality
5) blythe had a large and late breakfast. even though she was planning to skip lunch, she
starts to feel hungry at noon and decides to eat. the best explanation for blythes decision
would come from:
a.classical conditioning
b.poor self-regulation
c.homeostatic adjustment
d.low self-efficacy
6) who first proposed that psychology should be a science of observation and
experimentation in order to discover the laws of the mind? descartes
b.john locke
c.john stuart mill
d.hermann von helmholtz
7) you are reading a book, and your friend john asks you a question. by the time you
ask, what did you say? you hear his question. this effect is due to storage of information
in the _____ for audition.
a.short-term memory
b.long-term memory
c.working memory
d.sensory memory
8) if you are shopping for a bathrobe and buy the first soft robe you see, you are likely
a(n) _____. if you go on to look for robes in every store in town before purchasing one,
you are likely a(n) _____.
a.minimizer; optimizer
b.optimizer; minimizer
c.maximizer; satisficer
d.satisficer; maximizer
9) based on the results of the treatment of adolescents with depression study (tads),
which of the following conclusions would be most appropriate if a doctor was
interested in prescribing prozac for an adolescent patient with depression?
a.the doctor should avoid prescribing prozac because it causes suicidal thoughts.
b.the doctor should prescribe prozac but state that one of the risks of taking the drug
may be an increase in suicidal thoughts.
c.the doctor should prescribe a different drug, such as a tricyclic, which has the same
effects but without causing suicidal thoughts.
d.the doctor should prescribe cognitive-behavioral therapy with a licensed psychologist,
because prozac and other antidepressants are no longer recommended for adolescents
for a multitude of reasons.
10) happy couples attribute bad outcomes to the situation and good outcomes to each
other. in terms of attribution theory, happy couples are making _____, a response that
suggests the couple _____.
a.self-serving attributions; define themselves much like a self
b.fundamental attribution errors; define themselves much like a self
c.self-serving attributions; protect each other
d.fundamental attribution errors; protect each other

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