PSYC 869

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2297
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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1) angies parents encourage her to express her thoughts, feelings, and desires. they
make reasonable demands for her maturity and consistently enforce and explain them.
angies parents have a(n) ___________ style of child rearing.
2) baby ashley picks up her ball and says, ball! ashleys father responds with a big smile
and an enthusiastic, thats right! ball! in return, ashley laughs. when ashley is tired and
crying, her father picks her up, rubs her back, and sings softly to her. ashley and her
father are engaged in
a)attachment in the making.
b)social referencing.
c)goodness of fit.
d)interactional synchrony.
3) which of the following is true about fatherstepmother families?
a)boys, especially, have a hard time getting along with their stepmothers.
b)the longer children live in fatherstepmother households, the more negative the
interaction with them becomes.
c)when fathers have custody, children typically react negatively to remarriage.
d)remarriage of noncustodial fathers usually leads to increased contact with their
biological children.
4) by age ____, the sexual difference in the growth trend reverses.
5) if opal is a gender-schematic child, she
a)seldom views the world in gender-linked terms.
b)applies a gender-salience filter to her experiences.
c)will play with gender-inappropriate toys.
d)will play with a toy she likes, whether or not girls typically play with it.
6) after age 8, girls begin _________ at a faster rate than boys.
a)accumulating fat
b)adding muscle
c)pruning synapses
d)upper body growth
7) during the second trimester,
a)convolutions appear on the surface of the brain.
b)the fetus takes on the beginnings of a personality.
c)lanugo appears over the entire body.
d)the fetus can distinguish the tone and rhythm of different voices.
8) mastery-oriented children focus on ________ goals, while learned-helpless children
focus on ________ goals.
a)fixed; incremental
b)incremental; learning
c)learning; performance
d)performance; fixed
9) johnson county officials are considering four options to help late-onset adolescent
delinquents. based upon research findings, which proposal would you recommend?
a)proposal 1: implement longer prison terms for repeat offenders.
b)proposal 2: eliminate juvenile court and prosecute teenagers in adult court.
c)proposal 3: hold parents of delinquent youths legally accountable for their childrens
d)proposal 4: help young people to find satisfying jobs.
10) in developing countries, rates of obesity are
a)increasing rapidly.
c)decreasing slowly.
d)decreasing rapidly.
11) brocas area
a)supports language production.
b)supports grammatical processing.
c)is mainly responsible for language comprehension.
d)is located in the left temporal lobe.
12) mental tests focus on
a)the process of development.
b)cognitive delays.
c)how childrens thinking changes.
d)cognitive products.
13) one strategy that has been quite effective in preventing child abuse is to
a)teach child development in the regular high school curriculum.
b)provide home visitation with a cognitive problem-solving component.
c)arrest child abusers and make sure they serve long sentences.
d)remove children from abusive home.
14) ________ declines in middle childhood.
a)moral understanding
b)social-conventional understanding
d)childrens understanding of god
15) the first stage of labor
a)is the shortest.
b)involves delivery of the baby.
c)climaxes with a brief phase called transition.
d)involves birth of the placenta.
16) infants born to teenagers have a higher rate of problems because
a)teenagers reproductive organs are not yet mature enough to support a pregnancy.
b)teenagers are not yet physically ready to give birth.
c)many pregnant teenagers do not receive adequate prenatal care.
d)teenagers are exposed to more teratogens than other pregnant mothers.
17) which of the following statements about multigrade classrooms is true?
a)self-esteem and attitudes toward school are usually more positive.
b)there are no differences in academic performance between same-age and multigrade
c)multigrade groupings seem to increase student competition.
d)pupils get more drill on basic facts and skills, a slower learning pace, and less time on
academic work.
18) explain why students from ethnic minority backgrounds face difficulties in
developing an identity, and give suggestions on how to help minority adolescents
resolve identity conflicts constructively.
summarize factors that account for the dramatic rise in fraternal twinning and other
multiple births in industrialized nations over the past several decades.
20) describe several strategies that couples can use to ease the transition to parenthood.
list and describe the steps that prospective parents can take before conception to increase
their chances of having a healthy baby.
22) describe some common forms of inadequate nutrition in the united states.
23) tija has noticed that her adolescent daughter is very self-conscious. explain why this
is so, and be sure to use the terms imaginary audience and personal fable in your
24) describe the features of friendship in middle childhood.

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