Psychology 710 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1232
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) a paradoxical aspect of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is that:
a.although people think that the brains of children with this disorder are overactive, they
are actually underactive
b.treating it too early results in an intensification of the disorder later
c.drugs for this disorder are the same drugs given to people with schizophrenia, even
though children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder do not have symptoms of
d.most children with this disorder show only aspects of hyperactivity, not of attention
2) karen claims that multiple people with different personalities live inside her body;
they take over her experience and express themselves at unexpected times. each of
these personalities has a different voice, a different age, and a different set of interests.
which disorder is karen most likely experiencing?
b.dissociative fugue
c.dissociative identity disorder
d.a personality disorder
3) the bas _____ behavior, whereas the bis _____ behavior.
a.activates; inhibits
b.suppresses; facilitates
c.controls; modulates the intensity of
d.selects the appropriate; activates the selected
4) in the mythical country of xacandra, people experience an emotion that they call
blegthium. though everyone agrees the people experience blegthium, it has proven very
difficult to define or to associate blegthium with physiological correlates. cross-cultural
xacandran psychologists have not been able to consistently find an emotion comparable
to blegthium in other cultures. in terms of the circumplex model of emotions, blegthium
is a _____ emotion.
d.cross-culturally congruent
5) a grocery store owner places a new item at the front of each aisle every few days. he
wants people to think that these items are in front because they are special or on sale.
the grocery store owner is trying to use _____ to sell the items at the front.
a.loss aversion
c.confirmation bias
d.prospect theory
6) joanie is in a research study in which she is told that a powerful new drug will
dramatically increase her memory abilities. she is then administered the drug, which is
in fact a placebo. how will joanie do on a memory test after taking the drug?
a.she will remember about the same amount as she would have without it.
b.she will be able to remember more if she believes the drug is effective.
c.she will show memory interference because her expectation about the drug does not
match the actual placebo effects.
d.she will remember more regardless of what she believes about the drug.
7) smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and _____ strongly predict heart
disease. insufficient allostatic load underactivated hpa axis
c.type a behavior
d.type b behavior
8) why is rem sleep called paradoxical sleep?
a.the person is not really asleep.
b.the persons body is asleep, but the persons brain is active.
c.the person has no awareness of being asleep.
d.none of the above is correct.
9) in 2008, the percentage of the u.s. population meeting the criteria for obesity was:
a.3 percent
b.5 percent
c.15 percent
d.33 percent
10) something is considered a variable if it:
a.has no operational definition
b.can be manipulated by an experimenter
c.involves random assignment theoretical rather than concrete
11) when you recall a memory of your best friends face, you are activating the cortical
circuits in the _____ cortex involved in _____ her face.
a.visual; storing
b.visual; perceiving
c.spatial; storing
d.spatial; perceiving
12) which of the following observations was used as evidence that infants understood
the laws of the physical world?
a.infants would cry when a heavy object, but not a light object, was held above their
b.infants consider a rod moving behind a box as a single object.
c.infants expect heavier objects to fall faster than light objects.
d.infants can accurately anticipate the projected movement when a ball is thrown
toward a target.
13) according to freuds topography of mind, information from the unconscious must
reach the _____ mind before it reaches the _____ mind.
a.anteconscious; preconscious
b.preconscious; postconscious
c.conscious; anteconscious
d.preconscious; conscious
14) angie has undergone some significant brain surgery to reduce her out-of-control
seizures. as a result of this surgery, she is able to walk, talk, and think at near normal
levels. she is, however, unable to report the name of an object shown to the left side of
her visual field. she does not show the inability to name the object if it is shown to her
right visual field. based on this information, it is likely that angies surgery involved:
a.severing of the corpus callosum
b.severing of the frontal lobe
c.severing of the temporal lobe
d.a hemispherectomy
15) when maggie comes home, she is surprised to see that her roommate has painted
their living room red. the room looks so dazzlingly red because the paint has absorbed
the _____ wavelengths of light and is reflecting the _____ wavelengths to maggies
a.long; short and medium
b.long and short; medium
c.short and medium; long
d.long and medium; short
16) the term _____ is used to describe intermittent or occasional reinforcements.
a.partial reinforcement
b.continuous reinforcement
c.positive reward
d.negative punishment
17) imagine that a psychologist tests your mental processing speed every year. for
example, how long does it take you to push a lever when a light comes on? if you age
normally, you should show: change in speed of response until after about age 60
b.speeding up until about age 35 and then a slow decline
c.a slowing by age 25 that gets even slower as you age further
page-pf5 ability to perform this task throughout your life at roughly the same speed, as long
as your visual acuity is high
18) need to belong theory states that the human need for interpersonal attachments is
adaptive. as discussed in your text, belonging is a basic motive like hunger because not
a.makes people seek food
b.can make you die of starvation
c.has negative health consequences
d.creates physical pain due to longing
19) the universal aspect of emotions is the _____ which they are expressed; the
culture-specific aspect of emotions is the _____ which they are expressed.
a.facial expressions in; body cues in
b.body cues in; facial expressions in
c.conditions under; way in
d.way in; conditions under
20) robin has had disruptive behavior problems since childhood, has shown signs of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and could be characterized as having
externalizing tendencies. according to your textbook, robin is probably:
b.not american

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