Psych 15346

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1180
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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McDougall stated that all organisms are born with instincts that provide the motivation
to act in certain ways. Instincts have three components. Which of the following is one
of the three?
A. perception
B. cognition
C. motivation
D. reaction
Watson and Lashley cooperated in 'sports" research on archers showing that ____
enhanced performance more than ____ (Lashley, 1915).
A. extrinsic rewards; instinctive motivation
B. distributed practice; massed practice
C. massed practice; distributed practice
D. instinctive motivation; extrinsic rewards
The ____ maintained that life could not be explained by the interactions of physical and
chemical properties alone.
A. materialists
B. vitalists
C. physiologists
D. antivitalists
During the Renaissance, abnormal behavior was generally taken as a sign of:
A. sinfulness and witchcraft
B. poor hygiene and infectious disease
C. the emergence of a prophet or oracle
D. troubled upbringing and low intelligence
Which of the following best describes the fate of functionalism?
A. It faded away for essentially the same reasons as structuralism.
B. It was absorbed into contemporary psychology and has therefore lost its identity.
C. It surrendered its focus on the mind and became the school of behaviorism.
D. It was promoted by a few forceful individuals (like James), and when they died, so
did functionalism.
Concerning the mind-body problem, Skinner was a(n):
A. epiphenomenalist
B. interactionist
C. occasionalist
D. physical monist
Events following the death of Aristotle created a situation in which people sought:
A. answers to questions concerning problems of everyday living
B. the first principles or universals that underlie physical reality
C. philosophical certainty
D. a solution to Zeno's paradox
According to ____, when a person has a desire to move his arm, God is aware of this
desire and moves the person's arm.
A. Leibniz
B. Malebranche
C. Spinoza
D. Reid
According to Binswanger, authentic individuals attempt to transform their
circumstances by exercising their free will. He referred to this transformational process
A. ground of existence
B. thrownness
C. being-beyond-the-world
D. guilt-provoking
According to Adler, traumatic experiences are:
A. repressed
B. interpreted in any way that suits a person's purposes
C. nonexistent
D. sought by healthy people so that they can grow from them
According to Szasz, the typical diagnosis of mental illness most often reflects a(n)
A. a social judgment
B. a medical judgment
C. a neurobiological issue
D. an physiological issue
A contemporary and popular way of explaining mind-body relationships that claims
mental states emerge from brain activity is called:
a. reification
b. emergentism
c. naive realism
d. namification
For James, the spiritual self:
A. is that part of you known only to God
B. consists of everything a persons owns
C. cannot be know by the person except through God
D. consists of the person's states of consciousness
What aspect of Aristotle's philosophy became the cornerstone of most modern theories
of learning?
A. The reminiscence theory of knowledge
B. The laws of association
C. The notion of common sense
D. The assumption that the souls of the living organisms are arranged in a hierarchy
For Wittgenstein, language:
A. reflects reality
B. creates reality
C. creates communities
D. divides communities
According to Aristotle, ____ is a spontaneous recollection of something that had been
previously experienced and ____ involves an actual mental search for a past experience.
A. recall; remembering
B. remembering; recall
C. reminiscence; association
D. association; remembering
Tolman believed that:
A. learning occurs independently of reinforcement
B. if no reinforcement occurs, no learning occurs
C. reinforcement governs classical conditioning but not instrumental conditioning
D. reinforcement governs instrumental conditioning but not classical conditioning
Goethe viewed science as:
A. the new religion
B. useless
C. useful but limited
D. the only valid way of attaining accurate knowledge
What field is most interested in the transformation that information undergoes as it
enters a communication system, as it operates within the system, and as it leaves the
A. Cybernetics
B. Artificial intelligence
C. Information theory
D. Theory of cognitive dissonance
Who was the first physician to argue against labeling individuals as witches?
A. Paracelsus
B. Agrippa
C. Weyer
D. Pinel
According to Wundt, empiricism lacked an appreciation of:
A. innate ideas
B. the laws of association
C. volitional processes
D. secondary qualities
Galileo was among the first to suggest that:
A. the world of appearance was inferior to a perfect abstract world
B. a science of psychology (conscious experience) was impossible
C. secondary qualities were superior to primary qualities
D. human pleasures, passions, and ambitions can be, and should be, studied objectively
Lewin distinguished between ____ explanation of natural events, which emphasized
inner essences and categories, and ____ explanation of natural events, which
emphasized external causation and dynamics of forces.
A. Newton's; Einstein's
B. Einstein's; Newton's
C. Aristotle's; Galileo's
D. Galileo's; Aristotle's
The church responded to Galileo's scientific achievements by:
A. having him rectify reason and the existence of God
B. forcing him to convert to Catholicism
C. making him recant his scientific conclusions
D. burning him at the stake
Pavlov speculated that much human abnormal behavior is caused by:
A. confusion of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli
B. first-signal system
C. a breakdown of inhibitory processes in the brain
D. experimental neurosis
Bouchard estimated the heritability of intelligence to be about:
A. .10
B. .50
C. .70
D. 1.00
The attempt to synthesize Aristotelian philosophy and Christian theology is referred to
A. Neoplatonism
B. Averroism
C. Scholasticism
D. Paganism
Berkeley believed that ____ was responsible for the widespread religious skepticism
and atheism of his day.
A. romanticism
B. materialism
C. idealism
D. rationalism
Bain's law of ____ stated that although individual experiences may be too weak to
revive a memory, several weak associations may combine and thereby be strong enough
to recall it.
A. contiguity
B. frequency
C. constructive association
D. compound association
The belief that humans have free will would be proposed by a(n):
a. indeterminist
b. nondeterminist
c. psychical determinist
d. physical determinist

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