PSYC 802 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 820
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) according to gate control theory, pain: overwhelmingly biological mainly psychological largely immune to cultural influences
d.reflects an interaction among biological, psychological, and cultural influences
2) which of the following sequences best reflects the order of events in a typical
experimental session?
a.experiment informed consent debriefing
b.debriefing informed consent experiment
c.informed consent debriefing experiment
d.informed consent experiment debriefing
3) which of the following is the best definition of psychological science?
a.the study of the brain and its inner function
b.the study of the mind and how it processes thoughts, social interactions, and emotions
c.the study of the mind, brain, and behavior
d.the study of the mind, the psyche, and behavior
4) hypnosis, meditation, and drug use allow an individual to:
a.escape the self
b.achieve flow
c.alter consciousness
d.both a and c
5) an active and conscious effort to change an attitude through transmission of a
message is referred to as:
page-pf2 norms
6) psychologists would label a disposition to act in a certain way over time and various
situations a(n):
a.unconscious process
b.genetic disposition
c.personality trait
d.normative behavior
7) yelizaveta is talking to one of the caterers setting up for her sisters wedding. while
yelizaveta is answering her cell phone, a different member of the catering staff takes
over. when yelizaveta turns back to the conversation, she completely fails to notice that
she is now talking to a different person. yelizaveta is experiencing:
a.divided attention
b.change blindness
c.selective attention
d.serial processing
8) dreams occurring during rem sleep are _____; dreams occurring during non-rem
sleep are _____.
a.dull and mundane; bizarre and highly emotional
b.bizarre and highly emotional; dull and mundane
c.likely to include visual hallucinations and illogical content; likely to include auditory
d.likely to include auditory hallucinations and loss of time and space; likely to include
visual hallucinations and illogical content
9) to study the influence of a single gene on behavior, researchers can render a mouse
gene inactive or they can disrupt it. these are called _____ mice.
10) in the current understanding of psychological disorders, _____ is thought to be a
normal response to stress, but is problematic when it is _____.
a.a depressed mood; severe
b.a social phobia; experienced outside of american culture
c.anxiety; experienced excessively in the absence of a true threat
d.depression; experienced at least once a week
11) this area of psychology studies how shared ideas and behaviors are passed from one
generation to the next:
d.none of the above
12) what distinguishes dysthymia from major depression?
a.there is a difference in the intensity of the symptoms.
b.the former is short in duration, whereas the latter can last for years.
c.dysthymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder.
d.they are unrelated disorders.
13) people who are very mathematical are often also very musical. for which theory of
intelligence is this a problematic finding?
d.both a and c
14) according to the nature/nurture debate, nature states that individual psychological
characteristics are a result of:
b.biological influences
15) jenna plans to be an engineer. however, she loves to dance and makes time in her
life to take dance classes, even if it means that she must skip a meal or get too little
sleep. jennas behavior is easily explained by _____ theory, but is difficult to explain
with _____ theory.
a.cannons; freuds
b.freuds; hulls
c.cannons; hulls
d.maslows; cannons
16) your therapist suggests that when you go to college, you keep a diary and record
events and your emotional reactions to them. she says that this will help keep you
physically healthy. is this a good suggestion?
a.yes; it has been shown to improve immune functioning and reduce frequency of
illness.; it will cause you to ruminate about your troubles and not deal with them.; it will serve as a constant reminder of the difficulties you are facing.
d.yes; but only in the short termthere will be no long-term benefits.

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