Psych 152 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1168
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) professor marcus believes that student athletes are lazy and academically
incompetent. every time she has an athlete in one of her classes who is a poor student,
she takes note of and remembers it. every time she has an athlete in her class who is an
excellent student, she ignores it. through this mechanism, professor marcus _____ her
stereotype of student athletes.
c.makes good use of
d.makes adjustments to
2) two areas of the brain that have been critically linked to the development of addiction
include the:
a.dopamine system and the insula
b.dopamine system and the forebrain
c.opiate system and the insula
d.opiate system and the forebrain
3) this learning model emphasizes that the surprising or unexpected nature of the
predictor stimulus is what is responsible for the strength of the us-cs connection.
a.classical-conditioning model
b.operant-conditioning model
c.observational learning model
d.rescorla-wagner model
4) before psychologists can begin a research project, they must receive approval from:
a.the american psychological association
b.the association of psychological science
c.the national science foundation
d.the institutional review board
5) even though he has already memorized his notes, hao reviews them every night for
the two weeks before the exam. this strategy is likely to _____ his performance due to
a.hurt; cramming
b.hurt; spreading out his practice; cramming; spreading out his practice
6) sergio tells monica that his roommate goes to a lot of parties. after this conversation,
monica tells genevra that sergios roommate drinks a great deal. monica believes this
about sergios roommate because:
a.she used her schema of a party person
b.she did not remember what sergio had told her
c.she is biased against people who like to party
d.her elaboration made the story more interesting
7) forgetting the store where you bought your blue sweater is analogous to _____.
thinking that the red sweater is yours when you actually borrowed it from your sister is
analogous to _____.
a.source misattribution; absentmindedness
b.absentmindedness; source misattribution
c.the sleeper effect; cryptomnesia
d.cryptomnesia; the sleeper effect
8) what is the typical outcome for young children who, due to disease or injury, have an
entire brain hemisphere removed during a hemispherectomy?
a.the remaining hemisphere eventually takes on most of the lost hemispheres function.
b.the children are most likely profoundly cognitively disabled.
c.the children will be able to sit, but not walk.
d.there is no change in any function immediately after the surgery, due to immediate
neural plasticity.
9) the main conclusion of milgrams studies is that:
a.ordinary people will do terrible things if ordered by an authority
b.ordinary people have an inherent violence that is easily released
c.ordinary people will follow immoral orders only in artificial situations will obey immoral orders, but women will not
10) the information processing model of memory is based on computer functioning and
consists of all of the following stages except:
11) which of the following variables contribute to how much pain is felt?
c.thoughts about the pain
d.all of the above
12) when cal looks at the names of the days of the week on his calendar, each day looks
as if it is written in a different color. for example, cal always sees monday as written in
a light maroon color, while tuesday is always in royal blue. based on cals description, it
is likely that he is a(n):
a.integrative perceptionist
c.holistic reader
d.selective reader
13) the last stage in dialectical behavior therapy is _____, and this stage is important
because _____.
a.identifying the traumatic experiences; these experiences caused the emotional
b.helping the client develop as an independent, self-validating person; it reduces the
clients problematic dependence on others, which is a hallmark of the disorder
c.replacing dysfunctional behaviors with adaptive ones; the heart of the problem lies in
faulty classical and operant conditioning
d.dealing with the self-harming behaviors; it increases the clients self-esteem
14) how does the hypothalamus influence physical growth? affecting the release of growth hormone activating calcium receptors in the bones and tissues directing the reception of growth hormone at the receptor sites overriding the action of the pituitary gland
15) in the _____, people will be more likely to agree with a small request after they
have refused a large request.
a.door-in-the-face technique
b.foot-in-the-door effect
c.low-balling strategy
d.none of the above
16) the neurotransmitter that is most important for reinforcement learning is:
17) which of the following could be classified as a reinforcer?
a.getting a cookie after washing the dishes
b.cowering when the teacher places her fingernails on the blackboard
c.not walking under ladders
d.having a sunny day for your wedding
18) which of the following statements is true of variables in studies?
a.a variable is something that can change but is not measured in a study.
b.a variable is something that can be measured but rarely changes.
c.a variable is that aspect of a study that is unchanging.
d.a variable is something that can change and be measured.
19) jason and cora are riding on a roller coaster, which is producing high levels of
arousal. they attribute their aroused state to romantic feelings for each other and feel
they are falling in love. the effect of the roller coaster is from the _____ associated with
emotion; thinking that the arousal is usually due to romantic feelings is part of the
_____ associated with emotion; feeling they are falling in love reflects the _____
associated with emotion.
a.physical changes; cognitive appraisals; subjective experiences
b.physical changes; subjective experiences; cognitive appraisals
c.subjective experiences; cognitive appraisals; physical changes
d.subjective experiences; physical changes; cognitive appraisals
20) torrence is engaged in cognitive-behavioral therapy (cbt) to treat his social phobia.
based on the research findings discussed in your textbook, which component of cbt
would be effective in treating torrences social phobia?
a.long-term psychoanalysis skills training
c.electroconvulsive therapy
d.antidepressant medication

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