PSYC 735 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 927
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) A student reads the statement, To be or not to be, that is the quastion, and fails to
notice the typographical error in the word question. This proofreading error can best be
explained by considering the role of _________ in long-term memory storage.
2) Three of the following statements reflect contemporary views of Piagets stages.
Which statement is not accurate?
a.The stages better reflect how children can think under optimal circumstances rather
than how they typically do think in day-to-day situations.
b.Acquisition of stage-related characteristics (or not) seems to depend to some degree
on the culture in which a child grows up.
c.Most formal operational capabilities emerge 23 years earlier than Piaget suggested.
d.Cognitive development can be better characterized as gradual trends than as four
distinct stages.
3) A physics teacher wants her students to work on several difficult physics problems
that involve calculating velocity, acceleration, or time using the formula v = a t. The
teacher first has her students work on a few easy problems involving the formula. She
then presents the more difficult problems; when she does so, she finds that her students
are reasonably persistent in working at the problems, and most of them eventually solve
the problems correctly. By using the easy problems to promote persistence in her
students during the more difficult ones, the teacher is, in behaviorist terminology, using
the concept of:
b.behavioral momentum
c.a DRL schedule
d.a DRH schedule
4) Three of the following behaviors reflect the need for relatedness. Which one does
a.As she studies for a physics exam, Christianne tries to think how she might apply
physics in her own life.
b.Ashleigh and Diane pass notes back and forth during their math class.
c.Ted likes working with children and especially enjoys his volunteer activities with the
Special Olympics.
d.Mike takes up smoking because he thinks it will make him look cool.
5) Nicole learns the formula E = mc2 by repeating it to herself over and over again.
Which one of the following processes is Nicole most clearly demonstrating?
b.meaningful learning
d.internal organization
6) Which one of the following statements best illustrates a neo-Piagetian approach to
cognitive development?
a.As children grow older, their increasing working memory capacity enables them to
think in qualitatively more sophisticated ways about particular content domains.
b.Childrens progression through various stages of cognitive development is almost
entirely the result of environmental experiences; brain maturation has little to do with
their advancements in thinking.
c.Childrens progression through various stages of cognitive development is almost
entirely the result of brain maturation; environmental experiences have little to do with
their advancements in thinking.
d.Childrens acquisition of various cognitive abilities occurs in a gradual, trendlike
manner rather than in discrete stages.
7) From Piagets perspective, why might it be wise to postpone the teaching of complex
fractions until middle school or high school?
a.Younger students havent attained conservation.
*bYounger students havent acquired proportional reasoning.
cYounger students cant learn complex equations.
d.Younger students dont know their math facts well enough.
8) Three of the following teachers are following recommended practices for teaching
concepts. Which one is not?
a.Mr. Adams teaches the concept fruit by showing examples of many different fruits
and many different nonfruits.
b.Mr. Benito teaches the concept reptile by focusing his students attention on pictures of
dinosaursanimals that the students especially enjoy studying.
c.Mr. Carlson teaches the concept vertebrate by giving a definition of the concept.
d.After a lesson on the concept carbohydrate, Mr. Danielson asks his students to give
their own examples of the concept.
9) Which one of the following best illustrates the use of a concept map?
a.Mr. Alexander puts the words force, gravity, velocity, acceleration, and time on the
chalkboard; she then draws lines between pairs of related words and describes the
b.Ms. Blanchard draws a chart listing the sequence of events leading up to World War II
in chronological order.
c.Mr. Calvin draws a chart showing the hierarchy that biologists use to classify animals;
his chart includes vertebrates, invertebrates, mammals, fish, birds, mollusks,
crustaceans, and so on.
d.Ms. Dubroski lists the characteristics of the canine family in biology.
10) Michael is in a serious motorcycle accident and loses consciousness for several
hours. When he wakes up in the hospital emergency room, he doesnt remember being in
the accident. In fact, he doesnt even remember the events that led up to the accident.
Which one of the following alternatives is the most likely explanation for Michaels
memory loss?
a.Visual encoding is typically a slow, effortful process.
b.Procedural knowledge is acquired more slowly than declarative knowledge.
c.Loud noises (e.g., screeching brakes) can essentially erase new information.
d.New information often needs time to consolidate in memory.
11) When people begin to record their own behavior, the frequency of that behavior:
a.Always goes up
b.Always goes down
c.May go either up or down
d.Typically remains unchanged unless self-reinforcement also occurs

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