Psych 788 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 672
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) in response to the heinz dilemma, jolee explains, if heinz cares at all about what his
family thinks of him, he wont let his wife die. hed be a disgrace to his familys name.
jolee is in which of kohlbergs stages?
a)punishment and obedience orientation
b)instrumental purpose orientation
c)good boy-good girl orientation
d)social-order-maintaining orientation
2) meiosis results in __________ in the male and _______________ in the female.
a)four sperm; one ovum
b)one sperm; four ova
c)millions of sperm; about 40,000 ova
d)four sperm; millions of ova
3) why should parents refrain from finding fault with their teenagers in public?
a)teens already tend to believe that they are the focus of everyone elses attention and
concern, so critical remarks in public can be mortifying.
b)parents tend to judge teen behavior incorrectly, so they run a higher risk of being
critical without a legitimate reason.
c)the best way to ride out the storminess of adolescence is to appease teens as much as
possible; being critical will only create more problems.
d)recent research has found that adolescents who suffer such public criticism engage in
higher levels of delinquency than their peers.
4) which of the following tends to be associated with better-than-average psychological
health in adolescence, especially for girls?
a)gender intensification
b)a feminine gender-role identity
c)an androgynous gender-role identity
d)gender-typed pressures from others
5) as an overweight girl, maggi is _______ than her average-weight peers.
a)more likely to reach puberty late
b)less likely to suffer from depression
c)more likely to be socially isolated
d)more likely to be given financial aid for college
6) which of the following statements is true about the digital divide?
a)girls more often connect on the internet to create web pages, while boys emphasize
instant messaging.
b)low-ses children who have computer and internet access devote more time to internet
use than their higher-ses counterparts.
c)boys are more likely than girls to engage in writing computer programs and to rate
their computer skills as excellent.
d)schools can ensure that girls and low-ses students have many opportunities to benefit
from computers merely by equipping classrooms with more technology.
7) experience-expectant brain growth
a)is a result of specific learning experiences that vary widely across cultures.
b)usually occurs later than experience-dependent brain growth.
c)occurs naturally as caregivers engage babies in enjoyable daily routines.
d)provides mastery of skills that depend on extensive training.
8) danica, age 9, executes difficult tumbling routines. since she started gymnastics at
age 4, danica has become more pliable and elastic. this means that danica has improved
9) franca, age 11, recently started contradicting and disagreeing with her parents. she is
self-conscious and often goes to her room and closes the door. franca is a head taller
and several pounds heavier than most girls in her sixth-grade class. franca has probably
a)developed an eating disorder.
b)entered adolescence.
c)reached full maturation.
d)developed a social phobia.
10) follow-up research on preoperational thought indicates that preschoolers can
successfully solve a conservation-of-number task when the task
a)includes only three items rather than six or seven.
b)deals with everyday objects, such as balls or dolls, rather than abstract concepts.
c)is performed by their parents rather than unfamiliar experimenters.
d)is performed with their own toys rather than unfamiliar objects.
11) expectant mothers can prevent toxoplasmosis by
a)making sure the vegetables they eat are clean.
b)avoiding exposure to x-rays.
c)avoiding eating swordfish.
d)making sure that the meat they eat is well-cooked.

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