psych 470 test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 956
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) during exercise, the most significant factor affecting the ph of body tissues is the
production of
a) lactic acid.
b) ketone bodies.
c) organic acids.
d) carbon dioxide.
e) hydrochloric acid.
2) blocking afferent action potentials from the chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic
bodies would interfere with the brain's ability to regulate breathing in response to all
except which of the following?
a) changes in pco2
b) changes in po2
c) changes in ph due to carbon dioxide levels
d) changes in blood pressure
e) all of the answers are correct.
3) fenestrated capillaries are present in
a) skeletal muscles.
b) cardiac muscle.
c) the liver.
d) the spleen.
e) skin.
4) match the following structures with their functions.
a. pancreas
b. pylorus
c. rectum
d. small intestine
e. stomach
location of the sphincter that prevents premature emptying of the stomach
5) match the type of breathing with its description.
a. hyperpnea
b. hyperventilation
c. tachypnea
d. dyspnea
e. apnea
increased respiratory rate and/or volume without increased metabolism
6) the tactile receptor whose nerve endings are surrounded by concentric connective
tissue layers is the
a) ruffini corpuscle.
b) pacinian corpuscle.
c) meissner's corpuscle.
d) merkel disc.
e) root hair plexus.
7) match the following plasma proteins with the correct function.
a. albumins
b. globulins
c. fibrinogen
d. transferrin
e. antibodies
contribute(s) significantly to osmotic pressure of plasma
8) drugs that treat hypertension by preventing angiotensin i from becoming angiotensin
ii are called
a) ace inhibitors.
b) beta blockers.
c) calcium channel blockers.
d) diuretics.
9) match the type of immunity to its description.
a. specific
b. nonspecific
antibodies in breast milk protect a newborn baby from pathogens.
10) lipophilic hormones
a) bind to receptors on the surface of the cell.
b) function by way of a second messenger system.
c) cannot diffuse through the cell membrane.
d) bind to receptors inside the cytoplasm or nucleus.
e) function by activating camp.
11) the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is approximately ________ mm hg.
a) 40
b) 45
c) 50
d) 70
e) 100
12) while a nurse takes a blood pressure measurement on a patient, what determines
how much the pressure cuff should be inflated? how would the nurse determine if he
inflated the cuff too much? too little?
13) patrick's urine sample reveals a high concentration of glucose. is glucose normally
present in urine? suggest two possible mechanisms to explain why the kidney would
excrete excess glucose, and what abnormality may underlie those conditions.
14) molecules that readily dissolve in water are called ________.
15) the most important metabolic effect of ________ is protection against ________,
crucial to surviving significant stress.
16) the nucleus is surrounded by a(n) ________.
17) a powerful bronchoconstrictor released by mast cells is ________.
18) water can cross a cell membrane by a variety of means. list at least three. do water
molecules cross a membrane through the same molecules as other solutes? explain. are
all cells equally permeable to water? explain.
19) in your study of a drug's efficacy in treating hypertension, your subjects are white
males, ages 40 to 60 years. is your study applicable to all people? explain.

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