Psych 742 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 709
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) denise's parents have both been laid off from work and are unable to pay the bills.
denise's parents are likely to do all of the following, except:
a.become less nurturing toward denise.
b.begin using harsher and more inconsistent discipline than they had in the past.
c.engage in drug and alcohol abuse.
d.feel more depressed.
2) research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that:
a.most adolescents experience considerable storm and stress in relationships with
b.most adolescents resent their parents and rebel against their restrictions.
c.most adolescents appear to maintain positive, supportive, and mutually respective
relationships with parents.
d.most adolescents become even closer to parents, and report almost no disruptions in
their relationships with them.
3) which adolescent is least likely to exhibit high academic achievement?
a.barney, whose parents set high scholastic standards and expect him to go to college
b.bernie, whose parents go to all of his school programs and help him select his classes
c.benny, whose parents do not want to pressure him, but argue with his teachers about
his grades
d.bob, whose parents join together with other parents who stay involved in school
4) professor snapes is conducting research on sexual harassment of adolescents. he is
likely to learn all of the following, except:
a.sexual harassment is widespread within american public schools.
b.a significant number of adolescents report having been sexually harassed by their
teachers. programs aimed at reducing sexual harassment have had long-term
d.the majority of adolescents who have been sexually harassed had themselves harassed
5) for middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is:
a.establishing autonomy from parents.
b.furthering the development of gender identity.
c.developing intimacy.
d.establishing and maintaining status in one's peer group.
6) optimal social development during adolescence may require healthy relationships
c.important non-parental adults
d.both a and b are correct
7) sullivan believed the crisis of adolescence is _____. erikson believed it is _____.
a.identity; intimacy
b.autonomy; intimacy
c.intimacy; identity
d.intimacy; autonomy
8) as barbara moves into adolescence, her relationship with her mother and father
changes. she is becoming less dependent on them and more dependent on herself. she
also realizes that her parents are not always right. which type of autonomy is barbara
a.behavioral autonomy
b.psychosocial autonomy
c.emotional autonomy
d.cognitive autonomy
9) suzanne has just found out that her 13-year-old daughter had been sexually abused by
her piano teacher. what type of problem is suzanne's daughter most likely to face?
a.dissociative disorders
c.academic difficulties
10) which of the following statements concerning volunteerism is false?
a.engaging in community service leads to short-term gains in social responsibility.
b.engaging in community service increases the importance individuals place on helping
c.engaging in community service has a long-lasting positive impact even when it is part
of a school mandated service learning program.
d.engaging in community service leads to increased commitment to tolerance, equal
opportunity, and cultural diversity.
11) according to research by small & luster, which adolescent is most likely to engage
in early sexual activity?
a.chelsea, an adolescent that lives in a low ses/disadvantaged neighborhood.
b.ryan, an adolescent that has many antisocial peers.
c.frank, an adolescent that has completely disengaged from school.
d.the adolescent most likely to engage in early sexual activity is one that has a
combination of the above risk factors.
12) dr. worthy studies achievement attributions. according to the textbook, she would be
assessing the ways in which individuals attribute their performance to a combination of
all of the following factors, except:
a.ability and effort.
b.task difficulty.

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