psych 251 homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 874
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) gh
a) is secreted by the anterior pituitary.
b) is secreted by the posterior pituitary.
c) binds to a plasma protein.
d) is secreted by the anterior pituitary and binds to a plasma protein.
e) is secreted by the posterior pituitary and binds to a plasma protein.
2) during the first 15 seconds of intense exercise, such as sprinting or power lifting,
most of the energy is provided by
a) fat oxidation.
b) carbohydrate oxidation.
c) atp in muscle fiber.
d) phosphocreatine.
e) atp in muscle fiber and phosphocreatine.
3) cells that respond to signals are usually called
a) responders.
b) receivers.
c) targets.
d) contacts.
e) junctions.
4) the peripheral nervous system develops from the
a) neural plate.
b) neural tube.
c) neural crest.
5) match the hormone with the correct statement.
a. gastrin
b. cholecystokinin
c. secretin
d. motilin
e. gastric inhibitory peptide
secreted by cells in the stomach
6) match the term to its definition.
a. metabolism
b. catabolism
c. anabolism
large molecules synthesized from smaller ones
7) excess postexercise oxygen consumption serves all of the following purposes except
a) it metabolizes lactate
b) it restores atp and phosphocreatine levels
c) it replenishes oxygen bound to myoglobin
d) it removes unnecessary catecholamines from circulation
8) match the change in gas composition with the response (disregard weak responses).
a. po2 increases.
b. pco2 increases.
c. po2 decreases.
d. pco2 decreases.
which single muscle contributes most to normal, resting inspiration? which single
muscle contributes most to normal, resting expiration?
9) after an injury, paul has difficulty recognizing and interpreting certain sounds. these
symptoms imply damage to the
a) external ear.
b) auditory cortex.
c) middle ear.
d) cochlea.
10) keratin
a. fibrous
b. globular
11) explain the advantages and disadvantages of glycolytic metabolism.
12) sylvia is suffering from severe edema in her arms and legs. her physician prescribes
a diuretic (a substance that will increase the volume of urine produced). why might this
help to alleviate sylvia's problem?
13) the male gonad is called a ________.
14) explain what a portal system is and give an example. how is a portal system
different from the typical arrangement of vessels?
15) abnormal fat and amino acid metabolism may lead to the condition called
16) you are a server in a restaurant, always interested in going the extra mile for your
customers. patrick, a regular customer in your section, has ordered sweet iced tea and
has an appointment in 10 minutes, so he must drink quickly then leave. the kitchen staff
makes only unsweetened tea, but there are sugar packets on the tables. what should you
do for patrick to provide the best sweet tea, and what general principle of diffusion does
this illustrate? (hint: will sugar dissolve quickly in an iced drink?)

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