Psych 74799

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1378
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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According to Kierkegaard, the religious stage consists of which of the following?
A. People are open to experiences and seek out many forms of pleasure, but they do not
recognize their ability to choose.
B. People accept the responsibility of making choices, but use as their guides ethical
principles established by others.
C. People recognize and accept their freedom and enter into a personal relationship with
D. People assume that God is dead.
For Binswanger, the way an individual views and embraces the world and through
which one lives one's life is called:
A. world-design
B. ground of existence
C. thrownness
D. being-beyond-the-world
____ can be viewed as parallelism with divine intervention.
A. Occasionalism
B. Idealistic monism
C. Epiphenomenalism
D. Materialistic monism
The two major orientations or attitudes described by Jung are:
A. animus and anima
B. persona and shadow
C. inferiority and superiority
D. introversion and extroversion
Rousseau supported Protestantism because:
A. God's existence could be defended on the basis of individual feelings
B. in contrast to Catholicism, Protestantism accepted free will
C. Protestantism reconciled God and individual feelings
D. unlike local officials, the church governed with compassion
Using the method of ____, the subject is instructed to change a variable stimulus so that
its magnitude appears to equal that of a standard stimulus. After this, the average
difference between the variable stimuli and the standard is determined.
A. adjustment
B. limits
C. constant fixation
D. stimulus fixation
In their research on group dynamics Lewin, Lippitt, and White found the ____ group to
be highly productive and friendly.
A. laissez-faire
B. authoritarian
C. democratic
D. smallest
Popper saw the scientific method as involving three stages:
a. problem, theories, and criticism
b. objective analysis, theories, and criticism
c. observation, problem, and criticism
d. problem, theories, and postdiction
According to Nietzsche, the difference between freedom and slavery is:
A. freedom
B. an illusion
C. a matter of choice
D. a miracle
Husserl's ____ studied the processes of the mind independent of the physical world to
discover the essence of conscious experience, or of the person turned inward.
A. intentionality
B. pure phenomenology
C. ontology
D. Dasein
Connectionism takes as its model a complex system of artificial neurons called a:
A. neural network
B. phase sequence
C. cell assembly
D. corpus callosum
Lashley's work:
A. gradually showed that brain activity was like a complex switchboard
B. gradually showed that brain activity was similar to the description of the Gestaltists
C. finally led to the discovery of what he had been looking for - the engram
D. was later supportive of Watsonian behaviorism
The ____ asserts that all cognitive experiences will tend to be as organized,
symmetrical, simple, and regular as they can be, given the pattern of brain activity at
any given moment.
A. principle of inclusiveness
B. law of Prgnanz
C. constancy hypothesis
D. principle of continuity
Who coined the term 'survival of the fittest"?
A. Lamarck
B. Erasmus Darwin
C. Spencer
D. Charles Darwin
The Enlightenment is also referred to as the :
A. Age of Reason
B. Age of the Romantic
C. Age of Freedom
D. Age of the Human
Seligman has found that:
A. for any given species of animal, some associations are easier to learn than others
B. mass action accounts for learning
C. an animal comes to the learning situation as a tabula rasa
D. the heritability of the ability to learn is close to 0
According to Guthrie, the effectiveness of punishment is determined by:
A. what it causes an organism to do in the presence of stimuli that elicit undesirable
B. the amount of pain it causes
C. whether or not the organism understands the relationship between its behavior and
the punishment
D. the consistency with which the punishment is employed
Hebb's rule are based on associative laws of ____ and ____.
A. contiguity; cause and effect
B. cause and effect; frequency
C. frequency; contiguity
D. cause; effect
The attempt to explain psychological phenomena in terms of their biological
foundations is called:
A. psychobiology
B. connectionism
C. cybernetics
D. information theory
According to Szasz, psychiatry can be a worthy profession if it:
A. attempts to cure patients of mental illness
B. accepts the medical model of mental illness
C. helps clients better understand themselves, others, and life
D. recognizes that mentally ill people must be segregated from other members of
The main target of skepticism was dogmatism. A dogmatist is anyone who:
A. equates essences with verbal definitions
B. confuses names with real things
C. claims to have arrived at an indisputable truth
D. lives a life of excess instead of moderation
According to Jung, the ____ was the deepest and most powerful component of the
A. ego
B. personal unconscious
C. collective unconscious
D. libido
According to Aristotle, the ____kept an object moving or developing in its prescribed
direction until its full potential was reached.
A. entelechy
B. instincts
C. form of the good
D. rational mind
According to McDougall, most human social behavior is governed by:
A. a single instinct
B. rational plans of action
C. mental telepathy
D. sentiments
Pavlov believed that all central nervous activity could be described as either ____ or
A. spontaneous; involuntary
B. voluntary; spontaneous
C. excitatory; inhibitory
D. freely chosen; determined
The purpose for which an object exists is its ____ cause.
A. material
B. formal
C. efficient
D. final
In addition to making a comprehensive review of Aristotle's works and the Islamic and
Jewish scholar's interpretation of Aristotle's works, ____ was the first since the Greeks
to attempt to learn about nature by making careful empirical observations.
A. St. Anselm
B. Lombard
C. Abelard
D. Magnus
What Bacon ultimately proposed was a position intermediate between:
A. empiricism and rationalism
B. faith and reason
C. deduction and induction
D. humanism and Skepticism
Concerning verbal communication, Wundt referred to the unified idea that one wishes
to convey as a(n):
A. general impression
B. unconscious inference
C. Vlkerpsychologie
D. creative synthesis
The fact that a person can drive a car for a long distance and not be aware of the fact
that he or she is driving exemplifies:
A. mental chronometry and an unconscious inference
B. mental chronometry and a determining tendency
C. a mental set and an unconscious inference
D. a mental set and a determining tendency
Lewin believed that a person's life space consisted of:
A. facts drawn from others
B. interpersonal facts
C. sociobiological facts
D. both objectively real facts and imagined facts
Bartlett in his book, Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology,
demonstrated that:
A. memory is greatly influenced by personal, cognitive themes and schemas
B. memories of details remain relatively unchanged throughout one's lifetime
C. information is stored in a serial fashion
D. memory is greatly influenced by laws of association
Who denounced the search for abstract truths that existed beyond the world of
A. Pythagoras
B. Plato
C. William of Occam
D. Aquinas

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