Psych 687 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 941
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) katies professor is giving a test tomorrow, but has not told the students what will be
on the test. katie is not sure how or what to study and feels nervous about her upcoming
performance. the most effective coping strategy for katie to use the night before the
exam is:
a.emotion-focused coping
b.positive reappraisal
c.anticipatory coping
d.a defense mechanism
2) damian frequently runs into carmen while he is walking his dog. he is puzzled
because carmen always greets his dog, but never greets him until he has spoken to her.
he becomes even more perplexed when carmen says, oh look, there is ryans car, even
though ryan is standing right next to the car. you could enlighten damian by telling him
that carmen quite likely suffers from:
3) which of the following factors is not part of the five-factor theory of personality?
a.openness to experience
4) in his marshmallow studies, mischel found that children engaged in which of the
following strategies to delay gratification?
a.looking away from the marshmallow
b.covering their eyes
c.self-distraction (e.g., singing)
d.all of the above
5) your textbook discusses reasons for the modest cultural differences in personality
traits found across cultures. it is possible that factors other than culture are responsible
for these differences. to know for certain that personality is affected by culture and not
other factors, which of the following would be necessary?
a.a measurement of people across time, from infancy to adulthood, across all cultures
b.the creation of standardized cultural norms across the world and then a measurement
of personality traits
c.a measurement of people using assessments that are unique to their culture (e.g., use
projective tests in some cultures and objective tests in others)
d.the use of culturally specific teams of researchers to conduct the research
6) _____ describes intelligence as a unitary construct. _____ describes two aspects of
intelligence. _____ describes multiple intelligences.
a.the stanford-binet test; the wechsler adult intelligence scale; gardners approach
b.the wechsler adult intelligence scale; gardners approach; the stanford-binet test
c.gardners approach; the stanford-binet test; the wechsler adult intelligence scale
d.the stanford-binet test; gardners approach; the wechsler adult intelligence scale
7) sarah is trying to function at her best and be the healthiest person she can possibly
be. sarah is concerned with her own:
a.positive emotionalism
b.well-being empowerment
8) you are startled when you pass an 18-wheeler driven by a woman. a woman driver
violates your _____ of a trucker.
9) delroy was on a plane that flew through a hurricane. there was tremendous
turbulence, and he was absolutely terrified. even though he tries not to think about it,
delroy cannot forget that plane trip. delroys persistent memory results from the effect of
the _____ on how the _____ consolidates memory.
a.thalamus; prefrontal cortex
b.amygdala; prefrontal cortex
c.amygdala; hippocampus
d.thalamus; hippocampus
10) when saqui breaks up with her boyfriend, her best friend, bradan, asks her to go out
with him. at the same time, she meets a fascinating man, who also asks her out. bradan
and the new man each have different attractive qualities. after deciding to date the new
guy, saqui finds that she no longer likes bradan. even though he wants to continue their
long friendship, she keeps finding more things to dislike about him. saqui is
a.cognitive dissonance
b.attributional bias
c.postdecisional dissonance
d.emergence of an implicit attitude
11) emilio and claudio are both graduating seniors. emilio has an a average, and claudio
has a c average. they are both applying to law school at harvard, stanford, and yale.
emilio is likely to be _____ in achievement motivation, and claudio is likely to be
_____ in achievement motivation.
a.high; low
b.high; high
c.low; low
d.low; high
12) a person can be easily awakened in this stage of sleep:
a.stage 2
b.stage 3
c.stage 1
13) according to prospect theory, would a person rather gamble $2 with the possibility
of winning $4, or gamble 50 cents with the possibility of winning $1? why?
a.$2, because the person could possibly win a greater amount of money
b.$2, because the person will ignore the possibility of losing more money
c.50 cents, because the person can lose only a small amount of money
d.50 cents, because the person will not mind being able to win only a little money
14) research on the rorschach inkblot test indicates that it:
a.does an excellent job of identifying specific psychological disorders
b.identifies many adults and children as psychologically disturbed when in fact they are
not the most reliable of the many projective tests in use
d.reliably assesses id/ego/superego conflicts but not specific psychological disorders
15) a positive reappraisal strategy that involves comparing oneself to those worse off is
known as:
a.creation of positive events
b.the silver lining effect
c.downward comparisons comparisons

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