Psych 556 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 831
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) which of the following statements is true regarding breastfeeding?
a)breastfeeding should be combined with formula for a balanced diet.
b)breastfeeding helps increase spacing among siblings.
c)breastfeeding has become less common in industrialized nations.
d)breastfeeding is a reliable method of birth control.
2) which of the following is true about social referencing?
a)by the middle of the second year, it expands to include indirect emotional signals.
b)a parents use of a facial expression alone is a more effective social reference than the
use of the voice.
c)it does not allow young children to compare their own and others assessments of
d)in social referencing, toddlers simply react to others emotional messages.
3) brianna, age 4, eats only pasta, bread, and chicken. which of the following would you
suggest to briannas parents to encourage their daughter to eat new foods?
a)serve her only new foods so that she has no other choices.
b)repeatedly expose her to new foods without any direct pressure to eat them.
c)add sugar or butter to new foods and offer dessert if she eats them.
d)refuse to serve pasta until she tries at least one new food.
4) most research indicates that young children use private speech
a)because they have difficulty with perspective taking.
b)when they are engaged in cooperative dialogues.
c)when tasks are appropriately challenging.
d)when they cannot find a conversational partner.
5) reciprocal teaching focuses on which four cognitive strategies?
a)discussion, practice, segment, and reading
b)elaboration, rehearsal, chunking, and repetition
c)challenging, digesting, comparing, and evaluating
d)questioning, summarizing, clarifying, and predicting
6) which of the following disciplinary statements is the most likely to promote prosocial
a) pushing your sister is not okay.
b) your sister is crying because you pushed her and she fell down.
c) you should be ashamed of yourself. good girls do not push.
d) only bad girls push their sisters.
7) preschoolers who spend more time in sociodramatic play are seen as ___________
by their teachers.
a)more cognitively competent
b)more socially competent
c)less creative
d)less verbal
8) according to erikson, play
a)allows young children to escape from the demands of their lives into a fantasy world.
b)symbolically represents preschoolers unconscious wishes and desires.
c)is secondary to academic learning for preschoolers.
d)permits preschoolers to try out new skills with little risk of criticism or failure.
9) samantha is a stay-at-home mother who is considering going back to work. she is
concerned about the impact on her childrens adjustment. to provide her children with
the greatest benefits, samantha could
a)work part-time with a flexible work schedule.
b)select a job that she does not really enjoy so that she will not be tempted to get caught
up in her work.
c)remain a stay-at-home mom until her kids leave home.
d)select a full-time job that will quickly get her acclimated to being away from her
10) elena moved to the united states from guatemala when she was 6 years old. research
shows that if her school curriculum integrates both spanish and english, she will
a)be semilingual.
b)gradually lose her spanish.
c)fall behind in reading skills.
d)acquire english more easily.
11) which of the following is true about only children in the united states?
a)they are spoiled and advantaged compared to children with siblings.
b)they are lower in self-esteem compared to children with siblings.
c)they do not differ from children with siblings in self-rated personality traits.
d)they are better accepted in peer groups than are children from multichild families.
12) brads parents provide him with information on sex and contraception, and convey
their values. as a result, brad is likely to
a)take sexual risks.
b)engage in sex at a young age.
c)adopt his parents sexual values.
d)fail to take his parents seriously.
13) growth hormone (gh)
a)prompts the thyroid gland in the neck to release thyroxine, which is necessary for
brain development.
b)stimulates the liver and epiphyses of the skeleton to release insulin-like growth factor
1, which triggers cell duplication throughout the body.
c)contributes to rapid physical growth in boys, whereas thyroid-stimulating hormone
contributes to physical development in girls.
d)is necessary during the prenatal period for development of the brain and spinal cord.
14) at age 6, the average north american child weighs about ______ pounds.

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