Psych 314 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 484
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) in the cognitive-neoassociationistic model, frustration leads to aggression by which
of the following paths?
a.frustration → related cognition → negative affect → aggression
b.frustration → negative affect → related cognition → aggression
c.frustration → fight-or-flight response → suppressed cognition → aggression
d.frustration → suppressed cognition → fight-or-flight response → aggression
2) electroconvulsive therapy is: longer used
b.used for the severely depressed who do not respond to the usual treatments
c.viewed by psychologists as an unethical treatment because it results in seizures and
severe memory loss
d.effective but only for a few hours on the day it is given
3) postsynaptic receptors allow a neurotransmitter to attach based on its:
a.molecular structure
b.volume of potassium ions
c.volume of sodium ions
d.excitatory or inhibitory nature
4) in this type of anxiety disorder, the person is afraid of not being able to escape what
she or he perceives to be a threatening situation:
a.posttraumatic stress disorder
b.obsessive-compulsive disorder
c.generalized anxiety disorder
5) individuals with schizophrenia may be helped by _____ in addition to
pharmacological treatment.
page-pf2 skills training
b.job skills training
c.time management training
d.etiquette training
6) being very overweight is:
a.primarily linked to personality
b.a major health problem in contemporary society
c.primarily a result of overeating
d.primarily a result of genetic factors
7) after using a recreational drug at a party, fawn became energetic, talkative, and lively.
which of the following drugs did fawn most likely use?
8) a primary advantage of a trait approach to personality is that it provides a method
a.comparing individuals in regard to various personality dispositions
b.explaining rather than describing personality
c.identifying psychopathology
d.assessing changes in ones personality over time
9) recent research on predictors of heart disease suggests that people who are _____ are
particularly vulnerable to cardiac problems.
a.angry or depressed
b.time-pressed and shy
c.low in self-esteem
d.low in cortisol production
10) imagine you are paying for something at a store and the clerk gives you too much
change. if you were operating at the preconventional level of moral development, you
would be likely to:
a.give the money back because keeping it would be like stealing and stealing is illegal
b.give the money back because it will make the clerk very happy with you
c.keep the money because it will make you happy
d.give the money back because it does not rightfully belong to you

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