PSYC 893 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 939
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) if a seriously brain-damaged patient cannot give informed consent to participate in
medical research, then researchers can:
a.include the person in research only if they provide a complete debriefing at the
conclusion of the study
b.relax the requirements regarding the relative risk of participation in the study
c.apply to the american medical association to waive the requirement for informed
d.obtain consent for the patient to take part in the research by getting permission from a
legal guardian
2) which sentence below best defines the concept of tabula rasa? infant comes into the world with a genetic blueprint. all the knowledge the infant
subsequently acquires is determined by the infants genetic code. infant comes into the world with a genetic blueprint, but his or her knowledge can
be shaped through sensory experiences in the world. infant comes into the world knowing nothing. the infants genetic blueprint largely
overrides the knowledge acquired through his or her sensory experiences in the world. infant comes into the world knowing nothing. the infant then acquires all of his or
her knowledge through sensory experiences in the world.
3) the manipulations in milgrams studies that decreased obedience all involved:
a.increased personal responsibility
b.lesser consequences for disobeying
c.added choice about following instructions
d.greater purported risks to the learners
4) in attempting to teach sign language to nonhuman primates, researchers have
a.chomskys view that spoken language, as currently defined, is a uniquely human
b.that if the medium of communication is adjusted to the primates capabilities,
something very much like language can be demonstrated
c.that nonhuman primates lack any sense of causation or the ability to reliably name
d.vygotskys notion that humans are not unique in regard to languagelike abilities
5) the term embryo describes the stage of development from:
a.conception to approximately 2 weeks after conception
b.approximately 2 weeks after conception to approximately 2 months
c.approximately 2 months to birth
d.during the last trimester
6) dr. zakaria, a young faculty member at xyz university, is interested in how personal
characteristics such as hopefulness, trustworthiness, and kindness affect self-perceived
happiness. dr. zakaria is most likely a:
a.cognitive psychologist
b.positive psychologist
d.humanistic psychologist
7) sierra, an 8-year-old, is primarily interested in developing friendships with girls her
own age. in the next phase of her psychosexual development, what will become her
primary interest, according to freud?
a.pleasing authority figures, such as teachers
b.sexual interest in boys
c.finding one or more role models in her group of female peers
d.overcoming the oedipal relationship with her father
8) a woman is sitting on a bench. she is sweating profusely, is short of breath, has
numbness in her feet and hands, and feels as though she is dying. the woman is likely
suffering from:
a.generalized anxiety disorder
b.a panic attack
c.a panic disorder
d.obsessive-compulsive disorder
9) the threat of military combat, adjustment to a new marriage, and thinking about an
upcoming exam are all examples of:
b.chronic stress
c.daily hassles
10) sally used to live in a small town in iowa, but she moved to new york city about 10
years ago. when she sends holiday cards to her friends in iowa, she has trouble
remembering their zip codes and can think of only ones in new york. this phenomenon
is most likely due to:
a.retroactive interference
b.retrograde amnesia
c.proactive interference
d.anterograde amnesia
11) freud arranged his therapy room so that his patient could not see him. in his view,
this physical arrangement:
a.allowed him to focus on his own feelings
b.increased the sense of mystery experienced by his patient
c.caused the patient to feel more vulnerable and thus to express his or her sickness more
d.reduced inhibitions the patient might feel about revealing unconscious thoughts and
12) according to expected utility theory, we select among our alternatives based on the
one that has the highest value, or:
13) in order for pavlovian learning to occur, what must the conditioned stimulus have
been paired with?
page-pf4 unconditioned response
b.a conditioned response unconditioned stimulus
d.a consequence
14) in front of chris, tasha pours the same amount of water into a short, fat glass and a
tall, thin glass. she then asks chris which glass has more water. if chris is at the
preoperational stage, he is likely to answer:
1. the tall, thin glass
2. the short, fat glass
3. neither glass
4. that he does not understand what more means
15) in front of chris, tasha pours the same amount of water into a short, fat glass and a
tall, thin glass. she then asks chris which glass has more water. if chris is at the concrete
operational stage, he is likely to answer:
1. the tall, thin glass
2. the short, fat glass
3. neither glass
4. that he does not understand what more means

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