PSYC 61801

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1486
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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According to Leibniz, there is nothing in the mind that is not first in the senses except
A. mathematical knowledge
B. the mind itself
C. what God has revealed
D. the knowledge of moral principles
Plato's theory of forms is best represented by the statement: The cats that we see are:
A. superior copies of an abstract incomplete form of "catness"
B. inferior copies of an abstract pure idea of "catness"
C. manifestations of our sensory processes but in actuality we cannot know if they exist
D. concrete forms born of our sensory processes, proving their existence
According to proponents of weak artificial intelligence, (AI) computer programs:
A. can only simulate human cognitive abilities
B. can duplicate human cognitive abilities
C. should be based on relevant information and rules of organization
D. use self-correcting programs that are not relevant to human cognition
Because Gorgias believed that there is no objective way of establishing truth, he was a:
A. solipsist
B. Socratic
C. nihilist
D. reductionist
NETtalk exemplifies the type of neural network that utilizes:
A. Hebb's rule
B. back-propagation
C. good old-fashioned artificial intelligence (GOFAI)
D. the sequential processing of information
Which of the following best describes Hall's views on co-education?
A. He believed that coeducation would increase the achievement of both females and
B. He believed that coeducation was a sign of social progress.
C. He believed that coeducation could interfere with later sexual functioning.
D. He believed that females would benefit from it but males would not.
Science has two major components:
a. empirical observation and law
b. empirical observation and theory
c. rationalism and empiricism
d. correlational laws and causal laws
Bain felt that the law of ____ accounted for the creativity that characterizes poets,
artists and inventors.
A. similarity
B. constructive association
C. compound association
D. mental chemistry
The belief that human behavior is determined but the causes of behavior cannot be
accurately measured is called:
a. nondeterminism
b. uncertainty principle
c. soft determinism
d. hard determinism
In their explanation of apparent movement, Wundt and Helmholtz emphasized ____,
though their descriptions were different.
A. learning
B. genetics
C. innate ideas
D. psychophysical isomorphism
When changes in one variable are usually accompanied by changes in the same
direction in another variable, the variables are said to be:
A. correlated
B. causally related
C. regressing toward the mean
D. genetically determined
The main influence of evolutionary theory upon psychology came through:
A. radical behaviorism
B. sociobiology
C. cognitive science
D. research on instinctual drift
Titchener formed "The Experimentalists" because:
A. he believed the APA was too friendly towards applied topics
B. the APA disagreed with him on what should be included in experimental psychology
C. the APA wanted to grant membership to women
D. he could not gather enough votes to become the APA president
According to Popper, what distinguishes a scientific theory from a nonscientific theory?
a. clarity
b. the use of mathematical symbols
c. the principle of falsifiability
d. the assumption of determinism
According to Aristotle, we perceive environmental objects because:
A. tiny copies of them enter the pores of the body
B. their movement influences a medium, which in turn stimulates one or more of the
five senses
C. their eidola go through one or more of the five senses and then to the heart
D. their eidola go through one or more of the five sense and then to the brain
What is the approach to studying the history of psychology that involves showing how
various individuals or events contributed to changes in an idea throughout the years?
a. great-person approach
b. Zeitgeist
c. historical development approach
d. historicism
Which of the following did Galton conclude based on his word association test?
A. Responses can illuminate aspects of the mind that are not revealed by other methods.
B. Responses tend to be closely related to the setting in which the test is given.
C. Responses are so variable within a single individual as to make the test worthless.
D. Responses are closely related to intelligence, so word association tests can be used to
test intelligence.
The statement, "Man is born free and yet we see him everywhere in chains" is
associated with:
A. Hume
B. Locke
C. Goethe
D. Rousseau
Schopenhauer believed that life is best viewed as:
A. an opportunity to become self-actualized
B. the postponement of death
C. an opportunity to do God's work
D. something that only truly begins after death
The type of behavior studied by McDougall differed from that studied by Pavlov and
Watson in that it was:
A. reflexive
B. implicit
C. purposive
D. overt
If, after conditioning has taken place, a series of trials is presented in which the
conditioned stimulus (CS) is presented but is not followed by the unconditioned
stimulus (US), ____ will occur.
A. spontaneous recovery
B. extinction
C. experimental neurosis
D. disinhibition
For Skinner, "mental events" are:
A. certain bodily processes to which we have assigned verbal labels
B. important determinants of behavior
C. nonphysical entities
D. modified by reinforcement contingencies just like physical events were
Bain's explanation of voluntary behavior combined:
A. empiricism and rationalism
B. free will and determinism
C. constructive and compound associations
D. spontaneous activity and hedonism
Whose name is correctly associated with the theory of cognitive dissonance?
A. Jerome Bruner
B. George Miller
C. Howard Kendler
D. Leon Festinger
According to Bacon, science should utilize:
A. bold theories
B. hypotheses
C. mathematical analyses
D. only the direct observation of nature
The part of the cortex known as Wernicke's area is associated with:
A. speech comprehension
B. visual analysis
C. speech articulation
D. motor movement differentiation
Terman believed that those with low intelligence:
A. could not be moral people
B. should have help from the government
C. should receive special help in school
D. did not need any special help because intelligence is not that important
Binet conducted his first studies of intelligence on:
A. identical twins
B. normal children
C. children with intellectual disabilities
D. his daughters
Broca is best known for:
A. studying the brains of lower animals to learn about human brains
B. equating cortical size with intelligence
C. discovering a brain area responsible for a specific disorder
D. suggesting the cortex functioned as a whole
Viewing all of nature as though it were alive is called:
A. anthropomorphism
B. animism
C. primitivism
D. mysticism
Most existentialists accept Nietzsche's proclamation:
A. truth is subjectivity
B. an unexamined life is not worth living
C. to be is to be perceived
D. what does not kill me, makes me stronger
What did McDougall include in his definition of psychology that Watson did not?
A. The study of human behavior
B. The study of animal behavior
C. The study of human consciousness
D. The study of neurological systems
Concerning Kant's proposed categories of thought, Helmholtz demonstrated that:
A. they are innate as Kant suggested
B. some are innate, but most are learned from experience
C. they are all derived from experience
D. the only one that is innate concerns the axioms of geometry
Who, among the following, is most associated with naive realism?
A. Hume
B. Reid
C. FitzRoy
D. Locke
Copernicus argued that:
A. there are many life-supporting solar systems in the universe
B. the sun revolves around the earth
C. the earth revolves around the sun (heliocentric theory)
D. neither the geocentric theory nor the heliocentric theory were true

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