PSYC 775

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 766
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) gaba is to glutamate as _____ is to _____.
a.control; out of control
b.inhibit; excite
c.arouse; paralyze
d.awake; asleep
2) which of the following is true regarding unconscious decision making?
a.research has shown that unconscious thought conditions result in the best decisions
regarding complex choices.
b.research has shown that conscious thought conditions result in the best decisions
regarding complex choices.
c.research suggests that thinking about something for a long time results in better
decision making than making a quick decision.
d.research suggests that people are unable to make wise unconscious decisions.
3) harold has been unemployed for many years and is constantly struggling to pay his
bills. the stress harold is experiencing is an example of:
c.chronic stress
d.acute stress
4) if you were a professor, how would you best get your students to study regularly? requesting politely that they study making the midterm difficult giving pop quizzes providing a detailed syllabus
5) when a ballerina pirouettes, images of the room move rapidly across her retina. she
does not perceive the room as spinning wildly around her while she dances because:
a.she has learned to disregard the retinal motion
b.she is moving too rapidly for the brain to register the changing images
c.the circular movement keeps the firing rates of all motion detectors even
d.her brain adjusts perceived movement for actual head movement
6) which cultural group is most likely to focus on single elements of the foreground in
an image rather than on the entire image?
a.eastern cultures
b.western cultures
c.both western and eastern cultures
d.neither western nor eastern cultures
7) sensitive areas, such as the face, have larger areas of the primary somatosensory
cortex devoted to them. one reason that this might be the case is that greater sensitivity
results from:
a.cortical cells with larger receptive fields
b.larger and more complex neural networks
c.receiving information from more sensory receptors
d.receiving multiple copies of the same sensory information
8) this type of dissociative disorder is characterized by the occurrence of two or more
distinct identities in an individual:
a.dissociative amnesia
b.dissociative fugue
c.dissociative identity disorder
d.none of the above
9) which of the following structures is most likely to control basic survival functions?
10) setting dates exactly one month apart for exams is an example of testing on a:
a.variable interval
b.variable ratio
c.random assignment
d.fixed interval
11) personality disorders are classified along with _____ in the diagnostic and statistical
manual because they _____.
a.mood disorders; involve extreme moods
b.anxiety disorders; involve fear in relationships
c.multiple personality disorder; involve dysfunction in personality expression
d.mental retardation; are typically long lasting
12) if we assess the available evidence to try to determine when dinosaurs roamed the
earth, we are engaging in:
b.decision making
c.problem solving
13) what observation by pavlov led to the development of classical conditioning as a
model of learning?
a.dogs showed reflexes highly similar to people.
b.dogs had to be conditioned to salivate.
c.dogs salivated in anticipation of the food.
d.dogs salivated after receiving the reward of the food.
14) their 5-year-old nephew asks hallel and hamdi what an aardvark looks like. hallel
finds a picture in a childrens book about animals and shows it to him. hamdi finds a
description in the encyclopedia and uses it to describe an aardvark. hallels approach is
similar to using a(n) _____; hamdis approach is similar to using a(n) _____.
a.analogical representation; representation based on attributes
b.analogical representation; analogical representation
c.representation based on attributes; analogical representation
d.representation based on attributes; representation based on attributes
15) in pavlovs experiments, what was the conditioned response?
a.salivation to the food
b.salivation to the metronome
c.the food
d.the sound of the metronome

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