PSYC 670 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1447
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Which one of the following statements best reflects the concept of collective
a.Over time, learners develop a general sense of self-efficacy that influences their
performance in a wide variety of content domains.
b.As learners get older, their self-confidence about performing certain tasks becomes
fairly stable and so is less influenced by any single success or failure experience.
c.Learners may have greater confidence about accomplishing a task when they work
with others rather than alone.
d.Some learners have greater self-confidence when they have technological resources
(spreadsheet software, access to the Internet, etc.) to help them in their efforts.
2) Three of the following are characteristics of self-regulated learning. Which one is not
necessarily a characteristic associated with self-regulated learning?
a.Trying to focus ones attention on the task at hand
b.Figuring out how best to use the time one has to accomplish a particular learning task
c.Wanting to learn something even though there is no external reward for learning it
d.Working hard to achieve the instructional objectives the teacher has described
3) Ms. McDevitts class has learned how to calculate the area of a rectangle. Ms.
McDevitt then asks Teresa how to calculate the area of a square. Which one of the
following alternatives best describes the Gestalt perspective of how Teresa would solve
this problem?
a.She would engage in trial and error behavior, attempting one solution after another,
until she eventually solved the problem.
b.She would solve the problem on her own only after watching the teacher solve the
c.She would think about the problem for a while and, once she realized that a square
was a kind of rectangle, be able to solve the problem.
d.Through a process of shaping, with her teacher reinforcing her for appropriate
responses, she would eventually solve the problem.
4) In which one of the following examples is metacognition most clearly illustrated?
a.Mary knows all the letters of the alphabet before she begins kindergarten.
b.Fran knows how much of a book she is likely to remember a month later.
c.Billy can read fourth-grade-level books when hes only 6 years old.
d.Ewan has a photographic memory that enables him to remember everything he sees.
5) Which one of the following is the best example of a flashbulb memory?
a.Remembering exactly what you were doing when you heard very upsetting news
b.Retrieving a detailed visual image of how a parent or sibling looks
c.Recalling a dream and erroneously thinking that it actually happened to you
d.Vividly remembering an event that never happened, not even in your dreams
6) Ms. Smythe keeps Eric after school whenever he swears in class. Even though Eric
has been kept after school each day for the past three weeks, his swearing has increased
rather than decreased. Given what we know about the effects of punishment on
behavior, Ms. Smythe should probably conclude that:
a.Her punishment is only temporarily suppressing Erics swearing.
b.The punishment is too severe.
c.Erics swearing will decrease eventually.
d.Staying after school is not a punishment for Eric.
7) Intentional learning, as described in the textbook, would be most important for which
one of the following learning tasks?
a.Revising previously inaccurate understandings of scientific phenomena
b.Learning how to spell words that violate common English letter-sound relationships
(e.g., the term hors doeuvre)
c.Learning that performance on classroom tests is usually better if one studies a little bit
every night rather than cramming at the last minute
d.Learning how to ask grammatically correct questions in the English language
8) If we consider the concept of reciprocal causation, we must conclude that students
experiences in the classroom are influenced:
a.Primarily by what teachers do in the classroom
b.Primarily by how students think about classroom material
c.Both by classroom events and by what students themselves do
d.Largely by things that have happened to students in the past
9) Three of the four teachers below are likely to facilitate her students ability to solve
problems in the classroom. Which teacher is least likely to do so?
a.Ms. Axelrod wants her students to have an in-depth understanding of classroom
subject matter.
b.Ms. Blakely explains to her students that algorithms are almost always better than
heuristics for solving problems.
c.Ms. Corning often assigns a series of word problems that differ in terms of the
specific mathematical operations (e.g., addition, subtraction) needed for problem
d.After her students read a chapter about the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War
II, Ms. Darwin asks them to identify potential problems that the attack created for the
United States government.
10) When learning a new concept, people are most likely to be confused when:
a.Correlational features are more salient than defining features.
b.Defining features are more salient than correlational features.
c.There are too many negative instances.
d.There are very few positive instances.
11) Tolman was interested in examining the role of expectations in behavior. Which one
of the following statements most accurately describes the method he used to study
a.He never reinforced any given response in the same way twice.
b.He reinforced a response the same way for several trials, then abruptly changed the
type or amount of reinforcement.
c.He asked subjects what they were expecting a particular response to accomplish.
d.He gave his subjects a lengthy survey that included two or three questions concerning
their expectations about the experiment.
12) William is shopping at a convenience store when a man rushes in, shoots the store
clerk in the arm, hurriedly cleans out the cash register, and then speeds away in a
pickup truck. Later, a detective asks William to describe the woman who was waiting
for the thief in the truck. The fact is, William didnt see a woman in the truck, but after
the detective urges him to think hard and try to remember her, he begins to recall seeing
a blonde woman sitting in the passenger side of the truck. This situation illustrates:
a.the misinformation effect associative retrieval cue
c.spreading activation
d.encoding specificity
13) Jacob is suffering from a mild case of flu and, as a result, is feeling a bit nauseous.
He decides that he needs to eat something to keep up his strength, so he gets out of bed,
puts on a heavy sweater to keep himself warm, heats up a bowl of leftover chili, and
settles down in an easy chair to watch a television game show while he eats. A few days
later, after Jacob has recovered from the flu, one of the stimuli in the situation just
described elicits a feeling of nausea. With the phenomenon of associative bias in mind,
choose the stimulus that is most likely to elicit nausea.
a.The sweater
b.The chili
c.The easy chair
d.The television game show
14) Which one of the following is the best example of enactment as a facilitator of
long-term memory storage?
a.Aidan enunciates his French vocabulary words slowly and carefully.
b.Bill pronounces his French vocabulary words is an exaggerated fashion, to the point
that he even pronounces letters that are usually silent.
c.As he hears someone describe how to bake a souffl, Craig closes his eyes and tries to
visualize each step in his mind.
d.Donald traces the letters of the alphabet to help him remember what each one looks
15) Roxanne and her teammates consistently lose basketball games by a very close
margin. Roxanne believes that their losses are always due to bad calls by the referees.
With this information and the typical nature of students attributions in mind, identify
the statement below that is most likely to be an accurate description of Roxanne?
a.She feels guilty about not practicing harder.
b.She feels resentment toward the referees.
c.She has decreasing self-confidence about her ability to play basketball.
d.She intends to ask her coach for suggestions about how to improve her game.

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